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 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
A woman asked me
How it felt to see my lover again
And I found myself
Most inconveniently out of words, darling
My mouth opened
I almost said
Being with him
Is like Summer rain
In the Sahara
Or the first sip of water taken
By a thirsting man
Like the cool feeling of grass beneath bare feet
In the spring
The smell of blooming Wisteria  
Like a bonfire in Autumn
The sound of leaves falling from the trees
It is like the first snow of winter
Blanketing the world in white
Or the the steam from a cup of tea

But instead I smiled
And closed my eyes

"It was everything I needed it to be."

My primary love is 
to go well with you
My secondary love is
to grow well with others
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
I can project any fantasy
on you,
I don't even have to know you
I can love you truly
fondly, dearly
internal chemistry
hot hot hot
inside to inside
the early early
in the late late

You are my pixel cowboy
on a Saturday night.
I know you need a
woman like me
to believe.
I can pretend to
your every need.
Magical love in 10 words
what's there not to believe?

Turn it on
turn me on
light me up.
We never go backwards,
We always go forward
each interaction
starts us anew.
It's perfect for me and you.

We can get it on
get it off,
We can meet
I don't have to be there
who said I wasn't
the perfect woman
for a cowboy like you?

Virtual love,
an endless Western horizon
now that's our song
sing with me baby
we'll stream our dreams.
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
it's a shame
that we cannot
what others have
without comparison
word: shame
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
L T Winter
-Elixir of drinking
Revolving on anecdotal-- songs
Smudging dialect with faceless
Smoke and

--Tree stamp magnates
Break silicon fingers
Becomes a possibility.

On precise though incisions
Through mice; made gagging

Those frogs that sleep backwards,
-Wingless for the flies

We are comatose rising.
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
db cooper
It's almost like a scene from a movie
Whereas it's infinitely more desirable
The softest melody serenades the moment
Time seems to be as absent as the trees
I can see the deepest elegance in your everything  
Eating a snatched apple
Situated so gracefully upon the stump of a tree
The dew covered mountain side had never been as tranquil
That time it was just you and me*

I walk it every now and again
Wishing I could go back to then
This desolation leaves me broken
My love, you've been forever stolen
is your faith so fragile
you **** to protect it?
no notes necessary
I thought you hung the moon in night skies,
Polishing the stars on my skin,
A welkin soul a rose loves rain

In the sacred grove immortal chestnuts scattered at your base,
O rapture of hearts thirsty, lucid you proclaimed nectar redder wines,
Bitter was his blood weeping wine from branches high

Every rose word shed immortal tears, intoxicated I lay upon his soil,
Madness sweet devotion yearned in my bitter blood wine,
O dismay such tears did rain

Seared my flesh naked, stabbed stupid with thorns,
Whitherward I was to vanish once more, a parched rose,
O’er perfumed mounds his children breathe

Talent he mused, mental is the artistic bleeder,
Born in one single nights kiss,
Bitten you swallowed thy stars, his throaty laugh

Drown you clever ***** in amaranthine dreams,
He rode through my soul filled veins,
Repulsed as I sin, umbriferous from loves bright sun

Learn he played, his song be bound in mortal pain,
Live thee without thy rain,
A statue weeps rosy wine,

~ For Judas dances in bleeding rain ~

© Arnay Rumens /A Sol Poet N 2014
When love of Judas is evil, his mouth, his words of the most divine sweetness, yet possesses a dry body.  Promises a mere intention less, a night spider spins it's empty beating web..... Beware a poet for they live in dreams and break mortal hearts.
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