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annh Jan 2019
Why do you scurry along life's unlit byways
Your head bowed, fists jammed in your pockets?
To avert calamity? To guarantee success?

Did you miss the turn-off?
In your busyness and inattention
Did you forget to read the signposts?

Lift your eyes from the ground
Slow your pace and stretch the kink from your neck
Do you know where you are?

Unfurl your empty grasp and consult your inner compass
You will find a map etched on the inside of your heart
Do you see the way ahead?

Yes, I thought so.
Anu Oct 2018
The signpost on the right side of my heart reads;
“Do not sing songs that will sink into the silence that dwell in my soul.”
It is written in bright Bodoni with white ink
solely scripted for sailors attempting to visit.
Only sail across for the deck of my feelings is broken.
The void of the last burgle is yet to heal
so read and adhere to what you see.

The signpost on the left side of my heart reads:
“first five feet farther from site will help facilitate reconstruction.”
It is written in bright Bodoni with white ink
solely scripted for curious pedestrians.
Only use the pedestrian walkway for the bridges are broken.
The damage from the last earthquake is yet to be fixed
So read and adhere to what you see.

The signpost on my heart reads:
“Stay safe and sound till the next storm swings.”
What do you think?
In my life I have been at times the worst person I have ever known.

At times I broke promises when they interfered  with the stupid things I wanted to do.

At times I chose to be far less forgiving to others and self than I have ever seen some of the meanest people be.

At times I have spoken harshly without care of the injury the words inflicted upon those whom did not deserve such treatment.

At times I have behaved worse than I care to ever act ever again.

At times in my life I have done everything for the most part that I despise in others and for a myriad of reasons,none of which were ever good enough to allow for such ways.

Yet I find that though I did these things and no longer have the urge or even desire to resembles them, I  would not change them, unless the same lessons could be learned without doing these things. for the value of the lessons learned are to this day still being summoned and unraveled as I realize the depth of many differing aspects of all people. now I admit, many times I truly needed my **** kicked, but I know every time I  behaved in such an atrocious manor I did so out of attempting protect myself from harming others, and lashed out in the wrong directions and ways.

I say this so as to be honest with more than just myself, but some how to do all I can to ensure that others have a simple gesture of, hey, try not do what I did, cause it does not work and in fact causes equal harm to self as it does to others.

Not that anyone care to even listen, but, we all have multiple faceted books and crannies that we some times are unaware of or forget are there and we fail to reign in on the bad parts of ourselves in time so as not to harm others.

May you have far better luck in not stumbling over the same foolish lesson as I have, and remember to setup a sign post to alert the next few people stumbling down such paths that there is a nasty hole or log in the path that can truly hurt you and even those about you, even some at great distances from you.

And maybe, just maybe we can minimize the undue and silly sufferings that indeed hurt and scar for lifetimes, that truly never needed to happen.

Just a thought and a small sign post for the next confused and profoundly confounded badass kitten all stumbling about and all goofy eyed.  werewolf feet and all.  (have you seen my feet? yeah, )

— The End —