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ryn May 2017

    oOOo           oOO      OOo     oOo                         
oOOOOo      OOo     Ooo      OO       oOo         
OoOoO                                               Oo          
ooO            •naked feet tread                
  with nonchalance•unafraid
    of what receding tides might
       bring•hardened heels soften
         to sunlit reverence•children
                   frolick accompanied by
                              unguarded peals
                                 that ring•towa-
                                     rd the ocean
                                      vast we halt
                                     to face•we
                                  look to the
                             horizon and
                         dream of un-
                   seen lands•we
          lift one foot with
   the other in place•
is this all we are...  
just impressions    
in the sand?•      

sunprincess Jul 2017
Kiss of
transports us love
Where we lie upon sands
soaking in warmth of Sunlight
With a cool exotic pineapple drink
ryn Apr 2017
       +         +

   +           ma-            
king d-
istress call-
          s in silent night      •     +
       +      kindling signals in   the          +
  dark•flames   casting  need-
ed light•requ-     esting aid, lo-
+          oud and stark         •embers red-            
den mad and          angry•glowi-
ng and thirst-        ing for more•
thrusting wood in this dem-
on's belly•fuelling large
its crackling roar•

imploring  passing
vessels     •to save      all that
   is dire            •see me          stripped
  of all                      mettle•                 as i pit
    my h-                           opes in                      this here

ryn Apr 2017

gly tied, moored to this bed•
ed, e-
en an-
•                       d un-                       •
•••                       man-                       •••
•••••                    ned•                    •••••
a wreck long forgotten... and ghostly
dead• anchored but afloat,
never touching the

brokenperfection Oct 2016

   I love you,                          I hate you
I scribbled in the       places where my
   tissue paper heart   should   be   full
      jigsaw puzzles made whole again
        poor broken hearts made new
          taped it to my battered chest
             regretted using black pen
               hindsight knows us best
           {==I let you back in again==>
                     picking  up  pieces
                        drying my eyes
                          a new  thesis
                            I won't cry
                      ­               .
ryn Aug 2016

our fing-                                 
ers to the                                 
nearest a-                                 
vailable s-                                 
uckers• to                                 
take respo-                                 
nsibility  a-                                 
nd be  acco-                                                         
one really bothers•we                  
do it so well unlike any other•al-
     most a skill that never gets duller•**** hits
the fan, we all look for someone to blame•it's a
hapless situation when we partake in such a ga-
  me•it's become a norm that simply never ends •
it's a nasty situation that makes enemies out of f-
riends•i look at myself and realise that i am no
   different•for i too, have my finger pointed si-
   lent•i too, have erred...warranting reproach
•milling over transgressions my words
dare not broach•sigh...why is it so
that such a habit we can never
sever•think no further...let's
just blame it on......................

human nature•

ryn May 2016

estrate the          
orc-                       opus           
ong•                                  of right        
     of s-                                            and wr-            
      gh power                                        ong•k-       ⚫️  
    tales throu-                                       eep me             
   tell me...                                           ground-      ⚫️
                                                 ­            ed throu-          
                                                ­         gh lyrics          
                                          embed  ­      
                                       solid b-        
    ­                   s that        
      me a-          

The soundtrack to life deserves the most wicked of baselines.
ryn Feb 2016
         o       o
                  O      o        
•fill our beak-
er with un-
told chem-
patible  so-
lvents that
fizz... with
ix them in to get
the most homogene-
ous of solutions•introdu-
ce heat in the likes of passion
•never a clean reaction, there will
be residue• never right the first time,
failed attempts will be a few......• but once
distilled from undesirable impurity•........then
handle the mixture with utmost sensitivity........•
you'll get a result that can't be bought with money•
because this love in our hearts is the product of

pure chemistry

ryn Feb 2016

••••                          ••••
•••• ­                               ••••
••••                         ­          ••••
••••                                    ••••
••••           ­                         ••••
••••                               ­     ••••
•let my secrets be buried unknown•
never to resurface, never again shown•one
mistake was all it took...•invested my heart
in an unassumin-                g crook•that was
enough to set m-                   y world on fire•
fuel for wagging to-       ngues' desires•days
only elapsed with l-        eers from disgusted
eyes and whispere-          d mocks•time was
inconsequential o-              n faceless clocks•
a hard lesson lea-                 rnt, painful price
to pay•now i have my secrets heavily pad-
locked... and the key thrown away•

ryn Dec 2015
•a long time
ago in a galaxy far away
•the saga continues with fancy
new droids•characters in outland-
ish costumes put on display•impo-
ssible new crafts that  dart and slice
through vacuumed voids•armed to
■■■■   the teeth with impressive weapons•   ■■■■
■■■■■   spectacular battles between gargan-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   tuan cruisers• never ending fight b-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   etween opposing factions•where d-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   ark and light wield fantastic sabers•   ■■■■■
■■■■■   oh i love it... i love it!  the day draws   ■■■■■
■■■■■   near • where my childhood pangs...   ■■■■■
■■■■■   would begin to smart•in a week, the   ■■■■■
■■■■■   long anticipated day would be here•
■■■■■   where the sith in my veins meets the   ■■■■■
■■■■■                     jedi in my heart•                     ■■■■■
■■■■■                                                      ­                  ■■■■■
■■■■■■                                   ­                                  ■■■■■■
■■■■■■■                                                                   ■■■■■■■
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII             ­                                             IIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Concrete Poem 28 of 30

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