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One man Nov 2017
Greedy rich still take from the poor
seem to think they still need more
If I had one wish it would be
to try to help and make us free

I'd wish all on earth have one wish
from man to dog and from cat to fish
This one wish would come with a rule
to keep it fair and make no one a fool

You could only wish for another
maybe dad, mother, sister or brother
Couldn't share or make no deals
just to see how good generosity feels

When best of plans have been laid
all the wishes should be made
to change these people make them see
you don't need stuff to be happy!

© One man
Amanda Shelton Oct 2017
Chaos and free,
judged are we who don’t conform
to your views of reality.

With society’s broken ideology.

A pretty face in a magazine,
stitched together with fake
believes, judged for not being
pretty enough,
Photoshop can’t fix me.

Oddly enough you think I am
odd because you don’t see like me.

My mind you say is broke
because I don’t think like you.
You act like everyone should be
the same,
if one goes off frame,
their judged for not sticking
to your guns and your filming rules.
Are no joke.

Such hatred you reflect,
yet you won’t admit you are
the ugly and bad,
not me.
You make me choke.


**© 2017 By Amanda Shelton
Brent Kincaid Sep 2015
Here’s my question:
Don’t daughters lope their mules?
However non-existent
They too surely must bend the rules.
Surely it’s not only guys
Who secretly, daily slap their laps.
If so, would you bluenoses
Quickly and firmly shut your yaps?

There are so many things
Boys are not supposed to ever do
Like farting and belching
And all kinds of gods to apologize to.
We have to fold napkins
And keep our elbows off the table.
The list seems to grow.
I’m not sure I will ever really be able.

Adhering to what it takes
In life to keep myself perfectly decent
Seems to involve rules
Both ancient, ecclesiastical and recent.
I must put the lid down
Because, it seems, women can’t do it.
Hold the door open for them
Because, alone, they can’t go through it.

Give your seat up on a bus
Because even if they are younger than I
Women are the weaker ***
And I must be much stronger, I’m a guy.
And there literally hundreds
Of words I can’t say and shouldn’t think.
Now if only the women of the world
Would outlaw me getting near the kitchen sink.
Lily Siegel Dec 2014
I, myself prohibit
myself to reveal our secret,
to say your full name,
or even write it when I write.
A prisoner of you I am,
Searching in the shadows the caverns of my agony.
When I invoke you when I am alone,
In the dark rock I touch your impassible company.

— The End —