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 Oct 2015 Travis Magnan
Joel Frye
He was a simple man of simple words,
or high-school girl with broken heart who thought
they had a message, or a call, or not.
Arriving with a sense of the absurd,
a bittersweet purview on life and love,
together with a gift for nuanced phrase,
appreciating how the language plays
upon the mind and tongue, they rise above
the well-worn similes, the tired cliches
for days, perhaps for weeks.  Then comes the time
when human ugliness shows up to flay
the budding poet.  The evidence of crimes
committed: smoky circles, nameless gray
reminders of whose gifts they took away.
A tribute to those who have left disheartened or disgusted.
The things she knew, let her forget again--
  The voices in the sky, the fear, the cold,
The gaping shepherds, and the queer old men
  Piling their clumsy gifts of foreign gold.

Let her have laughter with her little one;
  Teach her the endless, tuneless songs to sing,
Grant her her right to whisper to her son
  The foolish names one dare not call a king.

Keep from her dreams the rumble of a crowd,
  The smell of rough-cut wood, the trail of red,
The thick and chilly whiteness of the shroud
  That wraps the strange new body of the dead.

Ah, let her go, kind Lord, where mothers go
  And boast his pretty words and ways, and plan
The proud and happy years that they shall know
  Together, when her son is grown a man.
what am doing?

my strength is my coolness

hope I lost my power

am getting anger like a bullet train

applying brakes is a tedious job

and unfortunately I lack disc brakes.

am somehow not able to digest humiliation

not sure if am doing it right

but, definitely hurting quite a few.

a change which is undesirable

that's not me but, am transforming the way

I never want to
Easy to say to forgive

But, hard to do it

Winter became summer
I find myself often struggling for air,
as I try to tread water on my own.
But this ocean goes deeper than I ever imagined,
and no one's ever taught me how to swim alone.
That was your job. You were supposed to show me how it's done.
Isn't that what you're for? To be the safety net until I'm ready?
Instead you watched me fighting to stay afloat .
Never my saving grace because your spirit's much too deadly.
I'm stuck stagnant in the deep end with no experience at all,
and memories of drowning are far too clear in my mind.
I refuse to move from the safe place I have found in this hell;
maybe I can fool myself into believing that "I'm fine"
If no one touches me, then I won't think about it too much;
I can almost forget all the moments your hands held me down.
And that every time you did, I forced my way back up to the top,
because I wanted you to see that I was worth keeping around.
I've barely survived the waves that tried to pull me under,
and the rapids that took me way off course for a while.
Now I'm little bit ruined with scars no one can see,
and sometimes I forget I know how to smile.
It's terrifying to be offered a hand now;
constantly thinking that they're going to let me slip away.
And I refuse to ever drown by the hands of another again;
so I remain on my own because you've convinced me it's safer this way
I'm still not sure if I matter enough yet;
so I can show you what's left of me, thanks to you.
I wonder what happened to the girl I would have became,
if only you had just taught me how to swim
like you were supposed to...
For My Father
 Oct 2015 Travis Magnan
Forever, has been a word that I have not yet dared to utter
For there is far too much meaning and certainty in it's nature,
One that I cannot ensure is true; presumably no one really can.
-I dare not to speak of things that I cannot keep
Promising, love of all eternity, whilst tomorrow could even be unpredictable -

My dear do not mistake my heart for an unstable flag
Flaring by the slightest wind
No, that is not of my nature
If it is commitment and dedication that you ask
Then seek no further,
For you have already found the purest of all elements.

My fear is that the flames of my passion
Over shines any that you could ever spark of.
Diamond's sparkle could never be seen in the darkness,
And that is why my dear, you will have learn to light torches.
If not, then it will never see the light of day,
Idling amongst rocks covered in dirt and dust.

As one of my most favourite lines portray,
"My love, feeds on your love, beloved".
However I do understand the current position.
And so let us feed
On each other's light
To seek
A brighter tomorrow.

Words that I speak
Cannot possibly be more sincere.
But now I guess we shall have to see,
Whether or not you are the same.
The noble Lion
looks at me
with fire in his eyes.

The wisdom in his
face and mane
begins to make me cry.

Because I know I'll
never know
the feelings of a sage.

Because I know I'll
never catch
his beauty with a page.

And if I could I'd
surely free him
from his inky cell

I could not stand to
stop him setting
fire to the world.
Part 5 of "Ode to the Seven Virgins"
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