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  Dec 2020 Terra Levez
Goodbye to the tears rolling down my cheeks
Goodbye to the bleeding through my sheets
Goodbye to fighting a battle I'll never win.
Goodbye to a world full of sin.
Goodbye to a hopeless night.
Goodbye...I lost my fight.
Yeah idk This just kind of came out of my brain. I hope you guys like it!
  Dec 2020 Terra Levez
Maniacal Escape
The scabbard.
Is the finality.
Fatal. Flailing hopelessly
She sits. On her steel eyed throne.
She sees all, everything you think is you.
She's ready.
Steel kisses, hissing through the throat, bleeding fallen youths.
She sits tight, ready for the next days feast.
  Dec 2020 Terra Levez
Let me feel again,
Anything. Everything. Please.
I will take it all.
  Nov 2020 Terra Levez
Can I rip out my vocal cords
I don't have anything to say anyways

Can I destroy my emotions
I'm going numb as it is

Can I rip out my heart
All it does is hurt

Can I rip out my lungs
I can't ever breath

Can I find my soul
In a book
Or a song
Where has it gone

My soul is whole
My soul is bright

This soul is broken
This soul is grey

This soul isn't mine
This soul doesn't belong to me
Therefore it shouldn't be with me

This a soul that belongs in a grave
Dead and buried

My soul is full of life
My soul loves adventure
And romance
And joy

This soul hates all of that
Therefore it is not mine

This soul is contaminated
With hate
And destruction

My soul has escaped me
Left my body through a long exhale
Off on an adventure
Leaving me empty
An open space

This soul came in
To occupy my empty space
But I wish it hadn't
I feel more hallow now
Then I did before

So can I rip out my vocal cords
Because I don't have anything to say

Can I destroy my emotions
I'm almost fully numb

Can I rip out my heart
It hardly beats anymore

Can I rip out my lungs
I can't ever breath

So do you see
What this soul has done to me

I need my soul
I don't want this broken one
I need to be whole
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