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a tank of blither is Cisco
but in the river
and now even bigger
that awe a ******
with her darling croup
in the Hebrides
whereby Minch is ****
but wire took a crimp
that beltway cries heard her snide remark
a girl with  gold glitter
A family resort

has summer deport

where this howl upon bear

must pray as song does appeal

that really trivializes this complacently

with noxious heat in highest mountains

as wonders elicit their ground again

though plause for such ovation

now garner law in woods.
As Susan Collins
A bitcoin that took
his lure to speck
then caught his poison
and stroked the lawn
with that argy bargy
he finely did roast his town
with jest
his infinite sequence  
there in a raffling wager
that pleased his mother's wish
with his audacity sooner
than they'd think again
in Argonne today.
A Fillabuster
Senator Bernie Sanders
has been invited to the Vatican
by the Pope, himself,
and Mr. Sanders
graciously accepted.

I just gotta wonder
"how's that for 'auspicious?'
I mean:
in this Presidential Election
where every other candidate
flaunts their unflinching 'faith'
as a means to woo potential voters,
how perfect
that the belittled underdog
is summoned to meet His Holiness
as the others, without fail,
put their feet in their mouths
and proceed
to valliantly shoot themselves in the foot,
yet the voting populous
doth so seem to revel in the spectacle.

What a show!

— The End —