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 May 2016 Tommy Jackson
Just Me
I write with honesty and drape it with emotion.

I wash my words with tears and dry them in anger.

I never read my words out loud, my tongue has no taste for them.

I don't notice anyone sees my writes as I notice nobody feels them.

I tap my words on to a screen as I watch my tv.

I write my words just with me and expect nobody.

Words scrape raw into my mind, on to the screen.

They reap my pain in the most simplest way.

It's not very beautiful, not like my hello poetry friends, but it's just like me no time for etiquette.

The words stumble from my mind, much like someone who has lost thier way.

And my heart reads into every line, even when I say I bare none.

Be it rushed, sloppy and brazen...

My words always always find their way onto my hello poetry page.

I get lost in all of my fellow writers, writes.

But it's no surprise, because that's how it is in my everyday life.

I'm lost and I'm found, alot down and almost never sound.

I write how I live.

I write only what I live...

My echoes are all I have to give to my hello poetry friends.
Such a small place, with so much talent. How could I ever compare. Still I find this my poem home... And I think that here it's ok to not fit in. I enjoy reading my fellows writers, writes. I try to keep up, but my focuss doesn't always allow it. I am happy to be lost among such a group.
 May 2016 Tommy Jackson
The parking lot
Is empty
The ballroom is a mess
There’s an untouched
Cake next to
An unworn dress
Today should have
Dawned a perfect new start
Now the champagne is nursing
A broken heart
 May 2016 Tommy Jackson
thanks for tuning in
i hope that you like my station
this is where i haul my load
this is where i dump frustration

tonight on the show
there will be lots of laughter
when i speak about pain
when i speak about disaster
 May 2016 Tommy Jackson
let's all revel in the duplicity
duplicate posts that lack authenticity
authentic thoughts fall to the simplicity
simple minds are guilty of complicity

a new origin of no originality
original thinking crushed by formality
formal rules lead to our commonality
common perspectives to lower our mentality
This is mainly about how facebook is full of mis-information, and a lot of people lack originality. They just thoughtlessly hit "share".

(In a quantum loop poem, the last word of each line must be used as the first word in the following line, but as a different form of that word)
when I write poetry
the season falls down
and there is a distinct dark in the town
but yet you
as like the pearl
of a winter morning dew
though you're on the other side
of a shadow wall
which is sky height tall
that I have seen
but you do not come to that reach
never been
Pour energy
into your

Write with intensity
so great
that if you held the page
from a mountain's peak
your words
would be mistaken
wow! I'm so honored to have been selected for the daily. I feel like there are far more deserving writers than I!
Thank you everyone for reading my work and all the lovely comments.
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