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  Jun 2016 Bleurose
He asked her why she liked swing sets
A dreamy look clouded her eyes
And her answer was simple
"It's the closest I can get to flying"
He pushed her for more answers
What about planes? Jet packs? skydiving?
There are plenty of other ways
She knew this of course, but corrected her answer
"It's the closest I can get to flying...
Without leaving the ground"
The boy thought about this, wondering:
What held her back?
He didn't know she was afraid of falling
So he continued yet again
The girl knew he wasn't going to stop asking
"I like knowing that when I jump,
I won't break
Or crash
Or collapse"
By now words were pouring like rain from her mouth
"I just like freedom surrounded in security"
Bleurose Jun 2016
So here we are, just you and me. On the edge of everything and nothing, we sit staring out into the ocean of things we wish we’d done.

We hold hands, it’s a formality. I’m scared. You soothed my anxiety, because even though I was scared of you, I knew everyone else was too.

I miss making you coffee in the morning, I wish I’d loved YOU more. You always had that massive mug with two teabags or two tablespoons of coffee.

I wish your family and I could have worked. Please don’t think for a second I didn’t try. Most of my time spent at yours was on eggshells, the ones they had placed.

I miss our first year, your second. Remember that? We were so silly and full of joy. Gimmick Puppets, Plants. You and your stupid trenchcoat that ended up smelling awful no matter how much you washed it. Your long hair was nice. I liked it. It framed your smile that was as bright as the Sun that set in the West over Zephyr’s strawberry field.

The light sank in your eyes the more you were with me. I drained you, I knew that. I stayed. I lied. You didn’t trust me anymore.

I’m happy, admittedly lonely. But I know you’re happy, scared but happy. It’s always been my job to appear, do what I must (whether I know what that is or not) and watch over. The bear finds another like him, and as I remember mentioning a few times, as we lounged lazily on the sofa with our cereal, playing every bit the monsters others cast us out to be;

What on Earth is a bear doing with an angel?
Strawberry field tic tac, an evening spent watching the sunset.
Bleurose Jun 2016
I've been mocked and laughed at
Because of my power complex.
I like to feel in control,
I must see, feel, know , hear all.
When I do, I feel on top of the world.

I used to vent this through the stage,
commanding an audience with my partners in crime.
Now it's through my speeches, and my ambition.

I just want people to know ,that it's not always bad.
This is what drives me, my rage, my ambition
To fight for those who deserve justice,
To serve a cause greater than my own by twisting the threads to make it so
Bleurose Jun 2016
May I have your permission, dear queen,
To lay down my sword in your service?
May I rest, may I finally gaze into your blue eyes?

A knight is nothing without a cause,
But truly, thou art hollow without
A Queen.

For she is your heart, your beating soul
The love of the kingdom while the king holds the fury.
A true knight wields both, with effective skill.
They cut down the enemies that would not cut down just the walls

But the memories made here,
And the love that touched all.

— The End —