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Stanzas a few times read  
and I must tell you I have become a tad sad

I regard it is as if you are talking to God
and you are ****** correct on the right spot

I know you uttering the most devotional prolific prayer
retrieving tranquillity balm of a blissful joy.
you are gracious and humbling in your devotion
you exhaled fresh divine air in our community.

Your stanzas are a great pleasurable read
and the Blessings in Abundance be upon us all

thank you so much that I may be here to see you praying
to make my dreams come true and be forgiving
I do hope you would follow too,
then happiness would come to us so true

in creating this sweet reality nowhere but
now here….

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected
AD. Wednesday the 17th of January 2018.
@ 21.45 hrs.P.M. West-European Time
Summer chauvinist,

autumnal aspirations

moments warmest

Present celebrations

No supremacy

Only admirations

No constant lies

oft healthy life

Love exists

If our heart insists.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected
AD. Wednesday the 17th January 2018.
@ 18.41 hrs P.M. West-European Time
Time does not exist.
It requires no measurement.
For it is stagnant.
WE change,
For better or for worse
And we change our surroundings with us.
The world cannot change on its own
For the elements may have & give life
But we are the sustainers or destroyers of our home.
Together we could replenish the world as a unit;
Opposingly we could destroy
the world
And fight against each other,
Forgetting we are all on the same side. ONE-KIND.
8:17 pm, Thurs, Nov, 2nd, 2017.
The endearing term  
"I love you"
just doesn't sum it up -
my love is infinite,
endless in space,

It is impossible to measure
or calculate.

My love is boundless,
out of this world--like stars -
my love's energy
is cosmic.

My love is pure
and beautifully harmonic -
it is ultra supersonic.  

My love is beyond words...
My love cannot be described.

to try to explain it,
I feel obliged.

My love is extensive,
it is inconceivably vast,

It is immeasurable--countless.
it is fathomless--incalculable;
it was built to last.  

It's a love
I will never
willingly give up -
my love is unbreakable.

This love,
my soul carries
is unshakeable.

My love's totality
is still untold,

The depth
of my undying love
is yet to unfold.

It is beyond sublime,
more than magical,
it is purely divine.

My love is a creation
of the universe's
impeccable master design.

My infinite love...
is only yours
and mine.

"I love you "
just doesn't sum it up -
my love will never cease
or quit,

The burning flame
of my heart's torch
will be
Infinitely lit.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
When letters wait
to pounce on a blank page
when thoughts crowd the mind
like frothing **** in a pond
I keep wondering
what poetry is to me
what poetry is to many

Is it not the language of the heart
with no intervention of gray matter
the unlocking of closed vaults
stirring the embers of love, hurt or pain
or giving a free rein to fancy
and flying on magic carpets
to lands forlorn

Sometimes it is
a glide into a sea of tranquillity
an escape from
the humdrum of the world
a flash of liberation
from assaults of pain
a sedative
to numb the turmoil
a sanctuary
for a burdened heart
a window
to look at the world through
a companion
when one is inconsolably alone
a candle flame
in a darkening world
a cloth line
to hang the ***** laundry
a water lily blooming
in the pool of tears
a shelter
in homelessness

sometimes it is a ladder
to climb up to Heavens
an angel on wings
with tidings of hope
peace in a world
braced for war

Poetry, if you are all these
let us fall at your feet
bless us in our art
may we splurge in fancy
and conjure up worlds from words!

our poems may not be light houses
but could be fireflies
on a starless night!
Thanks friends for the loving encouragement you have given! I must thank two of my friends in particular.... Kim Johanna Baker for giving an extra shine to my poem and Sarita Adhitya Varma for helping me post this poem when my repeated attempt at posting failed! She patiently directed me.
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