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Danika Apr 2017
if there’s no such thing as luck,
then how did I meet you at just the right time?

My bad decisions were supposed to doom me
I planned on dooming myself, if I’m honest
but something stopped me

and a month later
I met you
Jawad Apr 2017
When a bullet enters the ear
But doesn’t ****

When a boy runs
On the fence
And doesn’t fall
Except for once
Which by sheer chance
Was just the first
Not second floor

When a man defies
Some unjust rules
Deciding to jump
Of the roof
But doesn’t die
And only breaks
A single leg

When a lady gets
Almost hundred
But rarely cries
Despite sorrows
And much demise

When a child injures
One of his eyes
But still can see
And jump and play
Like it should be

When young man rides
A motorbike
Is hit by car
Hard from behind
And yet survives
With a few scares

When scorpion
Does make its mind
To live with me
Just walking bye
So many nights
While I’m asleep
Without a sting

I call this luck
And all blessings
Poured over me
And family...
In my home country Iraq, its really a miracle to survive, not only because of terrorism and war, but also because life is hectic and full of danger, and people behave so recklessly. Here are some horrible things that happened to members of my family, but because they were lucky and blessed, they got away with it. That includes me.

- A ‘cold bullet’ (a bullet fired in the air somewhere far away) went into the ear of one of my cousins, entering in a very strange angle and stopping right next to the spinal cord in his neck but he survived; today, he is blessed with a beautiful family of his own, and the bullet is still ‘there’, because doctors refused to operate so close next to the spinal cord. But thankfully, its not moving!  
- Another cousin used to walk, or sometimes run(!!) on the fences surrounding the roof of my grandparents two story house. In Iraq, roofs are flat and have fences. So he always got away with running on the fences of the second floor. But once he did it on the veranda fence of the first floor and fell. He still got away with some minor injuries but up to this day, he is in love with hight...
- One of my uncles jumped from the roof because he was chased by the military police who wanted to arrest him for refusing to join Saddam’s unjust war against our neighbour country Kuwait. He ended up with a broken leg, but sadly had to join the war, nevertheless. Thankfully, he neither killed nor took part in the organised looting that Saddam’s army organised in Kuwait after the invasion.
- My grandma, despite so much difficulties, death, and hurt got almost hundred years old. Her exact age is not possible to determine because her birthday wasn’t accurate; people at that time just wrote something. She has witnessed the death of my grandpa and 4 of her children, one of her grandchildren, in addition to several miscarriages. My grandfather died in the 80's. She had a son who was burned to death by some crazy kids in the neighbourhood. One of her daughters also died because she was exposed to chemical weapons Saddam used against the opposition in the north of Iraq in the 80's. Her eldest son died at the age of 82, one year before she did, and before him her second eldest son, who got cancer. Her grandchild, who loved her a lot, was arrested by Saddam's secret police and was tortured to death. Nevertheless, I’ve never seen her cry, not once in my life. Maybe tear once or twice, but never cry. She was always witty and positive and full of energy...Sadly, she got Alzheimer and fell, breaking her hipbone, and eventually died after almost one year in bed. A really brave woman.
- One of the children of my cousin got stabbed with a pen in his eye by his brother, and although the procedure used to deal with the accident was wrong, he still is able to see without any problems.
- Another cousin of mine, while driving a motorbike, was hit by a car from behind and although landing on his face hitting the sidewalk, while not wearing a helmet, he miraculously survived with only a few minor scares in his face.
- I had a scorpion living for months in my room. I always kept hearing something moving somewhere, suspecting it to be a mouse or a lizard. And sometimes I notices something dark moving but thought that my eyes were playing tricks with me. However for some reasons I didn't take it serious. But after leaving, my mother found a 4 inch black scorpion in my room, which she killed with a shoe, like a champ...
- That is only a sample of how much luck and blessings my family has witnessed. I would have added how I survived death by explosion twice, and how my sister did also survive one of the bloodiest sucide attacks in Iraq, targeting her college. But for some reason she didn't go to school at the day of the attack. But I had difficulties fitting all that into one poem. I think what is mentioned is enough action for one poem. :-)
Chelsea Brooks Apr 2017
single mother
no job
no place to live, no car

somehow made it far
a mother that never quite loved her enough
a father just the same
countless men that showed her she wasn't worth anything

She now has a degree
and a daughter to whom she'd give the world
still stressed
but also blessed
because of her little girl
she can feed and clothe her
make her smile and laugh

and she left behind the demons of her past

Blessings sometimes have the timing of a snail
slow and inconvenient
but their arrival is the water on a blazing hot day in the desert
they happen when needed yet unexpected
"G'luck to ya"
sounds like
there's a
aimed at
your head
but I swear

that's just the
sarcasm talking.
"G'luck to ya" is an abbreviation of "good luck to you" which is sometimes used ironically to mean "that's unlikely" or "I'm not with you". When used sarcastically it expresses doubt, disapproval or lack of confidence.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
January 2002

Doctor recited some number
I didn’t understand what it meant
when he said “not as low as
I’d hoped” my heart sank
into my gut

Later… home
with an ugly scar

on back of his skull
horse shoe shape

didn’t the surgeon know
horse shoes must hang ends up

the luck in them will escape?
Just this morning I started what will be (if finished) a several-part poem of the saga of our son lost to a brain tumor. When I saw today's "prompt" of "luck" I decided to post Part II. I hope it stands alone well enough.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
My amazing luck fails me
when I want it to work
and works its magic
when I expect it least
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2017
Scurrilous birds fly by,
To nest in the little painted
Houses left clear for them,
In awkward circles they romp
Their peculiar dramas
With ****** wings.

Do they even witness
The skies revolving canvas,
New masterpieces each day,
How the light shimmers
In the sparkle rays of sun,
How the golden fields,
Of vales in sighted sweep
And dance, airy etudes,
By the windfall gusts
So suddenly arising?

These visions are marks
For but few, who hear time
As it plays in stepped quartets
Of the spiraling seasons song,
For the lone mercies, gifts,
To ones most gentle, merest,
Spirited eyes who gaze deftly,
Deep in sacred days,
From a window.

— The End —