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Joshua Penrod Sep 2016
Could I in my own efforts, pick myself up if I were dead?
Could I in my own efforts, heal the wounds which I continue to inflict
Could I in my own efforts, prepare to mend the sickness for which I have no cure?
Could I in my own effort, become the person I want too, but don't have the means to become

Could I in my own efforts, harness the power and the strength that I simply do not possess on my own
could I possibly in my own efforts, conquer something in my past that I have failed to over come

The answer is elegant yet most simple, of course I could not!
Could I in my own efforts fall to my knees
Could I in my own efforts, weep and lay still
Could I in my own efforts, move not one inch
Could I in my own efforts, utter a cry for help
Could I in my own efforts be liberated?
Not without a liberator good and strong to break down the gates
And I ask myself will I call for such liberation

The answer has come when I fear I shall not be liberated.
And so in my state I confess that I, am in need of a liberator
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
To the strongest I am weak
And to the weakest I'm strong
To the righteous I'm wrong
Unto the condemned I'm meek
To those in power I'm a threat
Yet to the oppressed I'm power
To the mighty I'm an unwanted storm shower
To the voiceless I'm mighty thunder,I'm great

— The End —