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arCamm Jan 2021
I hope he knows that I feel the stress
vortex banging against his cranium.
even with my welcoming surface,
he struggles to let go.

I hope he knows that it is not I that
needs replacing,
but simply his way of thinking that
needs readjusting.

A new year
A mindset anew

Hello 2021

- a.r. Camm
Hello 2021,

I know that you’re going to bring some more bullsh** my way. Just to let you know now, I’m mentally preparing myself for you. You won’t catch me off guard like 2020 did. I’m ready for you. Bring it on.
andTilly Jan 2021
the happiest step into your New Year
and each and every fear that feels near
let it just step into the light and disappear

happy New Year’s
HOPE Jan 2021
Contemplation always lies
Between I do and I don't
Primarily on yes or no
Definitely not in-between
That is not a counterclaim
Of whether you accredit prodigy or misfortune
Either Signs and wonders
But to her lies a sacred divination
Which permit her to wish you
a phenomena new year
अंधकार  का  जो साया था, 
तिमिर घनेरा जो छाया था,
निज निलयों में बंद पड़े  थे,
रोशन दीपक  मंद पड़े थे।

निज  श्वांस   पे पहरा  जारी,  
अंदर   हीं   रहना  लाचारी ,
साल  विगत था अत्याचारी,
दुख के हीं तो थे अधिकारी।

निराशा के बादल फल कर,
रखते  सबको घर के अंदर,
जाने  कौन लोक  से  आए,
घन घोर घटा अंधियारे साए।

कहते   राह  जरुरी  चलना ,
पर नर  हौले  हौले  चलना ,
वृथा नहीं हो जाए वसुधा  ,
अवनि पे हीं तुझको फलना।

जीवन की नूतन परिभाषा ,
जग  जीवन की नूतन भाषा  ,
नर में जग में पूर्ण समन्वय ,
पूर्ण जगत हो ये अभिलाषा।    

नए  साल  का नए  जोश से,
स्वागत करता नए होश से,
हौले  मानव  बदल  रहा है,
विश्व  हमारा संभल  रहा है।

अजय अमिताभ सुमन
Ron Conway Jan 2020
a happy new year
best wishes to all of you
no resolutions
Happy New Year
harley jane Jan 2020
Happy New Year!

I glance over at him
And he stares back at me
In the moment
We realize that

Seven years of loving each other
Was worth everything
Pain and patience
Happiness and sadness

We believe in each other
We know that what we have
Is truly extraordinary
And that we are in it for the long run

I look into those emerald eyes
He looks into my doe-brown eyes
The entire world comes to a stop
And our lips lock to our new year.
Just a little poem for my boyfriend. Hes been by my side for a long time even through my darkest times. And yes, we were 12 when we started dating. I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year :)
Anagha Dec 2019
Sitting in the night filled with snow...
she allowed the thoughts to flow.

She reminsced her gains....
and looked backed on to her pains.

Thought of the things she has done...
but  she regretted none.

She sat down to take a resolution...
said a big no to anymore pollution..
to her mind and heart.

Decided to love herself a little more...
determined to stand firmly for herself.
planned to shed off her useless layers

She is waiting zealously to renew herself in this new year and
to fly off with her beautiful dreams
TS Ray Dec 2019
It’s a New Year and a New Decade,
nature, love and much more to be praised,
fresh canvas and new colors it’s going to be framed,
surely, belief in us will paint the way we want it shaped.
TS. 2019.  Happy 2020 - Hello Poetry, family and friends.
undermyfeet Dec 2019
You don't have to do anything special for special occasions,
because normal is the most precious kind of special.
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