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 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
jesse packard
The grass is green and tall.
And the trees are all so brilliant.
The birds sing the spring Time melody.
With there baby's so high up in a tree.
As sping fades to summer.
The days are long and hot.
The sun baking down with powerful rays.
And the ground all warm and hot.
Lying on the beach as the days start to cool.
Changing from summer to fall.
And of course we can't forget about Autumn.
The days are cool and refreshing.
With amazing vibrant colors.
The leave's change from green to red.
And the sun sinks in the sky quicker.
The days become shorter.
And the nights become longer.
As we pass into winter all bundled up in clothes.
To keep warm for the ice and snow.
People play as they did when they were kids.
In beautiful white fluffy snow.
We are middle of March and start again.
With spring rolling in and the rain falling down.
To be with the sun high in the sky.
as the clock rang midnight
i left home with the speed of light
with a heart full of bitterness
and a soul ripped by sadness
the road was obscure but sublime
and that owl's hoot was making rhythm
i was heading to the shadow city
where flowers never bloom and trees never grow
only mist and wind you know
no bird singing and no baby laughing
only dog barking and wolves howling
there was a castle high as a mountain
standing next to the secret fountain
the castle's bells start ringing
the ceremony is about to begin
and then i opened my eyes
it was just a dream
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
Everyone looks at me and they judge me but I don't blame them they won't understand.
I was innocent girl believed in christmas father believed in fairies belived in love and trusted everyone .
But someone took it all away and it was too soon for me.
It was a night as any other night I looked out my window so the stars and smiled.
Switched the light of hugged my teddy bear and closed my eyes.
As I was about to come to the middle of my sleep.
The door opened I was scared thought it was a monster...
Yes it was a monster but it was a human being acting like a monster his hand on my little lips . His whole body between my tiny hips he thought they were big enough for him to fit.
Worst pain I have ever felt and the more he seemed to pump it got worse .
Tears on my face throat burning I couldn't breath.
As the "monster" walked out of the room everytime .
He would leave me broken than I was before.
From that day the world seemed different not save .
Cause oneday the monster 's mask fell out and I realised that this was not a real monster it was a man that was supposed to love me and take care of me.
But he thought wreking me everyday was right.
And guess what the woman that carried me for nine months knew about this but she turned the other cheeck.
So tell me how can I stop being so paranoid when the world just showed me how people can decieve you people you love.
The man that was supposed to take my mom as his didn't feel she was enough so he destroyed a innocent soul.
And my mom couldn't imagine herself squeezing the pilllow so she pretended not to see it.
Know you know the story
Behind my bitternes
Behind my anger
Behind my sadness
Behind  my paranoia
When that man broke me he took my innocence .
#judge #betrayed #trust #innocence
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
You don't love someone if you can leave them for days without warning.
You don't love someone if your happiness means more to you than theirs.
You don't love someone if you can lie straight to their face and not feel the slightest bit guilty.
You don't love someone if seeing them cry doesn't shred your heart to pieces.
You don't love someone if you get angry at them for being upset and they don't open up to you right away.
You don't love someone if you make them feel guilty for things that are out of their control.
You don't love someone if falling asleep to their voice isn't the most comforting thing to you.
You don't love someone if their laugh isn't your favorite sound.
You don't love someone if when you look into their eyes, you see a reflection of yourself.
You don't love someone if when you kiss them, your mind doesn't go completely fuzzy and you can still remember your name.
You don't love someone if being in their arms doesn't feel like home
You don't love someone if you allow your friends to talk badly about them and you agree.
You don't love someone if just hearing their name doesn't make you smile.
You don't love someone if making them happy isn't one of your top priorities.
You don't love someone if you can admit that they love you more.



— The End —