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Unpolished Ink Oct 2023
Do I love you,
more than gentle earth or sky
or rain or cooling winds that blow
air to breathe or wine to sip
daffodils and trees in spring
a thousand other poets things
I do not know if this is true
I only know that I love you
I wrote this for Henry [aged 92] to propose to George, the next door neighbour he has loved for more than 50 years
sophia Aug 2018
The morning birds sing to the rythm of her soft heart beat under sky
blue sheets

Warm air exerts from each nostril along with a yawn from her
baby doll lips

Gold framed women in paintings above her drop forward
over the headframe
in envy of her glamour

And the sun gleams against her cheek bones creating a halo around what already is an angel
Nola Swan Jul 2017
searching for the words to say.
you know those
that chase thoughts away
that force the confidence
that I have in these words
to dissipate.
I love you.
seems so easy.
but in the past have been the catalyst
causing the whole thing to go aray.
those words which carry so much depth
yet hold not enough weight.
to convey what I'm actually trying to say.
I love you.
but I don't mean it that way.
your thoughts
your being
the way your hips sway
all have broken the walls I have built
until this day.
I love you.
but makes the words so hard to say
to your face.
poetryaccident Apr 2017
How do I put aside the fiend
the monster within this skin
when society waits to judge
with their pitchforks stained with blood?

their voices scream so loud
from a thousand paper cuts
compliance asked by the norm
with erasure as their preference

who I am is disallowed
by the ones most alarmed
by existence on this earth
of a child with different thoughts

“it’s a phase, confusion’s reign”
I wonder at this refrain
when I’ve known for decade’s time
with passing privilege near at hand

those I respect fill me with fear
wondering how they’ll react
drop kind regard when they confront
to know the truth about the queer

the most strident will have their fear
could wreck my life, my happiness
as respect that used to be
is replaced by cruel intolerance

the only answer I have at hand
two in fact, the first is worse
is to hide, build up good will
and hope this forgives the fiend within.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170423.
Watching videos on YouTube videos, on the subject of bisexual erasure, prompted me to write the poem “Fiend Within”.   What is bisexual erasure?   Is is the pervasive problem in which the existence or legitimacy of bisexuality (either in general or in regard to an individual) is questioned or denied outright.  It is also a difficult place to be in a society with already judgmental attitudes towards people without straight gender attractions.  They may feel a betrayal, evoking the whole, “So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth”.   The only answer I’ve found is to present a human face to the larger society, and to let those who struggle know that they’re not alone.
possibly Jan 2017
We raise our kids on words like suppose and almost.
A lifetime of Hallmark cards and empty promises.
As though identity is a multiple choice question
With only two options.

To the girl with hair too short for her liking,
And a body she does not recognize to be hers,
Do not consume the venom that drips from their lips,
Or respond to the pronouns stapled into you, as though
They know you better than you know yourself.

To the boy with the aching chest,
You are not bound by the stereotypes inflicted by society.
You do not have to justify your name to those with acid tongues,
And ‘cis’-tematic oppression carved into their hearts.

To every person
Who has taken their hearts and shoved it away in the abyss of their closets,
To every person
Who was told that their identity was like the moon
On days that it disappears from the sky,
I am sorry.

I am sorry for every mother, father, brother, and sister
Who took your identity with a mouthful of  intolerance.
I’m sorry you had to come out of hiding
From a game of Hide & Seek no one was aware we were playing,
And the tsunami of fear that ensued after it.
I am sorry that some of us could not handle your freedom to love.

To those lucky enough to feel at home
In your bodies of Adam and Eve,
Others are not so lucky.
Do not be the serpent;
be the guiding angel
For those who feel trapped in this tunnel of sin and uncertainty.
Spread the love they were once fearful to express,
And respect their right to be who they choose.
Be the ally to the world’s freedom of love.
Unlock the door for those locked in.
this was for my religion course lol
Usually i could write so easily but since i felt the touch of your hand and the press of your lips i can no longer remember anything but the way your heart beating out of your chest and the nervous shake in your hand felt. My words no longer seem dull and saddened with the weight i carry. My beautiful redheaded princess, i have never felt such a strong and dire love for someone. My beautiful beautiful princess, i know my actions may not show you my full heartfelt nervous love but i promise its true. Your blue eyes have captured me and i dont fear the promise of forever no more. I look at you and i see us getting married, i know it sounds crazy we are after all kids but maybe its not so crazy after all ive loved you since i laid eyes on you and i would do anything to keep you happy. I see us with kids and i know it doesnt seem possible because we are both female specimen but i know that we will figure ways out. And i know this seems so early and fast forthcoming but i only wish to speak the truth around you and the truth is i promised myself long before you i would never fall in love with another girl but you came a long and i couldnt resist after all the girls that look of forever are my greatest weakeness but only you are the one i want. My little firecrackeres girlfriend, one day soon i will put a promise ring around that pretty little finger of yours for you to show off and me to promise that for you ill always be true.
They say loving you is a choice to be gay or not is like a switch that I've never really knew how to turn off only hide behind paint and glow in the dark stars to make them all so proud of me. I can proudly say after loving you for such little time I know that heaven must be real, I see the universe in your smiles, my future in your arms and baby I see happiness like its a person every time you laugh. They told me to make you fall for me I had to make you laugh but I realize now every laugh only made me want to love you so much more. I am filled with bad cliches and cheesy pick up lines but I promise I will never over step the boundaries you've put up with caution tape. I will never rip open the ties that you bind together to keep people out cuz pretty lady I know what it feels like when you can't seem to tell them no. I'll go as slow as you want me to anticipating your fall and when you do I'll be there to catch you. This is no game of cat and mouse I will not stop trying simply because I have you. I have the words "I love you" on repeat in my head and I was never one to be a fool and love a girl I knew who could break my heart but listen you have the power to snap me in two obliterate my spinal column combust my arteries, but its all worth it if I can love you even if its for a second. There are people out there who are swift on there feet and fast to speak the words to you to make you feel whole but I promise through my stumbling and jumbuling of words I can still give you the sky and if the sky's not what you wish to have I'll paint you your greatest fantasies. I've never been in love, not like this but baby I'm going crazy . for you.
Laying here my day feels so surreal how I held you hands length away and in between our intertwined hands you signaled the words I love you. One, two, three and the words gushed from your body into mine and its like I'm on a magic carpet ride, and I can see why Aladdin wanted to show jasmine a whole new world because with you that's what I want to do. I can be like the beast to show you how to love the past I hold inside as long as I can be taught how to be gentle and care. I have lived so long without feeling that this here seems like a mere dream. Being with you I can finally feel again. Feel the spark of my will to live come back, you see that story I told from two years ago was where I lost the will to move, to breathe. I put the burden on the shoulders of the parents sworn into  protecting me. But I promise seeing you smile jump starts my heart back to where I want to live. You do not care whether I am her who really feels like him, you shrug and say "I will love you because your you , not for the parts on your body that you use" I can't help but smile and its been so long since I felt the sun shine on my face even when outside its so much colder than your warm inviting arms. So let's take this slow I'll open your doors tell you how amazing I believe you are. Because you really are amazing. I'll make sure to do this right if you just promise I won't have to wake up from this wonderful dream.

— The End —