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Dev Aug 2015
I tried my best, I did my best
Not to fall in love with you
Not to picture our hands intertwined pointing above
Not to think of our lives together that could have been
Not to dream of you laying next to me after a night of love and sin
Not to break down and wish I could start again.
But I guess my best. Couldn't win.
Dev Aug 2015
"One of these days I'm just going to sit down, put a pen to my head, pull the trigger and blow my brains out on a piece of paper."
Dev Jul 2015
“Go ahead..Say what ever you want about me. I’m serious! I don’t care. It’s funny actually. Because I don’t even have to say or call you anything to get my satisfaction.. Because I know that no matter what you say to me, call me or what ever you’d do to remind me that I’m ****…You still kissed me..You still held my hand..You still fell in love with me..And I know that those facts **** you off and eat away at you everyday..And I love that.. I love that it does that to you.. Almost as much as I loved you."
Dev Jul 2015
“Every life is just a simple stepping stone to the next one..
So don’t worry.. We’ll all do better the next time around.”
Dev Jul 2015
“She makes me wish I was blind..So I could grow a deeper understanding and connection of the personality and nomenclature of her skin through my touch..”
Read "What made Blind Sensation"
A Gouedard Jun 2014
The cup gleams gold in the light
Golden liquid overflowing
Round bowl on a slender stem.
On the table beside it are apples.
Red, yellow, glowing,
Globed sunlight bursting with juice.
Outside in the meadow, the cows
Brown and white, gentle eyed, lowing,
As the calf pushes and pulls on the ****,
Staggers a little and suckles.
Warm milk for the jug.
A blue and white bowl holds the cream.
Blue and white is the sky above
Brown and deep the buzzing of bees
Making the foxgloves bend and bow
Under the coolness of trees
Where the earth holds the richness of leaves
And the bones of the ancestors rest
In the land of the ever blessed.

— The End —