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Reece Jan 29
A wolf,
All alone,
On his lonesome,
Waiting for prey…
Wondering if love,
Is worth the pain…
A sheep stranded far away,
From its herd,
The strangest sheep you’ve ever heard.

This one thinks for itself,
Despite the stereotype,
Of the mindless zombies.
This one thinks it’s something else,
The first of her kind,
Her childish pride.
Her herd says that love is a lie,
A double-edged sword,
A failing dance,
They advise against,
Searching for true love,
A foolish gambit.
She thinks she’ll break the mold,
Be something more than what she’s told,
But her beating heart will be her demise,
As the wolf takes its prize.

The wolf steps out from the forest,
With a coy look on his face,
The sheep is surprised,
And capsized.
She’s been thrown into the waves,
Her heart betrayed her in a million ways.
With a look of interest, she approaches,
As the wolf prepares his script,
He smiles and winks, checking the boxes,
As he licks his lips.

He says,
“Haven’t you heard,
About the predators,
That roam in these woods?
What’s a thing such as yourself,
Doing this far away,
From the herd?”

She says,
“I’m not afraid of danger,
I’m here to break the mold.
You don’t seem quite as scary,
As the elders foretold.
I find the flock a burden,
Following a fool’s lead,
I am an independent,
I’ll go where my heart and mind agree.”
The wolf smiles with glee,
His prey is his guaranteed.

The sheep notices scars,
One on his ear,
And one by his heart,
She empathizes and opens her own,
Ready to hear the stories unfold.

The wolf smiles and points at the one at his ear.
“This one’s from a coyote who cowered in fear.”
He pointed next to the one by his heart.
“My mom tried to tear me apart.”
The sheep’s soul aches and groans,
Feeling empathy for a wolf unknown,
Smiling softly she asks for his name.
“Anwir,” He says and bows his head.
“Amora,” She responds, bowing along.

Time moves on,
And the pair grow close.
Their love so strong,
It could be a blaze,
And turn the woods,
To an ashen decay.
If only it was,
More than a farce,
Made up by a wolf,
To lure his prey.
So he plays his part,
His life was a stage,
Waiting for the sacred day.

The wolf offers to walk the sheep,
To a place where silence would creep.
The sheep agrees,
Calls it a date,
The wolf smiles with glee,
Sealing the sheep’s fate.

He leads her along,
A stream and a meadow,
Where they got along,
And grew closer together,
All part of his master plan,
Buying time,
To lure her to her end.

He takes her to the precipice,
With nearby mighty cliffs,
The sheep stares into,
The starry night sky.
The wolf feels split in two,
Instinct or love,
He cannot decide.
He remembers his mom,
Who tried,
To eat him to survive.

He lunges,
She thrashes,
She cries,
Her last.
She asks him.
He bows his head,
Before pushing her body,
Of the face of the cliff…

He sits down and gazes at the moon,
So full,
So pure,
Upon instinct, he howls,
Then it clicks,
His actions make no sense.
He flashes back to the sheep.
Smile and eyes,
That pleased him so.
He thinks of her question,
He starts to cry.
Love at first sight,
Ended under a starry night,
With no reason why,
Thus, is played,
The game of life…
Another tragic tale..
Kate S Apr 2019
Once upon a midnight, when the moon was full,
They stared into each other's eyes and knew that they were whole.
Once upon a midnight, they shared a blissful kiss,
Something that they knew they would someday miss.
Once upon a midnight, surrounded by the dark,
They promised to love each other and never be apart.
Once upon a midnight, the sky was dark and gray,
They could no longer take it and their love started to fray.
Once upon a midnight, they loved each other so,
But the love they had was not enough to fight the shadow.
Once upon a midnight, the clouds covered the stars,
And now all that's left are the ugly scars.
Rachel Jul 2016
From the first day I met you, my heart was set on you.
We have been friends for 5 years now and I can't imagine my life without you.
Due to unfortunate circumstances we can not ever be together.
You know our love would be tragic. As much as I have always wanted that, I know we live different lives and it just wouldn't work. I dont mind being there for you when you need me. That is what I am here for. For you my love. To help you, to listen to you, to be there for you.

I just wanted to take this moment to wish you a Happy Birthday. To remind you of how amazing and strong you are. You are perfect in every way and I am entirely grateful to have met you.
I sincerely hope you have an amazing day because you deserve every smile, every laugh, and every special memory.

You are my everything. My dream come true. Only problem for me is that I can not have you :(
You are always in my thoughts, dont ever forget that. When you feel you are alone, know that I am here for you to love you, to care for you and to charish you.
I couldnt ask for a better friend than you my love. I love you so wholeheartedly and its such an amazing feeling.

Thank you for being you. I love you.
Brandy Nicole Jun 2015
I knew then I had met my match
when the pain in your eyes
mirrored mine
We were wickedly broken
and wanting of love,
We ran so fast
We forgot to see
the coming scars
K Balachandran Jan 2015
Killing all reasoning at once,  he fell in love with a distant star
to merge with him,by any means, she too started a suicidal fall,
as they swung,in space, light years raced alarmingly between them
their hope eternal( tragic, thought others) became,the light they are.
what makes the spirit survive, even when everything seems dark

— The End —