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Lowkie Nov 2020
Please close the door
There is a bunch of dead bodies laying on the floor
Our brothers and sisters losing their lives too soon
Shaking the nation to its core
Got me questioning
Is this the peace we've been praying for??
Please close the door
For there are pictures on the wall
That I don't want to see no more
Memories I tried to ignore
Became part of the decor
And everytime I tear it down, it restores
Please close the door
This used to be my favourite room
But I don't enter it anymore
It reminds me of the person I was before
And that person is buried 6 feet beneath this floor
So please close the red door
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
I built walls so high
To keep the ones that hurt me outside
And ended up being alone on the inside
After a while I got used to being alone on this side
Afraid of hurting again so I hide
I pushed people away
So that they don't see the real me
Keeping all these feelings inside
Because I don't know who to trust
Eventually it started eating me up inside
And I felt empty inside
While smiling on the outside like everything is fine
I lived in my own little bubble
Minding my own, I didn't want trouble
But you noticed me
And the walls started to crumble
You wanted someone to talk to
So I lend you my ear
You said all the right words I needed to hear
And all I could do was mumble
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
U + Me equals to a mathematical problem
Solve for x but there's no answer at the bottom
Believe me I tried calculating the variables
But no matter what, the answer is still unattainable
Y you ask? Because this equation is unexplainable
Remember the X you told me not to worry about
Yeah the one you said left a mark
I know you still see him in the dark
He still is the flame in your life
And I guess that makes me just a spark
But I'm not perfect
There was a X I had to subtract
I told you I did just so you don't overreact
But as our arguments multiplies
Our attention to solve this problem divides
I am no mathematician but
The sum just don't add up and after so many tries
Maybe it's about time to say our final goodbyes
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
She has the legs of a model
The type that would make grown men cry
With the body of a goddess
She had no reason to be modest
She had the potential to anything
But she happened to my greatest weakness
Little did I know that prettiest ******* the block
Had a secret
On the outside she looked decent
Some might even say beautiful
But on the inside she was a little wicked
She had this look in her eyes
That would turn any wondering man's life around
Maybe it was lust, Maybe it was fear
Maybe I shouldn't have listened to the devil in my ear
But as I stared into her eyes
I was surprised I didn't go blind
Instead I started feeling cold
From my pinky toe all the way up to my nose
And that's when I realised who she really was
But it was too late because
My heart already turned into stone
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
Dear Mom
I'm writing you this letter
Hoping that you will never get to read it
Your son is growing up now
Did you know he is poet now
He wants to tell you
But he afraid it might be another thing
That you won't allow
Dear Dad
I want to say you're the reason
As to why I'm so sad
But I don't cause I don't want you to feel bad
Growing up without you wasn't really that hard
But maybe with you around
I could of went down a different path
There's more letters burning in the fire
I might have used one or two pages
To roll some joints to get higher
Daydreaming about better days
As the fire blaze
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
Someone asked me
"What was your life like before the depression?"
And without hesitation, I asked him
"Don't you have a better question?"
I could not give him a straight answer
For as long as I can remember
I had a imaginary companion
Living inside my head like he is a rent payer
He told me sweet stories
His favourite one was
"Nothing matters, Dying is way better"
He gave me advice
"Cut off your friends and family" he said
"Lock yourself up in your room" he said
"Starve yourself, nobody cares" he said
"Take this razor, be careful it's sharp.
Don't say I never got you anything nice"
He said while smiling from ear to ear
He called himself Depression
He invited himself into my house
Along with Anxiety his spouse
And ever since they moved in
Nothing was the same
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Jul 2020
Trapped in my mental cage
With no bars made from steel
Only scars that do not heal
With no celling
Only dreams that are too far to reach
Wake up from my sleep cause the nightmares keep haunting me
Falling asleep because these thoughts keep taunting me
People reaching out to save me but really I'm right where I need to be
So forget about me and you go be free
I'm trapped in a mental cage
Fighting back this burning rage
Pouring my heart out as you keep turning the page
Everyday I tell myself I will be okay
And the skeletons in my closet will be buried away
And it will be a brighter day
Until I wake up
And that dream fades away
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Jun 2020
I'm depressed but not suicidal
I'm depressed but not suicidal
I'm depressed but not suicidal
I'm depressed but not suicidal
Why do I say this?
I do hear voices in my head
Telling me that I should be dead
Telling me that life is not fair
Telling me that no one really cares
Like come on?
I've been hearing this for years
Am I suppose to be scared?
God has bigger plans
That's why I'm still here
That's why I still stand
Life is not fair
It's not fair to anybody
People think they got life figured out
But what happens behind closed doors
Is not my business to say
People do care (in their own human-ish way)
And even if they fake it, I'll be okay
I do hear voices in my head
They all starting to sound the same
Whenever I get a glimpse at happiness
They always have something to say
Don't let them get to you
They just want to break you down
Don't let them have that effect on you
Whenever I hear them
I know I'm doing something right
Something that these demons didn't like
So they come back looking for another fight
But that okay cause I've seen the light
They go silent once I've gathered all my might
After me writing this
And after you reading this
I hope we can both sleep peacefully tonight
Lowkie Jun 2020
Think happy thoughts
Even when your head is racing
Everyday feels like another challenge that you're facing
Your life is disaster in the making
Because everything you touch ends up breaking
Think happy thoughts
Think happy thoughts
Through the pain you've felt
And you have this random breakdowns
Where you feel numb, dumb and just want to melt
When you're lost in the darkness looking for light
Think happy thoughts
Think happy thoughts
And not drug overdose
Or crying until your tears overflow
Dwelling on the pain means you'll never grow
Stop looking for love in a place where it was never shown
Think happy thoughts
Lowkie Jun 2020
Lately I've been going through a phase
I got ninty-nine problems I'm not willing to face
Not because I don't want to
I just don't have the strength it takes
Everything I touch breaks
Well except for this pen and paper
And the words on this page
With every word I write down
The weight becomes lighter
The problems becomes lessor
And for a brief moment
Life becomes better
And I gain my strength again
For a brief moment I don't feel insane
And although life is a game I didn't choose
I still press continue and carry on playing
Facing my ninty-nine problems
With just a mere pen and paper
And these sonnets I'm creating
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