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 Dec 2015 Sydney Victoria
 Dec 2015 Sydney Victoria
            •vile plumes reaching to the
                   sky•killing the earth as days go
                      by•cutting corners, we dump our
                          waste•the easiest of solutions exe-
                          cuted in poor taste•there are many
                          signs, how could we miss•when
                               we are the ones who did this•
                               scores of geniuses and inte-
                              llects•can't come to consensus
                                   and drive a pact•to save the
                                           world for our children•
                                                  to save what's
                                                       left for
                                                           ­   gene-
                                                        ­         ra-
                                                             ­         ti-
                                                    ­              o
                                                 ­                    n
                                                               ­     s
                                                          ­              •

                                                ­                         **IIIIII
                        o                    o                   o           I    I       
                   OO               OO               OO           I    I      
           OOOO         OOOO        OOOO           I    I      
Concrete Poem 15 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Sydney Victoria
i love how the tattoo reflect on your skin
as shaded at the sunlight.
stride at the thousand words,
relocating the gap of your body
telling me some poetic verses
like how the moon & the stars
can rekindle to each other.
Haven't decided to a title yet. Any suggestion?

Nov. 29, 2015
with a deep breath i lay down
in defeat, accepting my fate
these days it seems that nobody
really gives a **** about me
i've become something of an
afterthought, forgotten until it's
convenient for someone to talk
to me

it hurts a little in the way of rejection
although i know i shouldn't let it get
to me

it hurts
true friendship, huh?
 Dec 2015 Sydney Victoria
Part I

Where flowers grow and sway
And where dew kisses their satin cheeks
Tall trees provide shade in the hot summertime
And breezes rustle the forest leaves.

Stars twinkle and wink at Night
Happily so merry and gay
And the Moon watches happily o'er
This beautiful enchanted place.

Coblestones provide such a lovely walkway
Leading to the pretty cottage
Where tall rosebushes climb
The trellis where at Night their buds unfurl.

Such beauty that *ONLY
Jesus can create
And as I stand here gazing at the beauty of Nature
I think of the Holy Creator Who made this whole world
And I think of how Jesus smiles while looking at His creation.

it's not that you don't care
it's that you constantly pretend
as though I'm blind to it
that's what hurts most
breathing hurts.
existing hurts even more.
Turquoise little pills
For the sleep that I miss.

Find me staring at the edge
That has once met my wrist.

I am feeble when alone,
But never found the warmth of
Say I'm running from my past or
Simply hiding from my mother.

Everything I say
Always contradicts my actions.

How could I never care when my
Lungs are full of passion?

Deplete me of the madness,
I'm so sick of seeing ghosts.
It has almost been a year.
Why do I still hear Rose?

People fail to understand,
So they flee so swiftly.

Just take my heart slow and
Break that **** so quickly.

Walking through the hood.
What is left for me here?

I'm just living and I'm loving.
In a battle with my fears.
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