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Terra Levez Feb 2021
I thought love consumed
Before you made me see hate
I hope you now see
What the truth of me is
I'm a monster
And I have your name, address and number
Sweet Dreams, you will sleep for a long long time
When I'm done with you
Terra Levez Jan 2021
Mad Heart
Be Brave
written by a Kashmiri Poet
Terra Levez Dec 2020
This is the story of how I love you
It has no end
  Dec 2020 Terra Levez
I see maps
And roadways
In everything.
In the scars
And all the marks
Upon my skin.
In the veins on my arms,
In the lines on my palms,
And in my eyes
When I stare into a mirror.
But these paths,
Where do they all lead?
Where is it  
I am meant to go?
Where is it
I am meant to be?
  Dec 2020 Terra Levez
I would let my demons consume me
If it meant that you would be better.
I would let you eat my heart
If it took away your loneliness.
And I would set myself on fire every single day
If it meant that I could hold you
o n e. l a s t. t i m e.
Terra Levez Dec 2020
Missing you comes in waves
And tonight
I'm drowning
i finally feel like sharing the little lines that you gave me because i dont care anymore
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