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Lucy Ryan Aug 2015
were you born drinking the sky
like the oceans split at your toes
when the gulls called morning?

with sleep-sunk eyes
trapped between fingers
to watch the moon bleed through

a starburst on your jawbone
cut from kissing lightning
and threading daisies through park swings

did you sleep on the soft sands
seaweed plaited through your hair
when the water called you home?

we raised you on thunderstorms
and you brought us summer rain
Lucy Ryan Aug 2015
be always wakeful
of the weakness of your bones

when you buy shoes
only wear one size too small
you will still feel the blisters
but your bones will reset

your shoulder should carry
no more than twice your bodyweight
so suffering is enough
and never crippling
Lucy Ryan Aug 2015
fireflies -
alflame at dusk
we dead moths
Lucy Ryan Jul 2015
love that shadow
that dances over
your lips and bedroom walls
and your fingers
tangle with smoke
and mysteries
that he carves out
with killer’s hands
****** and almosts
setting alight
the fairybooks
and writing on your pages
needle-points in irises
blind in light
and brilliant in darkness
so you see
his brilliance
and resent yours

can’t stay,
run faster
- the wolves are catching
on the souls of your feet
and the mothers are crying
for the lovers
you leave
always leave
the bedclothes *****
and the faces blurry
singing Morrissey
blame humanity
for the hatred of everything you touch
and touches you
rainwater down a window
a shadow
still warm on your tongue
sweet boy
could be young
must be so much older

insubstantial you,
runaway i
Lucy Ryan Jul 2015
kiss me
(says he, maybe she)
cut up on the sharpness
of lips
and teeth

she is that thing -
about plastic flowers;
they never wilt on you
and stay young
and beautiful
as long as you care to see them

kiss me
like real people
when they touch
don’t quiver
or glimmer
just bruise like decayed fruit
and bleed as freely

and the flowers,
plastic flowers -
smelling just as sweet
with sprays of perfume
ugly juniper fragrance
down spines
like dew

**** me
she says, definitely she says
wide open eyes
to creep inside him
(or him, perhaps)
and she could
with her fingers
stop his breath
and she might
if the light
hits his eyes just right

burning flowers
smells worse when plastic
like explosives
like fat in a deep-fryer
crisping like
bodies in a burning house
- three bodies, two bodies, and a burning house

**** me
like a litany
**** me
like you promised me
**** me
in fields of plastic peonies
**** me*
you’ll love me
you’ll see
i re-read fight club and i have *feeeelings* sorry
Lucy Ryan Jul 2015
I will end my envy of angels
Bloodless feathers and empty joy
I hurt because my bones are sunk heavy in my skin
And I can still taste "happy" on my fire burnt mouth

... I will be crown prince in my empire of squalor
Lucy Ryan Jun 2015
girls with guard dogs at spike-heeled feet
lips to kiss fire, still semi-sweet

dirt black coffee on a fine tipped tongue
and spiderwebs only half unspun

dead roses in flowercrowns and tangled thorns
and white bedsheets, handcuffs, lingerie unworn

tempest springtime to summer’s rest
and flowers of lovers laid on deathbeds
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