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showyoulove Nov 2024
Up on the mountain he took them: Peter John and James
And before their very eyes, their Jesus was changed
His clothes became the most dazzling white
A cloud came in and they fell down in utter fright
The true weight of God's Glory came upon them that day
As Jesus went up to the mountain to pray
The disciples were given a special peek
Something to give them strength when they were weak
It was hope, it was light, and it was profound peace
In praying, that which we receive down on our knees
We are transformed with Christ; made new and clean
And while we may never have this very scene
We can have a similar experience and feel the glory
We can, today, share in this great Gospel story
We can adore and, like candles, burn in his presence
A gift for the greatest and least, for kings and for peasants

Lord, some days we can't see you because of the shadow, and sometimes we are blinded because you are so close to us. Most of us have been blessed to have Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind and felt the weight of your glory. The pure power of the energy and love in that moment is like a nuclear reactor. We become radioactive and sometimes even positively glow from the experience. Though it may be forgotten at times, it is still in us. In our darkest moments, help us call to mind this sunshine and cast away the doubt and fear. In your goodness, you have given us this hope of resurrection that we are longing for on Easter Sunday while we wander through the desert of trial and temptation for these forty days to obtain the true conversion and transformation. Thank you, Lord, for Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind that bring us into the light of your presence and the weight of your glory! Amen.
Vachaspathi Jan 2018
My parched little heart was flooded with your lofty watery thoughts.
Beautiful flowers blossomed in my barren land.
Greenery was painted on my brownish canvas.
The color of life brought a dazzling rainbow.
What was once a defunct desert transformed into a spirited landscape.
It was all because of you!
showyoulove Aug 2017
Lord, how good it is that we are here! How wonderful that we should have the chance to glimpse your power and majesty. Here we are at the summit on the mountain of God. Our souls soar free with the eagles so high above the earth. We are awestruck and fall to our knees so afraid and unworthy. Softly, you call us and bring us back to our feet. Whenever we see you up here, we can't help but be transformed by the encounter; by our mountaintop experience. How good it is that we are here Lord! We want to stay up here with you forever right now. You know that we can't, at least not right now. Soon enough, we have to come down from the heights. Sometimes you lead us to the depths to test us. Do we trust you? Will we turn to you? Do we find our anchor, hope, and strength in you? Sometimes you call us to go into the world and share with our neighbor what we have gained. We are called to show them love; show them your love and to testify to our transformation.

Lord, help us to remember that you are God of the Hills and Valleys, good times and bad, sickness and health. You are the Lord of Life. You are the Lord of our lives. We love you Lord. Help us please to remember that you are in control and that you have plans to prosper and help us. Help us remember how much you love us; both now and forever. How good it is that we are here Lord!

August 4th Adoration at St. Peter's!!
I laid down to rest one afternoon under a tree on Raven Hill.
Broad roots stretching wide to invite me against her base.
As I nestled there, I could feel the heartbeat of life pulsing through her.
The roots twisted and turned like a Celtic knot, deep with history.
Time has strengthened her through hardship and neglect;
Yet here she stands with grace and majesty.
Her smooth trunk reaches heavenward, and is topped with lush red fruit.
Enamored and tempted, I ask her for a gift from her bounty.
With the shifting winds she bend and places her fruit in my hands.
And as I taste it's sweetness, I become transformed.
I find myself taking root in the ground beside her,
Growing tall and wrapping my arms around her as we intertwine our branches.
In time we will stand together, grafted into one another,
While our joint fruit spreads throughout the world, as the most cherished delicacy.
Together we shall be one tree of life, there on Raven Hill.

— The End —