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Imanuel Baca Nov 2018
A damaged broken flag is fluttering in the wind
It clings lichen like to wood melted by time
You can not not see it tear and rip
As entropy begins to take its pleasures
And rain soaks and mold consumes
Still the flag bravely flutters flapping
The flag has long been sun bleached white
As though to say it has surrendered
But you can see it's tenacity
A white dove soars above tenderly
The flag fights on against the wind
It's mighty reaching as though to say:
I long to soar above this sorry world
And through will and destiny ever so rarely align
A great Storm rolls down the mountain
The flag cries out in full mast, full form
It's wooden anchor holding fast
But the the wood gives a gentle sigh and groan
“Old friend I can fight no more. Let me rest and you have you day of flight.”
And with a cracking moan, the old wood bid the flag goodnight
And then that single white flag did fly
As the Storm broke upon the sky
And sunlight rays pierced through
Turning, up world ravaged lands so blue
And then the birds all took flight.
And the flag flew proud
Though rip battered rotten and torn
The flag was see by all with the message to which it was born
“We can all be free if we really fight and endure, However briefly that is.”
What do you think the metaphorical symbolism of flags is?
Farzaneh Qaf Jul 2018
Green grow the rushes o
Green grow the rushes o
When it comes to be a song
Let it be then
What is wrong?
Dont you see this forest mind?
Dont you see me come along?
Green grow the rushes o
My confession; me, not drunk
So pink and what
Many colors on the top
Moon is shining in my skull
Forest growing
Green and green
But green is drawning inside blood
Blood of haters blood of eyes
Green grow the rushes o
How this song just got my mind?
You don't owe me
Yes I'm done
Last word
My, mind, surreal...
Sandman Mar 2018
Dreams sought to find sound;
to be real
Faces washed over me.
I'm pushing through a deaf crowd.
Its black and white like old film flickers.
An orchestra plays for me.
They go deeper and deeper the more the music speeds up.
Finally I snap like a twig.
I'm slammed back to where I was before.
Put out my mind like a wild fire.
Don't need my dreams today.
Only my time.
I look out the window as cars and faces
and busy bumbling people scrub
the surface of my window.
Time flies.
But after a while I start hearing a noise coming from the back of the room.
Kinda scratchy.
Kinda old.
Then louder and louder and LOUDER.
It was the sound of the music from my dream.

— The End —