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Zywa Mar 2022
Via Via I do approximately know who I am
someone among all the people

who keep the city alive
and show me my soul
We feed each other, therefore eat
each other as one body
mankind, hungering to live
approximately knowing who we are
among each other and the rest
on our long way
up, down
and around

The goals I had, lost
and not missed, lost
in ubuntu
A Via Via café

Bantu = people; munu/muntu = man

Ubuntu = becoming and being human through others, being one, I am because we are

Song "Ich bin den weiten Weg gegangen" ("I went the long way", 1974, Hildegard Knef)

Collection "The drama"
Zywa Mar 2022
As serfs of ourselves

we all do long to live free --

for one another.
Collection "The drama"
Zywa Feb 2022
What I secretly do
but not hidden
from myself, the truth
that I do not want to know
yet sometimes see
in the questioning eyes
of others, surprised
or hurt, on the border
of judgment on me
is the truth in the eyes
of my conscience that examines me
I sweat, it's a purgatory
and as long as it lasts, it is
hell: I am not
just myself
but one of the others

That's the drama
"Huis clos" ("No Exit" / "Closed doors", 1944, Jean-Paul Sartre)

Collection "The drama"
Zywa Dec 2021
New Year's Eve: we face

an abyss, dangerously --

we stand hand in hand.
"De afgronden" ("The abysses", 1955, Ida Gerhardt)

Collection "Em Brace"
BlackWhite Nov 2021

                              One crossed your mind,
                                Is thinking of you too?

                                           Is it True?
Probably people are connected spiritually, Just a though!
Zywa Oct 2021
In the evening we dance
free expression, I am
free and safe in the camp

There is only one lock, one man
who has the key, because
who would want to leave?

Come and take a look
through the fence wires
we don't hide anything

Shirking, sneaky
stuff, a ****, everything
is seen and then

the police quickly take you
to the decision square
that has no facades

There are always people passing
by the houses without outside
walls and without back rooms

seeing if you are doing your best
keep on working and are proper
in the picture and in the toilet
Big Brotherhood --- Collection "Different times"
Em MacKenzie Aug 2021
Some people listen to hear,
and some listen to respond.

Some people talk to be heard,
and some talk because they can’t stand the silence.
Meaningless meaningful conversations
Zywa Jul 2021
Drinking cool water

with you after a hot day --

The sun sinks slowly.
Collection "More"
Zack Ripley Jun 2021
Just as yesterday became today,
today will become tomorrow.
And although these days
are connected by time, what happens isn't. Even though tomorrow's a mystery,
today, you can learn from yesterday.
Today, you can go your own way
Zywa Jun 2021
Looking into the

mirror door, I don't see me –

but us as a group.
“Stadscocon” (“City Cocoon”, 2021, Florentijn Hofman)

Collection "Wean Di"
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