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Taylor Lynn May 2015
I do not fear death,
no not one bit,
for death has been by my side.

No what I fear the most,
is life its self.
How strange isn't it?
That a young girl who has hardly lived,
fears life already?

You see I fear losing people,
people who have become so close to me,
people who have meant the world to me.
Because you see all those people,
that I have ever let into my life,
or get anywhere close to me,
they left…
they always do.

I fear being the one to always ruin things,
because I always do,
its always me.
I am always the one to blame,
I fear messing anything and everything up,
and ruining something close to me.
I've become pretty good at that….

I fear the feeling of
and the feeling of all the blame.

I fear that one day,
I'll be left alone with no one by my side,
because of my fear,
of ever letting anyone in.
I fear that it is always my fault.

Or what about the fear,
of everything you became accustomed too,
being ripped away and having to start new?
Or every plan you ever had for your future,
come crashing down?

I fear the constant linger,
of a dark shadow over me constantly without my consent.
Or the fear of my constant anxious self,
and how I skip a few breaths,
or the cuts and scrapes amongst my skin.

In those moments I fear myself,
and what I could do,
for I am a child,
who has experienced pain and sorrow,
happiness and laughter,
loss and death,
fear and anger,
betrayal and hurt,
and yet I am a child,
who fears life more than death.
Taylor Lynn May 2015
Flowers in her hair
Demons in her head
Drugs in her veins
Madness in her mind
Love in her soul
Storm in her heart
I did not write this
Taylor Lynn May 2015
I'm ******* losing it,
its tearing me apart,
day by day,
piece by piece,
im drifting into the dark.
But they don't get it do they?
Oh no not a single bit!
I'm silently deranged,
from the quiet little nice girl,
thats somehow gone insane!
Oh but they don't get it do they?
How words like poison work?
Or how about the knife,
that gets shoved right through my heart.
But they don't get it do they?
How this game ******* works,
this game called life,
how it's so sadly become warped.
But what they don't really get,
even if its sad to say,
is that a simple word, action, look,
can cause someone so much hurt
  May 2015 Taylor Lynn
If feelings can be held, then I dare you to hold mine.
I dare you to catch it with your bare hands.
I dare you to hold it tight.
I dare you to put it in your pocket.
I dare you to wear it on your sleeve.

If feelings can be heard, then I dare you to hear mine.
I dare you to catch its every whisper.
I dare you to hear its screams, its laughter, its sighs.
I dare you to hear its cries.
I dare you to hear it echo through your ears.
I dare you to listen to its pleading.

If feelings can be seen, then I dare you to see mine.
I dare you to look it in the eyes.
I dare you to stare at its wholeness.
I dare you to witness its unfolding.
I dare you to marvel at its being.
I dare you not to blink as it looks at you back.
I dare you to let it see beneath your soul.
I dare you to see its light.

And if these feelings can be felt, I dare you to feel mine.
I dare you to snuggle its warmth.
I dare you to shiver at its coldness.
I dare you to feel its corners, its edges, its curves.
I dare you to feel its beating.
I dare you to feel its breathing.
I dare you to feel it.
I dare you to feel its feelings.

I dare you to feel it.
I dare you to feel.
I dare you.
Taylor Lynn May 2015
I feel sorry for you,
because she's moved on.
You finally lost the girl you never thought you would,
and I feel sorry for you,
because at one point in time,
she would of given you the world,
but now you're lucky if she'll even give you the time of day.
You  lost her
its no ones fault but your own,
because that girl tried everything for you,
but you weren't willing to fight for her.
I feel sorry for you,
because she finally realized she deserves better than you.
She gave up on trying to make you happy,
no now she cares about making herself happy.
You're no longer who she thinks of at night before she goes to bed,
and you're no longer the name she smiles at when she hears it.
She's found someone new,
someone who is willing to show her what she deserves,
because you see,
she's found someone who gives her life,
when you showed her nothing but the cold darkness.
She no longer thinks about you every second of every hour,
no you're nothing but a memory,
a lesson she's learned from,
maybe next time you'll learn,
to not go after rocks,
when you had a diamond in your hands for so long,
and maybe one day,
you'll learn how to love,
with that cold rock you call a
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