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The scars on the moon were there for all to see,

Wounds cut deeper than any wound should be.

I don't need a lens to see her savaged form,

I see it in the way she looks at me.
 Aug 2016 Mariana Nolasco
i guess
the only good thing
about being at rock bottom
is that
it can't get any worse
One day, I will leave this world.
The energy that pumps through me will dissipate;
The body I know will begin to rot and decay;
The thoughts and emotions I feel now,
with great urgency and severity,

The people I love will put me in the ground,
to cover the stench of my rotting corpse;
They will visit 'me' once a year with obligatory tears in their eyes.
They will auction off all of my personal belongings,
All the things I cherished and valued;
To look upon them will be 'too much'.

Slowly I will fade from their memories:
My personality;
My laugh;
My smile;
The way I held my face when I was concentrating really hard.
All the little things that make me me, forgotten;
Like I never existed at all.

In their loneliest moments, perhaps, they will remember me.
Not the real me, of course;
Just my name attached to a sort of vague concept of death,
An idea of what it is to no longer exist;
My memory will serve to give them a sense of their own mortality;
An occasionally present reminder that they too, one day, will die.
It swirls
as it turns
and it twirls
as it spins
the beauty
is in the complexity
and the emotion is
in the movement
Love spoke all the while
After date moon and she ****
Never heard a word
you came bearing words
a transparent heart
                      you said
bombs of love
exploding my defenses
gifts i embraced until
                      you drifted
memories flooded in
of betrayals past
i'd been there before
drugging narcissus
                      you played
further on my resonant soul
strummed to fine pitch
your favorite guitar
till bored with the tune
                      you cut
all the strings
i adjusted to silence
relished my gains, but then
                      you returned
to play me some more
and that's why
                      you see

i've bolted this door
"Forgiveness involves a heart that cancels the debt but does not lend new money until repentance occurs."  
~ Dan Allender, 'Bold Love'
sometimes i think
that if, perhaps,
i could shrink myself down into something a bit more beautiful,
then maybe you would love me.

in the ugly, unafraid, truth-telling part of my mind,
the part i seldom dare to visit,
i know this is not true,
know that you could never love me,
not now.

i can make myself,
as much as i like,
into wood to be whittled,
but i cannot make you crave those carvings.

you can lead a horse to water,
or whatever it is that they say.

but i fear i will always be a well run dry in your eyes
(or perhaps one that never had water to begin with).

so i combat this fear in the only way i know how:
by turning away from it,
pretending it does not exist.

by shrinking.

and sometimes,
when you don't seem as far away,
i think that if, perhaps,
i could shrink myself down into something a bit more beautiful,
then maybe you would love me.

written june 11th, 2016. hope you enjoy. xoxo.
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