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A month after the cease fire situation in Gaza is still in limbo.
Stabilization is hampered by many problems.
Overshadowed by threats and uncertainty.
But life has just started again.
One of the people who started life is a pizza man.
Every day he goes around the entire Gaza strip.
Driving his van which is equipped with a kitchen in the back.
Usually he makes various pizzas in that kitchen.
Mozzarella pizza , pepperoni pizza , beef cheese pizza , tuna pizza and others.
The price of ingredients has dropped to cheap because stock on the market has returned to normal.
So he can buy the ingredients needed with the donation money he got.
He always makes pizza with love, sincerity, skill, dedication and determination.
Every day his face always smiles when he makes lots of pizza.
Then he always shares all the pizza he makes with the kids.
They all love to eat delicious free pizza.
The joy they feel when eating pizza has become the beginning of life in Gaza.

February 2025

By Alvian Eleven
junie 4d
A promise made, a vow—unbelievably grand
Until tanks and footsteps disturb the land
Handshakes firm, papers signed
Yet missiles and bullets still lag behind

Peace is non-transferable, war is our own,
Limited liability for the lives that we've blown
For threat prevention, we may reinforce,
Bombs will drop without a hint of remorse

When the world begins to ask
We say we honored it, our assured task
A truce! A pause! A peaceful day!
We’ll bomb them all by the end of May

We reserve the right to reverse the ceasefire
As bodies fall to the chorus of our choir
Diplomacy’s a practiced art—
Where ceasefires end before they start
satirical poem on the genocide in Palestine
Ijaazat 7d
"Exactly as as kings.   Feeling full for it.            Exactitude as kings.            So to beseech you as full as for it.            Exactly or as kings..... Exact resemblance to exact resemblance the exact resemblance as exact resemblance, exactly as resembling, exactly resembling, exactly in resemblance exactly and resemblance. For this is so. Because."

("If I Told Him", Gertrude Stein, questioning the axiom of meaning and language as fixed.)

Exactly as as victims. We have the power to starve you. Exactitude as victims. We are so wounded that we will bomb you. Exactly or as victims.

"Exact resemblance to exact resemblance the exact resemblance as exact resemblance, exactly as resembling, exactly resembling, exactly in resemblance exactly and resemblance. For this is so. Because."

Exact resemblance to victims. Do you see it?
Repost from another platform. Zionists and Israelis claim to be victims. Meaning is endlessly deferred but this claim can never be true. They said "never again". But never again for who? Speak up. Inhumanity continues.
Ijaazat 7d
Atleast I have a mother who can eat everyday.

Atleast I have a mother who can eat.

Atleast I have a mother who can.

Atleast I have a mother who.

Atleast I have a mother.

Atleast I have a.

Atleast I have.

Atleast I.


Atleast you are human.


At the very least.



You don't speak up.

You don't speak.

You don't.


It is easy to erase both of us when we don't resist.

There is no difference between you and me.

Except atleast you have a voice.

Atleast use it.

At the very least.

Prove you are a human.

At the very least.
Repost from another platform. Genocide continues. Please keep speaking. They are not just numbers. They are the stories you'll never get to hear.
In Gaza where happiness fades away
Funerals every day and
Through shadows of strife
They cherish their life
In a land where dreams never come true.
German Government on Trump remarks: Gaza belongs to the Palestinians
Not You or Israel.

British Parliament Palestine belongs to the Palestinians.
French Government your not kicking Palestinians out of there homes.
Alvian Eleven Jan 29
Oh Habibti.
Why are you so beautiful ?
Your smile seduces my heart.
Your gaze brightens my soul.
You are the most beautiful woman in Gaza.
I want to make you my beloved wife.
Oh Habibti.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 29
The patriot spirit is the true spirit of America.
That's why a young man named Aaron Bushnell joined the American military.
He wanted to be able to dedicate himself for America.
Like the ancestors of America during the 1775 revolution.

But in the end he was disappointed.
When he realized that America had lost its true spirit.
There was no longer any patriotism that he was proud of.
It had only become an illusion full of falsehood and hypocrisy.

For a long time until now America has been gripped by Zionists.
The government is filled with political clowns who play dirrty.
Serving Israel's interests for decades.
Which is gnawing away at Palestinian land.

Aaron Bushnell was forced to dirrty his hands.
He wanted to resist but had no power.
The only way was to free himself in the most extreme way.
He hatched a plan to burn himself with a rage he could never vent.

In front of the Israeli embassy he stood.
Wearing a military uniform that looked dashing.
Then he doused his whole body with gasoline.
Lit a fire that burned his whole body.

He was burned but still standing.
He was in pain but still standing.
Then with a loud voice he shouted
Free Palestine !... Free Palestine !...

In the end he collapsed.
The fire had burned his whole body.
Then the security guard pointed a gun.
Shot him until he died.

Aaron Bushnell sacrificed himself.
He had become a true American patriot martyr.
But the media called him suffering from mental disorders.
While awakened Americans dared to oppose their rotten government.

Palestinians learned of Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice.
In the midst of the Gaza chaos his smiling face photo was shown everywhere.
Viewed with great honor , high pride and deep emotion.
A true American patriot has become a hero who will always be remembered.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 28
The end of Kaliyuga the world is filled with darkness.
The light is getting dimmer the darkness is getting thicker.
But the light is struggling to reach a turning point.
The darkness is fading the light is shining.
The beginning of Satyayuga the world is filled with light.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 28
The people of Gaza have lost everything.
What they have not lost is themselves and the land that they stand on.
The land that has been purified by the blood of martyrs.
From that land they will grow a new refreshing life.
With new air.
With new spirit.
With new color.
With new vision.
With new dream.
With new hope.
With new energy.
This is the great revival of Gaza.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 28
In the midst of the long chaos there was NO WAY HOME for the people of Gaza.
The people of Gaza were displaced FAR FROM HOME.
Now the long chaos is over and the people of Gaza celebrate their HOMECOMING.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
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