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Dom Mar 10
Chin checked
Nothing left,
Cornered snake
In deep depths
Vice gripped
And I’m a honey badger
Teeth ripping while killer grinning
There is no multiverse where you do not give in.

See what I can do-
To a vile stain
With these viral strains
Corrupt the mainframe
And reduce the ego within the brain
Narcissism in lame
You can’t even stand your name
A stage act with no sitters
And those wolf tickets you sold withers
None gather to see the corpse of your dithered -
Tethered little tangents rapid in rampant
But the rapids of my violence will topple ramparts
Until you are nothing but grounded stone
Pebbles and granite sand,
No one from nowhere, never will be man.

You feign safety
Think the screen protects
But spiders crawl to spin your world wide web
And I am the debtor come to collect
With you aired out upon the tallest billboards
You should have known this was coming,
The end of it all,
The sundering
The accounting for you to pay the Pied Piper
And see your deeds counted before the court
Public opinion, even from your statesmen
Children sing their truths
Evidence provides the roots
And the tree of knowledge produces its fruit
With your tire swinging from the highest branch

I warned you this would happen,
I gave you the chance to repent your ways
I handed you means to redefine
But the children sing their truths
And the melodies reach the execution booth
And while you try and catch that train
It’s far too late, the curtain calls
The final cut,

End of line.
I got you dead-bang
I S A A C Dec 2022
3 years deep at least
hiding from yourself more than me
honesty is healing, your honestly killing me
why would you
say that, i need payback
say that, when you knew that
it was lies, projecting all the time
i let your into my house, into my life
Julia Celine Sep 2021
You made me swallow down these words
Only for them to come back up when spurred
At the tip of my tongue, my thoughts
Shout out angrily to be heard

You think it all as meaningless
When you wash away my sound
Now you're gurgling your excuses
And maybe I'll let you drown

I smile through your babbling
And grant you my silence as you prompt me
I know what you want to hear but oops,
I guess I choked again
Matthew Nov 2019
May your heavens part ways
Blasted in the atomic weight
And drops a hell's worth of hell
Upon your crooked leaning crown
Sabrina Apr 2019
You must think you're so tough
Well let me tell you
Since you're my ex-love
I never want you back in my life
Don't come crying to me anymore
I don't wanna hear your lies
So I'll just stand back and watch your tears pour
Think you can cheat on me with her
Come crying to me once you left her
You tore my heart in pieces
Then you left me, baby
I couldn't believe it
Now that I'm over you
Meeting people new
May even be ******* your ex best friend too
Never always liked how you treated me
But I dealt with it, baby
I can't even believe me
Rose tinted glasses must've blinded me
Like you said
Can't you see?
Go run away from all your issues
I'll sit back
Maybe I'll ship you a box of tissues
Emmanuel Mwape Feb 2019

I dearly did everything for you,
Your days deliciously I made blue;
My monthly money made you new
Then madly made you test beef stew!

You always turned me off!
Despite how hard I would chaff;
On this devilish day you will be my staff,
I will break bones! You will be my beef.

The walls in seduction,
The brain as lost its function,
Building up to an eruption,
Of pure ****** distraction!

I gladly gave you flowers and a dove!
I gladly gave you my love.
On my precious presents you did hove
You I took in my caring car then we drove.

It’s time to payback
Payback time is here! Scratch my back
My back yearns and craves for your back
Your back must mercilessly payback!

rrscc Jan 2019
Who, I am, is just the following of what,
What, I am, is just a stone away from where,
Where, I am, is just sails away from why,
Why, we are, is a planet away of who.

Who I am is just a person wearing a pretence,
What I am is just a character of what I try to commence.
Where I am, is this visage, carrying the drama in this scene,
Why we are, is where I merely am playing my part, as my actions are already set in the figurine.

It’s not adequately unexpected for the viciousness that is presented in human forms,
Its pretentious validity, in various forms, in vivid and foolproof flaws, as veteran as victim it withholds.
He desert, hides, cloaks or flees. He screams, breaks, vanish, retreats. He hides, shields, masquerade and juggles. All of these patterns that run in circles and hobbles.

We are not disarmed as much by the sword or bullet but rather by our past,
The whispers, the memories, the mistreat that is amassed.
For I too will have vengeance for myself,
For I plan a vendetta that will never be forgotten, and will haunt thyself.

To effectively grow I have to push past the point of my comfort zone and experience inhumane situations,
No expectations of thoughts and feelings, no blank lines or allowance of consultations because I will lose myself and make my own insinuation.

So please let your anger, hate, *******, intimidation,
Your screams, betrayal, pain, instigation
Thy emotions, force, projections and manipulation,
Be my entertainment that only helps my dissimulation.

For who, I am, is just the following of what,
What, I am, is just a stone away from where,
Where, I am, is just sails away from why,
Why, we are, is the vendetta that’s been bought.
Sabrina Dec 2018
Look at me go
Look at me shine
I'll leave you in the back line
Just like you did to me
I'll walk away with a smile
So bright it'll be hard for you to see
I don't deserve you
I deserve better
Give me a little credit
For putting up with you for too **** long
They should've bet on it
That you would leave
Now look at me
Look at who I am now
Do your eyes deceive?
I'm so much better off without you
little does he know
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