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Sep 2023 · 244
once upon a time
i value
as the source of our knowledge
and take their
with a pinch of salt
knowing for full sure and certain
HE is real
for knowledge
where else would one go?
but to the ONE who KNOW
in this beautiful garden
valley of tears

energising inanimate objects in which i type with mud and water on mud on water
flowering out of this mud
farmed to eat the mulberry bush
for the secret i on
if only they knew they would not do they things they do
pharma key ah!
Apr 2023 · 334
i just want to say
i Pray all terrorists go away
my granddad told me the worst cowards
preyed on the innocent and defenceless
but then GOD wants me to be brave
He wants me to love my enemies
He wants me to rebuke their behaviours
Please consider your merciless and cruel behaviours rebuked
I am trying to understand you so I can love you
trying to understand how you got there
to the despair where you just don't care?
prove me wrong
Love is the Highest intelligience
and those who have it , should lead the way.
I'm not talking about people pleasing Love
Good Old Fashioned Love
Our Divine Parents know, when to take our rattle away, when its not doing us any good.
Thankyou for all who held a candle up, when mine had gone out.
Thank you for the Amazon, thank you Mestre Irineu, thank you for that moment when I heard a chord played on a Brazilian guitar that vibrated with a love that makes matter form...
Feb 2023 · 293
that they did that to a child
with a hedge blocked off
the exit
cold dark now
calling, until tiny gave up
a fox showed  the way through
those impossible high, impossibly thick hedges?
to fall asleep in the arms of
Old Mother and Old Father
who covered her with their big coats
they were like good Presidents
when she asked where they came from
they showed her the golden highway
she had never seen before
how did it reach like so into the sky?
they told her  how she was a child of Israel
cold and hungry
they gave her manna
tasted like bread and honey
so sweet it made her sleep
there the gardener found her
blue with the cold, shivering and feverish
he revived her among the cinders
in blankets he lovingly tended her
with warm milk
the doctor came
the baron called
he stroked his pointed beard
while they talked gravely
send her home
she never saw that gardener again
Old Mother and Old Father sent him
when all the wrongs get put right by GOD
as I forgive all wrongs too
Feb 2023 · 304
Golden throne
His thought, His Words, His Life, His All,
Lifting us gently from core
with invisible chords
to guide ,
Our thoughts, Words,  Deeds,
intentions go up,
each beauty witnessed,
He fills us
with alchemical gold
our cup.
Good thoughts, Good Words, Good intentions,
Good deeds ,
goes without saying disbelief suspended,
silencing the two thieves either side,  doubt and fear, who appear when He is here
ignore their divisive whispers in your ear,
tell them 'their is no evil in God'
He steps in, with you uncovering a treasure house
a golden rose
previoulsy unknown,
Realising what is this Golden throne,
Each action has purpose,
wisdom imbued energy,
built, in a lifetime of steps,
polished with love, forgiveness, truth,
When he plugs into that socket,
thundering wind, vibrating sound,
fountain of liquid gold astounds,
no longer flesh, or bones,
a sensation better than when two human bodies meet
reality more cosmic than fiction,
rising rapid through my golden crown,
fast forward through time and space,
rocket of love. soars to highest place,
hover in stillness in front of Heavens face.
My Dad speaks soft, His voice so quiet,
showing each thought an act of creation,
volcano, waterfall, leaf, star,  forest of trees,
birds, aligators, bees
there is nothing He did not create,
I look in my art box, for any materials that can create what
He creates,
I cannot compare, even in drawings I fail,
my words I feel too inadequate to express
your Omipotent Immense Genius Creator best
humbled by His presence ,head bending down,
realised  in the inner arm of a triple armed spiral,
back of my head stuck to a star,
maybe because I don't even try to believe close to that level
Feb 2023 · 368
thank ugly
thanks to youse
i got there even though
landing on earth
has made me cry amazons since
at least I know
somewhere in a still place
GOD speaks softly
asking me
in HIS gentle voice
what it is I need
women always want babies
Feb 2023 · 241
special branch
when i used a broken heineken bottle inside her
after holding a state issued gun to her head
know that she 'was asking for it'
it was obvious her no meant yes
it didn't matter how loud she screamed
when I drowned her head under the water in the bath
she was going to learn
that policemen are always on the right side of the law
Ireland is Hell for whistleblowers
my house keeps getting broken into
by his colleagues
Jan 2023 · 177
Why did we stop here?
How did I get here?
I always rebuked slavery....
no I didn't earn any money for my flesh
the ones who set me up and pushed me here
I never saw any of the movies I never consented to
when I was spiked with delirants
and pushed into a room
with a bunch of misogynists
the only reason i performed
my superconscious mind remembered what you did last time
when i was 4 or 5 or 6 years old
how could the slapped child articulate that
now can you give it arr rest ?
none of my friends were friends
they were Rachel cHandlers
the middle classes don't care with their stuck up noses in the air
Jan 2023 · 172
Blue Lights
Cop: hey do you want to meet up for a coffee, go for a walk and talk about the plague?
scarred: letsNOT.....
scarred should have said, no why don't you present yoself to the Cops, as a person of interest
known to me
you tick on a *****
#inspired by Lady C
met a man who wasn't there, everytime I got sexually abused , then subsequently horrendous non consenual videos of the spiked me were shared online to millions upon billions.  IsThatHowYouTreatAllegedlyMentalIll? Is that how you treat a Mother who just gave birth? Is that how you treat the ones who received Jesus Christ?
Dec 2022 · 393
God Super Spy
thanks for having
and an all seeing Eye
thanks for receiving our Thoughts each day
thanks for witnessing my plight
from beginning to today
I love you GOD
you are my BFF
we reap what we sow
they will receive their medicines back
I know that your LOVE
I never LACK
letters in the post
name each ****** especially those who deserve the most
Dec 2022 · 494
God gave so many ops
but still they mock
and scoff
clinging to materials that are vapour
when you ask HIS forgiveness
He will tell YOU
HE was in ME
when you did those things to ME
you did it to GOD
how you treated the LEAST
is HOW you will be judged
even now they bar you from healing
the feds who ***** you
outlawed the sacred plant Santa MARIa
they rebuked the TORAH GOD the GOD of equity gave all the plants to us
true story
GOD the GOD of EQUITY banned PHARMAKEIA it is prohibited
But BILL GATES does not care about what GOD thinks
Oct 2022 · 167
for me everything is about love
not love earthly
star love
planetary love
big bold  beautiful love
dangerous love
for awhile i forgot about that
got pinned down
thinking your trespasses were mine
kept me boundlessly bound
meandering around
in the unfound
realizing want is supposed to mean,
not get,
i keep asking,
someday the One I ask ,
arriving with his banner
faithful and true
to that mount where I belong
Sigh on!
I forgive all you all, really I do
if you had the courage
you would realise this too
blindly , was hope a thing then?
inspiration, faith , or reason?
That thick dense canopy
filtering out
illuminating warmth of the inexhaustible,
unextinguishable light.
Where even truth stumbled among debris
fallen , careless, strewn and broken branches,
an age old path buried beneath,
poisonous weeds, rising untrained from dank, soiled bases.
on the ground
in the radioactive puddles
I found
starlight in decay
in frenetic play
holding on tight
with all it's might
let go of the fight
he can find you in no light
everything is gonna be alright
stars shining
earth spinning
wheels turning
Oct 2022 · 192
Risen Word
there is no other
I found my love
my destiny and goal for my soul
i guess they don't know what they are doing
and the answer his son would put forth is forgive them
they don't know what they are doing because they lack faith
how to break the deadlock?
what God speaks is True
Oct 2022 · 179
a full pink hunter moon
finest energy
has golden sparks of dancing light
sparkling in what seems to be empty space
scent of rose
tells me
lies don't matter
who do the liars confuse?
ultimately they burden themselves
they damaged me
but those wounds are surface
I show that surface
what is inside
is made of
cannot be bought or sold
though it does exit the bag of bones I inhabit
when I leave
call it
my key to the kingdom
I thought the women foolish, sad their husbands and musicians made them look so uninformed and petty minded.
One question if nothing happened
why was the 'mental mary' pushed back before she spoke up?
the knots guilty were knot aware of an incident that they gossipped about for years, suddenly its a figment of her imagination
knot bothered,
again, who are they trying to convince?
i don't know why I cry
I'm not concerned about me,
I'm concerned about your lack of concern for yourselves, your family,  for lack of knowledge of the Divine , for truth, justice and how far you have all fallen from that.
I'm crying for all my fallen hereos
I thought the women let themselves down because they looked petty to some, I know they were lied too, so I feel sorry for them, that the men made them look like fools. I feel sorry for humanity and how men behave in the culture of violence that surrounded them from birth, but I rebuke also their unsound behaviours their deceits and lies, their violence 'in the open' . They must know deep down how weak a man is, when he treats a female like that. How weak for a group of men, shows how
Sep 2022 · 3.2k
Will to heal
the plants I use for trauma
are **** and aya
but the feds who are not aware of God who values Equity
think their 'views' are superior to the Torah
the Tanakh, The Old Testament and the Good Book.
God gave us all the herbs and all the plants
he created the seed
he created the sun
he created water
He is the God of the Hapless, the Widow, the Orphan
He is the God of Equity
who do the Feds/ Cops/ Gov think they are ??
to interfere with Gods laws?
I tried to get **** to get rid of my trauma
the ops that ***** me
made sure my **** was laced with Fetanal
No thanks
it does not stabalise my moods to spray a Sacred Healing Plant with noxious addictive and dangerous chemicals
It is infuriating being ripped off again, and again, and again, and again, again and again.
God never gave noxious chemicals in Genesis, he didn't create Fetanal or what ever 'rat poison' they sent this whistleblower
I do know how vice squad operate
they control vice
like Priests pimped kids who had 'fallen'
fallen meant they got ***** 'once'
so now they hoes....
God cried tooo
you would cry too
if it happened to you
insult to injuries
stabbing a fleeing person in the back
no dignity
no nobility
by those versed in law and religion
evil stalks the highest offices
Sep 2022 · 182
death is not an option
Christ defeated death.
It doesn't exist.
there is eternity ******
or eternity blessed,
to know where you fall
pass the earth test.

How did you treat the other.
If you like to torture
you will be tortured.
If you showed love,
you will receive it.
there is another test.
Are you in denial of  Source ?
Or did you just steal that Creation and claim it as your own.
Did you plagiarise
or give Credit due to the One who created you?
The earth is beautiful
sadists are cruel, psychopaths too
they didn't make my life easy
i don't believe this is the only level
so for that reason Vengenance belongs to My Father Creator
Christ my only comforter
Feb 2022 · 177
Virgin Mary on the rocks
brimming waters,
run deep down,
in cavernous hollows, under tons of earth,
descending ascending bubbling mirth,
Rising in calm
peaceful with thee,
Still ever watching
her  blue, white, green, sea.
Strength from the gentle receptive,
warrior of love
lizard primal brain core
reining in animal
passions with shield and sword
The knight protects Her.

deep waters mounting,  
her beauty unfolds
her cloaks shining mantle,
a new star bright gold
upper chambers of her heart
revealing all truth
of His light and His love

In forest I find her
Living green, swaying leaves,
cleaning heart, mind, and soul,
head bowed, hear my pleas,
teach me her example,
gentle, mother, soft, kind,
receptive, still.
so that I too may
faithful and true with His Will
i'm sorry for my anger
and all the things I said
because I was hurt

****** Mother is the ultimate warrior, gentle strength is the most penetrating
about love
Feb 2022 · 81
Navigating tempestous seas
relentless winds
without  compass, mentor, or ear
standing solitary looking
back carcrashtrainwreckage
smashes to it's ugly conclusion
this the read line
enough is enough
those energetics were found
some knew it was wrong
to keep forcing that song
when bundled along with this cord
invisibly bound
principles unsound
ethics neglected
for those in the know
you got your records to show
how much you are valued
your merits legitimately recognised
for same work
except you had armour, shields, protections, bonuses. counsellors, advisers, partners and purpose
in all the endeavours
why me?
do you even know why me?
I see my value and merit too,
do you think you should
the good?
when do they pay for damages ?;energetics
what comes around goes around
loop da loop
Feb 2022 · 226
you removed her memories
can never know
that as a child
she was a **** star
the men on the street
mocked that **** star child
telling innocent
she was depraved and wild
they smiled
and winked
the stink they smelt
inked in print
had 10,000 men
legions of them

weapons loaded guns locked
on petite feet

on holey shoes
with elastic worn socks
slide down pull up
scolpamine mean
i mean
The stars that fell ,
from dizzy heights,  
tallest of tall,
found themselves there thanks to
giants who had blasted rock, to create that highway.
Those  riding on the
hem of their cloak,
earned not by their own merits,
judge those desperately holding unto
true nobility.
On that day
fake luminaires get
swooshed away,
it's impossible to reach that vault
without salt,
you cannot cry or whine ' not my fault'
you had access to Heaven
Sophia spoke enough is enough
you blamed  on the weather.
what do you see in the eye of the other
who looks out through your eyes?
whose heart is in your heart?
what do you see in the heart of the other?
Feb 2022 · 194
Up your narcissist
I just wanted to Sadist
that you can be cured
it's bad behaviour
unhealed trauma
or spoilt child syndrome
you forgot how to heal
you probably forgot the truth
God is real
go back to your source
and learn how to deal
with the truth
at the root
of all your problems
everything can be healed
with God
#psychologists are full of it, they tell so labelled badly behaved they have a condition called narcissism
you see them blah blah online. I'm an empath living with a narc, i'm a label, I'm a label, we are all fracturing our whole to multi personality types drawn up by a psyche that forgot god exists
cos he is fat and well paid snail
80 bucks n hour he proves you not right in head all right
Feb 2022 · 205
not going to happen
The penitent Madalena, act has shut,
last century , millennium past.
You don't get to parade her in the streets,
her public display of remorse
for your crimes,
against her body.
She is not the one, in need of penance
or redemption, for these trespasses.
Sophia came three years ago
with this message,
stop your behaviour,
change your ways,
enough is enough.
****-tate to her
that she is lazy?
she never has been,
she wanted a job,
you forced her into slavery.
Got evidence when she was drugged,
no meaning yes? versed in repeat after me
s culpa mean
stolen education,
stumbleblocked all jobs Erin.
Relationships. same.
knudge knudge wink wink
pretend she would not work
you worked her to the bone
How greengoes veils of squinting windows ?
force googly eyes, smirking, big nosed , big ears
all mouths. No brains, No hearts, No conscience.
sorry not your mirror, go hang with those,
not joking, not clowning,
no tranquilizers that were not consented to.

She is glad you find her worthless
in valid.
It gives her an insight that is invaluable to her.
who is who.
Some of you don't get that.
She gets that you think, God is a joke.
nobody home
the man in the alleyway when i was 8,
delivered this message,
a message of hate,
'if you think above your station, now!
the world will know
bad girl of how,
were when  7.
we evidenced it all,
pulled down your world
family ,
one by one, entrenched,
stumble, pit, fall..
that's what we do,
to people like you,
recorded you
in your cage, in our zoo,
when you were
demon child,
thinking you were innocent and sweet.
Hahaha what a joke'
we keep following
it's obvious by our might,
we are in the right,
who are you going to pay to speak up for you?
you never got nothing,
who would believe?
a non schooled, poor,
everybody knows
you were already a *****,
since you were four.
Your locks don't work
call that a door
Gathered up the sticks and stones,
metalic chains that tied down  bones.
twist gibberish from  mithered mind,
poisonous scolpamine that makes it bind.
throw in  angst,  grief ,abuse and pain,
the manic , depressed clown, sudden sane,
projections coloured, in black and blue,
silvered mirror, which reflects you too,
tapping feet, to tell his story,
vibrating, whirring, hate and gory,
tangled hair, in love and war,
left the house, she went too far,
Eve's cursed with all  honest, gentle, meek,
an act of love, was taught to seek,
not in public, lies, their great shame,
it's ***** ops, they got it covered,
none Independent to Post,
All is hidden in the Sun,
With ***** Mirror,
one cannot find
junk Mail sings to tapped Telegragh.
none Express the Times,
News reels out fear, in pantomimes,
bowed to the fiddle player,
President, Minister, Senator , Mayor,
dressed in copper, gold, inked paper, bit coins,
buried in weighted tonnes, aground,
strawman arguments,  plentiful found,
mutter mumbo jumbo,
about survival of fittest,
serfs was born, to be that hitlist,
elequent etonians, buzzing fabian tales,
once bolting cheetahs, now, well fattened snails,
More occult jibes, from outer polished cups,
with poisoned inner, She passes up,
If sinning became winning,
patient, with time locked down, spinning,
weaving multicoloured threads,
of too man-y voices in her head.
Found alchemical gold  in solitary cell,
Thanks to the Fathers Heavenly spell,
unravelled her story, from sickness to well.
Omnipresent, all round, all high,
nothing hidden from his all seeing eye.
Good things come, for those who wait,
lockdown will serve the meek and kind,
the architects soon stricken blind,
believe their own lies,
think their bots are real,
love is truth, for those who feel.
Feb 2022 · 302
Zion I know your wounds are incurable
please don't give up
with God
even the impossible is possible
Feb 2022 · 111
yeah you
what a creep
always trying to be someone
trample over everyone
to get to the top
the top won't allow
lying , double-crossing, wanna be, dishonest, dangerous, thieving, criminal , in their realm.
they tested everyone
especially me
you know me
so do they
i would forgive
i tried
but then I could see
you still an unrepentant wanna be
attacking me
for their attention
you got it
they watched you
while you watched me
Feb 2022 · 154
cop this
Pill her in the community
not a ***** pushed through a door
that wasn't there before
after spreading a rumour
no means yes
with scolpamine
"they like puppets,
women muppets"

it works better if you only show
your back on street
they think,  never did meet
no need to greet
or reimburse
we got evidence

witnesses, got skin in the game
you pray....we prey
we even script wrote the play
Which craft- ed- it- or art
waited so, so, so long, to narrate
His-story  from the first hurt
I wish this for all young girls and boys
may the Force not be 'with' you
Feb 2022 · 138
organ donor, no thanks
don't understand the obsession
to live in a bag of bones
stitched together to hang unto
a life of pharma
imbalancing the liver

no you cannot have my organs
or my children's
while the elite are gearing up
for their cull of billions

what got us into this mess
truth, staring in our face
hands don't know each other
Jan 2022 · 185
thank You
found her
in a cage in a palace garden
or circus ?
who knows, who knew?
without hope (in humanity)
bereft of needs
surrendered to her God
standing outside the caged horror,
humans heard the Word,
human found the key to release her,
human being told her, she could be more, told her, she had worth,
man stood up for the worthless discarded female child
released her shackles
even though  his loyalty was not to her,
another trick,
no matter,
It mattered
trapped then in a fog
which dispersed today to reveal herstory
thanks for giving a glimpse of how
thanks you, ***** of light in the overwhelming never ending darkness she was destined to greet
at the place where he found her feet
compassion in that sea of ice
not one or two but thrice
must have been a destiny
on the path
of Kings
from the beginning
that  horror was waiting
how far and wide that darkness spread
reeled confusion on her head
the one thing she knew and knew for sure
they weren't her sins that piled her down
it takes a village to ignore a kid
only a King knows how to act
only a King does not do that
Jan 2021 · 207
for those who think the stars burn out
it's not true
some stars go on and on
giving birth to new stars
in a never ending
cycle of eternity
our sun
will burn grow expand
become a giant red planet
burning our atmosphere
to empty itself of gold
to those deserving
in this evergrowing
always knowing
Uni force
why restrict your future
watch the timeless dance of infinite amount of stars
infinite celestial bodies
infinite time
Jan 2021 · 240
those who collect here
talking of despair,
so many suicidal,
so many depressed,
better to return to nature
watch the birds,
see the moon,
mesmerising stars,
lifting me out of this gloom.
Some daily selections
one caught in malediction.
Maybe  settled for the fiction,
that God doesn't exist,
have all here, embraced the diminishing tide,
death cult, baal worshipping
Outside, green shoots emerge,
thinking of cancelling this subscription,
with rising sun,
new horizons,
future bright,
with these pages
almost done.
In another timeless place,
floating high above in space,
God won.
sometimes i think hello poetry is a hang out for satanists , sadists, and atheists,
I have compassion for the genuinely depressed, sometimes here though it seems that some are goading and suggesting to others that this is what they should do, the dark arts of suggestion makes me wonder , is there a 'underground club' at play, I don't think I belong in this place
God won
just to put on public record,
once,  to be read by all,
the lies that keep surrounding me,
will eventually fall.
I will never take my own life,
that will never be my thing,
I was ****** for being innocent,
for same reason,  I had to sing.
I sang, because it's relentless,
all the things they do to me,
the bullies that surmounted me,  
facts some know, and see.
because I don't matter
evil ,sick ,bad, or wrong,,
if they killed me young,
It  have been better,
than all the evil I did endure,
there is no let up from bullies,
they plunder, **** and maim,
they prey on child, the innocent,
the purest is their game.
I may be stupid, naïve, and dumb , a clown  
they called a dope,
I won't **** myself ever, with Christ, I have all hope.
Life is precious and more than that ,I  respect the life I bore,
I will never give up the life God gave me, for this you can be sure,
God is the goal for my soul,
I went to hell and back,
My destiny is with Christ, his love I never lacked,
I would have thrown my life away, if I did not have Gods grace,
so put this in your censored news, in twitter and book face.

Just know all you enablers, when they try to take me down,
I have a shield, I have a medallion, I also have a crown,
I have a star in heaven , two eagles,
my Father sent to me,
my white shell from opening 8 locks,
a blessed destiny.
a multi coloured dream coat, brought strife and jealousy,
my gifts from up above,
precious beyond compare,
that's why I don't chase earthly goods, I don't belong to here.
when I look up, my star looks down,
the trapdoor men and women,
can wear my frown.
I'm going to look after my body, I care about it a lot,
this  temple with a truthful heart,
took your pain, **** , torture lots ,
I was ****** when I said nothing, I was ****** when I spoke,
so plotters, power houses, politicians, cops, priests, not so intelligent intelligence,
take back all of your sicknesses,
and own your foul misdeeds.

a message from  Michael angel, and Mother Mary
when they set me alight in flames,
advised me the lies man hooked me with,
and the methods they used to  trick,
were same who  killed God when he came to earth,
this is not my job to fix.
my perspective is not high enough,
to see the insides of their hearts,
predatory  wolf wo/men bat winging with world wide web of tricks
Ciao it wasn't nice knowing you, you make my stomach sick
The lies you told will trip you up, I know if you plan my end,
She didn't **** herself, the ***** did
her story will eternally trend
somethings are more precious than gold
for me that is my soul
cannot be bought cannot be sold
sometimes even God gets angry Christ also
unlike the most of the people i have met
keep bowing to mammon
good luck with your greed
only on earth evil succeeds
God loves all his children
he pays the ones running out of steam
up front
Nov 2020 · 328
He sent his Son,
his Word,
A gift from above,
His message is Love.
Thank you dear Father,
Thank you dear Mother,
Blessing all people,
Our sisters and brothers.
The Word that heals All.
I took his yoke
it's  easy,
He is the Way, the Truth, the Life,
Healing the pain,
let go of all strife.

When I talked my way out of danger, those Words were His.
Amor wakes pysche.
Every good deed and act of love, is alchemical gold, that cannot be bought or cannot be sold.
Truth be told.
Nov 2020 · 816
I love you,
You brought the light,
that showed the Way,
lies fall,
When you stand tall.
Scorpio New Moon
A healing space in time and place
Everyone is a star of the sky, a star of the earth and a star of the sea
Christ the Super Hero
Most famous Jew on Earth, a Shepherd for All, stands Tall.
Kindness, Humility, Love, Compassion, Mercy, Strength, Goodness.
Brings us back to the One True God.
Throne of Love , from King David to now.
Nov 2020 · 195
when David knew for sure
This Goliath he could defeat,
end his blaspheming words,
foul breath from collossal teeth.
Seeing young  David, puny and small,
enraged the Giant, enough to call,
He swore, 'I will feed you to the cattle'
Though humble, and inexperienced
for the battle,
David knew,  
this monster beyond strange,
had symptoms of a  sick mind, deranged
Young David thought, I have you now!
Only grasses, fed the holy cow,
With humble body, full of love and light,
twas God's truth that won the fight.
it was the words that Goliath said,
made David know, this Giant's dead!
For those who bring hatred and disrespect, to the good, kind and circumspect know for sure, that God is the one with his might.
It is He who wins the fight.
Holy truth, goodness and right.
Nov 2020 · 1.3k
For Goodness sake......
Those who tricked, got tricked,
the ones who lied, lies in hi-story.
they came with hate, found hate,
those who used serums got delirium,
Now following their theorem,
Their bots are legion,  
they can no longer tell,
whose  who.
Their mirrors are distorted,
Her story aborted.
Honesty stumbled in lit square,
now disconnected from their fear.
Their words are reflected back,
in black, white and read all over,
editors of the events they want others to believe,
their mantras vibrating their cores,
lost their truth, root.
Love knew, from the highest perspective,
they got detected,
from a timeless space, they lose their place,
to run out of pace,
Love the highest intelligience,
protected love with love,
purity with purity,
innocence with innocent heart of a baby,
like we once were, and can be.
I found that child,
gentle, soft, humility, meek and mild.
Where time does not exist, that child is eternity.
Twinkle twinkle little star
how I wonder, what you are,
up above the sky so high,
like a diamond in the sky,
The prophesies are only true, when true love unlocks it.
The ones found by malintent, are prophets now of their own doom.
The shepherd gathers his flock from every nation.
That story cannot be changed.
Time does not exist for those with true love.
Free from distractions,
plain to see media is bad news,
fake news,  covid fearmongering hysteria,
cover ups exposed all propaganda,
Media just ate itself,
no longer distracts me from true power.
The only thing to fear, is fear itself,
accounts deleted,
no longer of any account,
Like Maria Madalena,
she found ecstatic union,
with her Lord, in  her cave.

Turning  back on the world,
of substances, illusion, temptation of flesh.
No temptation.
Realised purity and true love,
cannot be found in decaying tomb.
Christ is not with the dead, He has risen.
I sought my Lord in earthly love,
Strong men came,usurped me.
satellite of Love, small cascaded to big,
Earthly love, redirected my will,
from my Maker husband's Will.
Nothing is bigger than God,
waiting for Him to rise in 'in' again,
Third time lucky,
three times,
Will at Will  evermore,
My Maker is my husband.
Freedom in Lockdown,
from her cave the underground stream flows,
Here rose the Living Word,
the fountain of knowledge,
the way out, is the way in.
Thank you God for showing me the Truth.
Thank you for sending me your Son,
Thank you Mother, your example of love and purity,
holds the dragon underfoot.
With your mantle of protection,
and my Dad holding my hand.
Purity,  strength to overcome the battle.
The Risen Word, is the Fountain of knowledge.
We always had Love.
Zion finds rest.
When Christ said 2000 years ago the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, why did we ignore this Truth.  He conquered death with this realisation.
The Serpent becomes a rod, We have to reach God in Spirit,Our Dad knows who has achieved this truth.
Found my star, my crown, my medallion, my multicoloured dream coat, with straightened rod I raised my flag. Found true love. Polishing my inner cup, cleaning the golden throne within.
Make straight the way for the Lord.
He sent me two eagles. third time happened, then there were four. Who am I?
love was there,
I couldn't see her,
got caught  once again,
in red mist,
kicking for reactions,
with a litany long, list,
love doesn't act like this,
she hugs you closer,
plants a kiss,
on kicking boot, when hurled out door,
her sweet voice moans,
I love you more.
loves you, when you're at the gate,
swings on the axe,
that pounds out hate ,
love held you closer,
talks soft and low,
she understands your feeling so,
"at least" she whispers,
"you act so real,
when tormented by, the way you feel",
She never judges, never warns,
sits with you
all night and day,
she doesn't tell you "life is grand",
just feels your pain
holds your hand,
illuminates your pardon if you need,
kisses your wounds,
when you bleed,
she holds your face, tousles your hair,
rebuilds your temple,
with special care
hugs warmly, when you shake with fear,
i didn't know,  that she was there,
following down to depths of earth,
walks with you in fire,
rubs off the dirt,
she carries a light profound, from skies above,
the twinkling of stars,
white feathers, peace dove.
She is there for everyone,
all are equal under this sun.
sorry i fell
I wish i could tell it plain without hate
thanks to the dragon for the lessons I got
you were a good teacher
I didnt respect
I learned from an error
discovered to late
you taught me to get up close to my hate
a proper mate
Oct 2020 · 115
to each their own
they were vicious,
hateful , cruel,
she  naive, the loving fool,
they ran rampant, they gained ground,
the others sought the, rich ,cool ,sound.
They kept coming with bait,  gbh, truth serums,
for innocent and purity, unjust deliriums.
They held her up, like a trophy bound,  
and gagged,
the posts they sent, instantly flagged.
lies in the mud, dragged.
Light comes from above, eternal, unending,
penetrating rays, with love, all tending.
Truth dug deep, down in dirt,
speckled with blood and *****, her shirt.
Her shell undone, her tale unfolded,
her words unfurled , they felt scolded.
They hurled their fire and brimstones,
their mirrors, they shattered,
with their homes.  
They screamed 'you get what you deserve',
first time, she found comfort, from their words.
She no longer notices them, like many times before,
had always shut,  that mocking mobs door.
stretched upward shoots, found home in still waters,
three lotus blossomed,
Her gentle hold, for two daughters.
after every fall ,it's opposite spring
find comfort in the words you get what you deserve
know I am a lady, and also a king
know my own actions revealed my true nature
will always stay small and humble too
forgiving, loving, eternally I go
the dragon underfoot, I feed kindness for the lesson it bestowed
I need that dragon when I act in a flash
inner brain compells us when we are uninformed
inner brain begins and ends all the storms
that little dragon had to be born, long may it last, because love is supreme, the  ****** Mother is the Queen who teaches us how to love.
She is a warrior of Love, the strongest on earth, As much as they try, True Love cannot die.
Oct 2020 · 219
Is love once felt lost?
today its vast,
leadlike heaviness,
caught in a web for years,
a river of tears,
knowing not to touch mercury,
never to touch lead,
but all this lumpen, toxic, metal,
here now,
the painful, real circumstances,
a life unravels horrific,
watch the watchmen,  
politicians reliant on  crazy logic,
journeying headlong with coboclos, and shaman bundled and secreted, in rabbit warren, their pronouncements,
She amazed the vastness of the labyrinth, like tendrils that surmounted her, all her lonely long life, her mother, her father, her brothers, her sisters, baby Jesus, God the Father, church, other parents of schoolfriends, the watchmen, hippies, engineers, pretend girlfriend trapdoors, pretend boyfriend trapdoors,watchmen, irish, americans, english, russians, coboblos, shaman, germans, dutch, irish, english, americans, chinese, spanish, portuguese, italians. worldwideweb
one woman  an island, allegedly.  
her strenght from the biggest Daddy the one above,
He sent her his Son ,
He filled her with Love,
she hopes for his return,
others  burn and condemn themselves in the safety of numbers,
they are numbered....
right now, she cannot find hope or love for them ,
she did love when it counted,
all that too is from God.
Christ told his disciples when they asked about demons, to look on the inextinguishable, inexaustable light of God, this is a light worth feasting the eyes on.  I ignored the shadow, got caught in it's whirl, maybe that was meant to be, why it all happened to me, I ignored it, maybe dissociation illness is not an illness, a divine strategy to keep going, despite the pain.
Christ also said be like children, I definitely was naive.
Oct 2020 · 323
tiny speck of gold,
an insignificant, grain of sand,
realised, it's equal to the land,
how could that be, tumbling wavewashed on shore?
how could so tiny, be deemed much more?
it took a lifetime shoved, and tossed by years,
eroded, polished, in saltwater tears.
Never even daring to dream,
sparkling tiny, in sunlights beam.
A fleck of dust, so small, so low,
how can it contain this sunlight so?

Once fairies said to a little girl,
"the truth, can bring you to our world,
we in fairy can be met,  let truth ring like a bell."
Believing their story, remembering well,
a speck of gold, caught in giant golden hive,
which entered the room, lying down on its side.
Cogs moved and whirred,
lifted this vessell up,
an insignificant, tiny head, bowed down,
two angels, one  placed a medalion, another a crown.

Returning to earth with invisible, otherworld treasure,
pushed aside by the men, snided down by their measure.
Her little heart buzzed, like a bee aloud,
mood altering peace, floated high on a cloud,
been swatted, and hurt before and then,
karmically bound, to unravelling men.
They hit out at small, they trample it down,
those haughty sunflowers, came tumbling down,
sat amongst grasses  crushed,
down and trampled,
bending and blowing
tho' eternally growing,
throughout all lifes storms, never fully broke,
ribbon of grass stronger than windfallen oak.

Fairytales are true,
if only men knew,
they definitely would not, do the things, that they do.
It's never too late to learn,
how to avoid infrared, radiation burn,
funnelled and furnaced in a cosmic dance,
never dare leave destiny, to luck and chance.
I don't know why it happened this way. I'm not versed or educated in poetry other than the fact I love to read poetry, I have not a clue of the rules, just writing to blank my mind from too man -y thoughts
Oct 2020 · 134
the harder they come
another arrow in my back,
I have a quiver full ,
when I meet the enemy at the gate,
relentless, persistent, on my back hate,
right here, right now, they are legion,
don't want to be a member of their club,
embarrassed for them,
that they could stoop so low
deep breath in, belly full,  
release, long and  slow,
got to do a lot more weeding,
it's easier now,
I'm no longer needing,
an earthly love,
hardened fist,
in a velvet glove,
is all I ever got,
my expanding love,
still knows no bounds
trust only God,
a theory most sound.
I don't need affection from his bag of bones
spiritual love is already here
prays, rosaries and self care
no longer seeking no longer believe
I forgive wrong doers,
because I realise love is eternal,
what ever his guile, I've learnt this lesson>
I found Christ
I guess that was the golden prize
this illusion will pass, my spirit will rise.
A little girl was born in a square mile a babylondoner, February child, who had many sheep disguises , born in the hour of the sheep, in a house on the street where the Shepherdess Walked, travelling on the underground, one would have to stop, at Angel.  Her Father called her after him, by all accounts she was the prettiest child, his fourth, her father was very vain, on this subject, it was hard for him to be humble.

Her name also had sheep, her name meant sheep, her middle name a Ram on a King. Her Father worried about the violence, the football hooligans , the fights between mods and rockers, he decided to move back to the homecountry, the country of her Mother and Fathers birth, the Emerald Isle.  This coincided with an eviction notice, their house was about to get knocked down.
She moved to the plain of the Yew in the Emerald isle when she was four years old, they built a house in the town of the Castle by the river Barr, on a height that was named Harmony, that place did not often live up to it's name.  Her father came from another town that was much prettier, not far away, houses and land were as rare as hen's teeth, in that town, it was not cheap either.  Her Mother had an idea she wanted distance from her Mother in law, Rachel Ramona and her mother clashed a lot on ideas, but they did love each other, and Rachel understood her Mother, better than her Mother gave her credit for.  

To RRK, her Mother was never there for her, her Mother had an issue with her, that is a puzzle to this day, it will probally always remain a puzzle, her Mother never talks about stuff like emotions, feelings, or the inner landscape.

RRK found refuge in the world of men from the youngest age, she felt like she belonged in that camp, this idea got her into a lot of trouble, then, now and probally in her immediate future.
Not really a poem but this is the way it came out
I woke up with a rhyme poem
It came out llike this
I am going to leave like this for time being
it may change later
Oct 2020 · 270
how crazy was that night,
immense darkness, brightest light,
wildest man, wildest woman
became one decadent human,
halved souls, find each other,
I could have stopped there,
gave up worry, gave up fear,
held tightly with his strength,
heart surrended with intent,
take my breath away,
don't need to live another day,
I had found it all,
why go on?
If I died there in those strong arms, I would have died happy.
But then my most beloved,  would not have achieved spectacular things,
our world flies on fragile, suspended, wings.
Strongest arms
Strongest man
A king from birth
Hanging out on his vine
Made me drunk on something stonger than wine
a love Divine
Oct 2020 · 138
in my wildest dreams
I flew in that jet,
that crossed our path twice,
on the way to cornwall.
You brought me to the stratosphere,
a love that has no compare,
I didn't believe you,
when you said, your wife
left you for another man,
no way, could that be true,
therewas no better you,
had searched high, and low,
over and out,
there was no better other,
know for certain,
not a doubt.
You played angry with that,
your strong arm tactic,
always worked this cat,
your friend's wry expression,
give mirth to our session,
to souls entwined,
eternally thine,
I had to go,
you are my man,
God had another plan,
he wills, therefore I am
If only it was true
once upon a time
we flew in a jet
must be a fantasy
true love never happened
Sep 2020 · 216
A love supreme
"I followed Him.
I heard His voice,
So quiet, and kind,
My fate is bound, to seek and find,
the Love, I sought, comes from above,
he filled my cup, to brim with love.
The truth that day, I lost the earth,
flesh decays to dust, for spirits'birth.
Lines grimly etched, in horror stay,
the final act about to play.
That crystal light, not visible to worldly men,
they reel in fright, aghast at skin,
like the portrait of Dorian Gray,
their luciferic light, shines bold as day,
starlight descending to infra red decay.
I pick up my cross with heaviest heart,
can't find forgiveness, though that's my part.
Knowing this truth, I soldier on,
karmic bound, to forgive their wrongs.
His message, I repeat, is love turned tough,
change your ways, enough is enough.
My star I found, is freedoms dove,
not our words, our actions, reveal true love."
I found a love supreme
and lost the earth
Christ says go deeper
Sep 2020 · 214
stuck here
rainbows and flowers,
peace, love and light
illusion more dreamy,
ignoring my blight,
soul, white and creamy
lyrics so sweet,
didn't sit well,
with the ironed and neat,
now truth, clear as a bell,
not in heaven, or hell,
biggest clown fooled,
so easily caught,
looking for love, found nothing, naught,
here all alone , in a land with no sun,
with my bat aura frown,
carrying a ton,
smirking men,
nudge and wink,
their women sneer,
projecting stink,
don't know, what they know,
of my karma and fate,
know they heard lies,
incel, imbued hate,
I keep going,
because deep down, I know,
love told me the future,
is bright in its glow,
I now know the reason,
this happened to me,
my waters were choppy,
so stormy my sea.
Now penance, and rosaries,
feet rooted in ground,
still water runs deeper,
serenity found.
have no fear
if they want to **** me it would be a relief
they took everything precious , robbers and thief
Sep 2020 · 205
broken cabinet
Does anyone know, can anyone tell,
my memories jarred,
can't remember so well,
my instinct, my feeling, got kicked out of hell?
thought it was heaven,  
enraptured so bright,
not sun, but a fire,
in dark, darkest night.

Brains' blind spotted angle,
horror, shock, brimming tide ,
dark stained blackness,
encompassing wide,
killed all my  innocence, before she could hide.

Monstrous, fanged, hairy, wide shadowed, mouth,
wind, fire, thunder, hailstoning shout,
anchor skewered into my spine,
carrying all this, while still drinking wine,
in lalaland where I feel fine,
don't drink don't smoke what do I do ?
Aug 2020 · 113
cry rage cry
from first light to
almost new
i let rage cry
She sat in my  chair
followed me to town, to bring me down,
sometimes she stayed invisible,
feeling her, still made me feel sad,
bad, angry and mad.
wish I went to bed earlier,
she's sitting with me now,
tomorrow merged with today,
hope rage and sadness have had their say,
I honoured those guests 21 hours long,
maybe they got what they need,
tomorrow I hope i find ****.
dont need ****
but that day was a hard day
just when you think you have healed all that
another trauma surfaces
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