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Matthew Chen Nov 2019
As I lay on my bed
Two to three hours later
I feared that "it" happened

I hear eerie voices in my head
The cold air touching my smooth skin
Eyes bloodshot without even daring to blink
For he is after me

Smoke coming in underneath the door
The hard knocking of the door
With a deep demonic voice of demand
Screaming, "LET ME IN!"

From that moment
I froze
Not a single sound to be heard
Not even one step

But low and behold
He found his way in me
"Welcome to your living nightmare!"

As I stared at my reflection
I began seeing visions
Visions that no other human being can see
With the naked eye

I've seen my past and future
I will never survive this tyranny
From that night
I knew I had to do

Goodbye, world
May your light never shine upon me again
Because once I am gone
Nobody will remember me
I've been through hell and back, and now it's just becoming a cycle. When will this ever end?
slr Jun 2018
somebody hurt you so bad
and I know you are scared
but I’ve been through hell
and i think
i am supposed to help you through
i think you are supposed to be back

i know i shouldn't think
because it gets my heart in trouble
but i think
i am supposed to love you

-please love me back
I write so much free verse and I know there should be pattern so don't mind the random repeating lines cause I like it.
cassie marie Oct 2017
The madness in her eyes drew me

It told me she's been through hell and back

And survived
This one is actually about my life and how people say that in the sunlight my eyes are I guess piercing so yeaaaa

— The End —