bring a book with you everywhere; you never know when you're going to be waiting longer than you intended.
- remember to take time out of your busy day to pause for a few seconds. listen to that clock tick. breathe. you're alive. the world is spinning around you and deep beneath your feet lies a fiery core. breathe. you're alive.
- you are worth so much more than you think and don't you dare settle for anything less.
- walk out of your home with open arms, instead of folded arms, because it's much easier to catch whatever life throws at you with open arms.
- remember to take breaks. you're human, not a robot.
- it's okay not to do anything you need to do. we all need those days. don't feel guilty for staying in bed when you should have been doing something important. again, you're human. it's okay.
- smile at strangers.
- read more. it could be the back of your shampoo, or an advert on the train. just read.
- sometimes you won't know what to do. this doesn't make you weak.
- remember, sometimes you won't get back the amount of love you gave away. you must be understanding. you must be willing to move on.
- lastly, please remember to keep trying with that casserole. one day, you'll get it right... (or near enough edible, anyway).