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pluie d'été Sep 2015
I thought that you were freedom
But the words you murmur against the palm of my hand

They're beginning to taste
Like a cage
pluie d'été Sep 2014
how funny
he said

inhaling in
the lights
against the night
with the grey

his forefinger
and thumb

i told her
that i loved her

and she believed me
pluie d'été Sep 2014
If we could be

I'd hope that
One day

We would become
Like a pane of glass
held between

The waves of the ocean
And the clouds of the sky

You could taste the salt
And I could
Drown in the rain

We could be
As indefinable
As our translucency
As the sun set

And be as proud
As the night sky
Being able to say goodbye
To the blue
And spilling
Dark watercolors

Between the patches
Of green
With the underside of brown

There are two sides
To everyone
Every story
Every us
That makes us one

Let me see
The tide and the moon's reflection
Across the roaring ink
And I swear
To let you
Caress the lightning
Behind you
pluie d'été May 2014
i see
only an illusion
in the place
god used to be
but i still
to him
in case he's real

if he is
i hope
he doesn't hate me
and my
pluie d'été Aug 2014
we're so determined
about everything
that we forget
to remember
that gravity
is still
holding us down
pluie d'été Oct 2014
is this how feeling alone
he asks
staring at the empty
cloud laden sky

i dance
in the rain
as it falls


catch me
kiss me
pluie d'été Jul 2014
you won't understand
everything i am
about to tell you

and i won't listen
when you talk
about the things
that don't make sense to me

you will frown
and i will scowl

and kiss away
the lines
the way you kiss
my swollen eyes
and make my cheeks

you will go
for long drives
into the night
and i will wake up early
and go for long walks
and try be back
to kiss you
before the sun
reaches your eyes

i will turn down the music
and you will
turn it up

and i won't change the song
the way you will
or hide the remote behind my back
with a teasing smile
the way you do

but i will appear clueless
when you look for your watch
(it will be around my wrist)

and you will pretend
that time doesn't matter to you
(although it does)
and i will pretend
that time does matter to me
(although it doesn't)
and drink tea
inhaling cigarette smoke
while you drink coffee
and exhale
into me
pluie d'été Jul 2014
if i could choose to be guilty
of one thing
it would be
that i will love you

but i'm innocent
and so sorry

unless forever
ended now
pluie d'été May 2014
he plays a song for me
on his guitar
his fingers
and hands

sad eyes
a liar's

i look away
tear out the page
he wrote
'love until
i should never
have given you
a pen
pluie d'été May 2014
you kiss my neck
like you own me
and then
i see the sun
glint off
the curls in your hair
making a halo
and a lie
before the darkness
comes seeping
the lonely
blue expanse
of the sky
pluie d'été Mar 2014
We pressed our palms together
And my fingertips
Grazed a third of yours

You wrapped your thumb
And little finger
Around my wrist
And said that you could come
To my wedding
Mine couldn't reach
Around yours

I should have seen
Straight away

We made promises
Under falling
Purple flowers
That kept getting stuck in my hair
Using the curves
In our pinkies
Instead of our souls

And we thought it would be enough
To use our hands
To make a heart
Representing our love
Couldn't we see
It was uneven?

When our words
Were too much
Erasing the maps
To our minds
We would reach out
Coming closer
Drifting apart
Why didn't we notice
Our bodies
Not lying beside our shadows
Underneath your cracking window
pluie d'été Jul 2014
you are my

let's count
the number of words
we've meant
on both our hands

and use our pinkies
to make the promises
we will
pluie d'été May 2014
he thought
that starting over
would be
as easy as poetry

he lay awake
staring at the ceiling
for hours
and days
until the night
melted into the sun
the thousand
pages beside him

he still
felt the same
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he wrote words that quarreled
with everyone else's

he wrote words
that were more than poetry
more than the falling sky

he wrote words
that were more
than anything
the All had read
or written

until he
could think no more
until he couldn't read
or dream or breathe
smile or live
he couldn't even die

so he just wrote
and wept
at the saddest sun
until the sky
eventually broke
and all the grayness
it contained fell

and he was swept
by a billion incorrect defintions
pluie d'été Apr 2014
You're weeping
As you play the music
You wrote
Beside the lake
In the dirt

Streams of water
Like rivers
Fall across your skin
Leaving fading scars
Like the notes
In the air

I can't decide
If you are heartbreaking
Or if it the music
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I want to be awoken
By a dream
At two in the morning
And miss him
So hard
That my entire
Body aches

I want to see him
In the street
Plagued by illusions
Over and over
Until I start to lose my mind

I want to write him love letters
That I send
Or keep in a box
Always ending in
‘I love you’

I want to cry
At the sound of his voice
When he can’t stand being apart from me
And I want to cry again
When he hangs up
(He can’t bare to hear
The sound of my voice)

I want to ponder life
And without him
At the edge of a cliff
As I walk into the tide

I want to love him
And jump
When you touch me
In a way he used to

I want to write poems about him
And read all the letters he sent me
When we were happy
And when we were sad
And when he was angry
And try find the secret
That was screamed
At the both of us
That made everything
Not enough

I want to feel his feelings
Across a room
And leave because it hurts too much to stay

I want to learn
About him
And people
But mostly about me
When he’s gone

I want my heart to be broken
By a love
That really matters
pluie d'été May 2014
it is so easy
to say goodbye
to some people
and i know
it shouldn't be

or maybe it should be
to everyone else
but not to you
and if that's true
i don't think
we have said
pluie d'été May 2014
if i could say goodbye again
i would
do it differently

i would
bow down in front of you
because now i know
so much
because of the heartbreak
you caused

i would kiss your hand
as the sun set
and the moon rose
and i would slip away
before you woke
(even though i was drawn to you
when you were asleep)

i would
still write you
that letter
you got after you swore
never to want me again
but i would have
at the end
instead of letting the word
die on my lips
too weak to make it
onto the page

so that we could have never
said hello
so soon
pluie d'été Apr 2014
warm fingers
the constellations
across my skin

hangs in the space
between us

i stop
the words
from falling
while you stop
your hands
from pinning
my wrists above me
pluie d'été Mar 2014
He sits, staring at the wall for hours at a time.
The paint is white, grey, cream, pink, green; peeling. Peeling in pieces, in chunks of time’s scrapings.
The way it peels reminds him of the time he scraped his knee against the raw pavement in the winter when he was seven. It reminds him of the scent of her fingers, held against his nose in the summer, after peeling the onions for their terrible dinners; she could never cook.
There is a cobweb, fine, dusty with greyness at the corner of the rain stained window, and he can see the muted silver moving from the wind the crack lets through. The sky is empty and full, slowly falling. The raindrops are letters; the raindrops are tears, making a sound against the windowpane, a sound against the roof- the sound he longs to hear, but cannot. There is only shuffling above him, the sound of water falling from the ceiling and into a metal bowl.
Tap, tap, tap.
The stirring of the ground above him would make him jealous, and if he could still feel jealousy, it would have been the reason for his insanity.
But he cannot.
And so he drowns in the darkness
Created by his mind
Created by his being.
He sits.
Staring at the wall.
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he thinks that i have found you
when my eyes meet his

he thinks i have fallen in love with you
when i tell him
i'm falling

he thinks he meets your eyes
when he looks at himself
in the mirror
looking over his shoulder at me
pretending to be sleeping

he thinks i hold your hand
when i am holding his
and that you kiss it
in the moment he presses his lips
to my skin

how do i tell him
that he isn't you
the one with ink staining his fingertips
holding me
his books
underlined paragraphs
falling apart
on my lap

how do i tell him
that the butterflies i have
when i see him
are for him
but not for you

how do i tell him
that his love
is not mine
and the heart
he thinks
i hold
is the one i slipped back into his chest
while he was sleeping..
pluie d'été Mar 2014
I want to capture
The sound of your voice
In my palms
And hold it to my ear
Whenever I feel alone

I want to hear you
The way I used to long
For the voice of the sea

I feel
As if i could bow down
At your feet
pluie d'été Mar 2014
How dare I
Make a demand on you
To never lie
When it is what
I fall back on
Keeping silent
Or with a smile
pluie d'été Jul 2014
how wise
and how kind

is never something
anyone wishes
to be

if they know
what happens
to stain you
that way
pluie d'été Jul 2014
once upon a time
there was an I
who believed

that writers
wrote poems
and that words
were poetry

the I
would write
and write
and the words would drop
from the I's pen
onto crumbling paper
that was torn
for effect

and create lines
and lines
of empty poetry
that the I
would snort
when the I
was alone

one day
before the moon left
and the sun rose
and the I's eyes closed

the I discovered
that the real poem
was the person
the room
pluie d'été Apr 2014
there were lights
hanging over the horizon
they were on a hill
but i couldn't see the hill
because of the mist
and the smoke
from a thousand cigarettes

it looked like the lights
were floating
and the idea
that they were
made me terrified

i am afraid
of the things
that hang in the air
like your words
pluie d'été Aug 2014
i am waiting for you
and the cracks
between your fingers

at night
when i fall asleep
and dream
about anyone
but you

i feel your absence
and i feel my mind
moving to the space
you hold
over and over

i am waiting
for you
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i found your voice
in a song
and you wrapped me
around your wrist

you place kisses
in the sky
and watch the ocean drown
the rest of the world
with its
salty love

rain down
on an entirety
and float away
on a cloud
and glimmer
on the dust
coating the chair
i can't bring myself
to sit on
pluie d'été May 2014
Used to say
That it was
More difficult
To forgive
Than forget

I have forgiven you
And now
I can’t forget you
pluie d'été Mar 2014
You look at me
With eyes melting
The colour of dry grass
In the winter

Evaporate like mist
From your lips

I see them moving
In hope
And sorrow
Coinciding with your soul
But I can’t
Say anything
pluie d'été Mar 2014
i can't tell you
why i am afraid
only that i am

i can't tell you
why i miss you
only that i do

i can't tell you
how many times
i've awoken
from dreams of you
only that i have

i can't tell you
of all of the wishes
i have made
i only that i always used to

i can't tell you
how much i love you
because if i do
then you should feel it too
pluie d'été Mar 2014
I am a contradiction
But I am not

I am shadowed
By a cloud of mystery
My intentions
Are as clear as glass

My soul
Is captured and dark
My soul
Is pale and free

I believe in the things
That don't make sense
I don't believe in the things
That do

I find my heart
A tide of feelings
And then empty
At the next heart beat

I believe in love
And being ruined by its power
I doubt its existence
And demand happiness and freedom
In its stead

I want all the words
Rhyming with reason
The meanings
Echoed in my favourite words
Defy logic

I savour
The feeling of a shattered heart
Held against a stilling chest
The knowledge it brings
I demand
With avid recklessness
The happiness I remember
It comes
Longing for the knowledge
Of my tear's absence

I am broken
I am not
I disagree with my soul
pluie d'été Jul 2015
I don’t like the taste of my tears
I don’t know where they come from
And I don’t know how they are made
pluie d'été Feb 2014
what chases us
so quickly
with hesitance
the way we tumble
after our feather
it makes my heart ache
even more
watching your stormy eyes
watching me
partly closed
peering through the veil
of the smoke that tears our lungs
taking a sip
from the clear poison
your mind
slurring your words
i don't understand what you are saying
even when you are silent
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i don't know
if i should keep writing
about you

i don't want
blue poems
and yellow poems

to being with you

or white poems
and grey poems

falling for you
and recording
every arguement

and i don't want to write
a red poem
or a black poem

for when i fall
in love
and when you
my heart

i don't want
a dozen poems

the only poem i want

is you
pluie d'été Mar 2014
i don't talk about you
or ask about you

i don't want to hear
someone else saying your name
with a smile
or a frown

i don't want to hear
someone else telling me
what i only i
used to know

i don't want to hear
from someone else
that you're happy
though i hope you are

i don't want to hear
from someone else
that you're sad
though i hope you are
a little bit

i don't want to hear
your name
coming from my lips
or tumbling from my mind
but i still hear
my voice
after dreaming of you
and your eyes
whispering your name
pluie d'été Feb 2014
I fell in love with a man
Who told me a story
About a submarine
Under the sea

We were surrounded by books
And he swore that it was a  classic

I can't recall the title
I can't tell you his name
But I do recall
Drowning in his eyes
And I can tell you
That they were framed
By the most beautiful sounding words
That I have ever
pluie d'été Oct 2014
i can't remember

is there anything more
to write

if i can't
pluie d'été Mar 2014
if i had loved you
the way i was supposed to
would you have never ceased
to love me back?
asks the man
with tired eyes
with sad eyes
cracking at the sides
to the star

if i had loved you
the way i was supposed to
would you have broken my heart
the way you were meant to?
asks the old lady
dry rose petals
falling from her eyes

he reaches to close the window
to the breeze
of the darkness
she reaches to close the window
against the night
and they never
find out
pluie d'été Aug 2014
If I were to
Write about you
Every night
For one hundred and thirty three
Dark stained

Would all the stars align
(we can pretend
that we're fatalists
when the moon
reaches our fingertips)
and our eyes
To each others'

If I were to write about you
And your eyes and the way
Your smile forms
Would it stay that way

If I were to write
And Tomorrow
About the pattern
The sound of your voice
In my heart
Would I be able to stay alive

And if I were to write about you
Again and again
Until my fingertips
Were laden
And saturated
Black and blue
From bruises
And ink
Would you still
Want to kiss them?
pluie d'été Mar 2014
ignite me
with your actions
from me
watch me kneel
on the grayness

feel the heat
radiate off of me
i won't utter
one cry

is this bravery
will you forget me
in my silence
will you forget me
in my strength
passed off
as a man
with no voice

it isn't cowardice
that keeps me
and still
it isn't the lack of bravery
to not return
the punch
from your fist
the slap from you palm
or the bullet
from your gun

so feel the heat
from the fire
feel the heat of my protest
smell the scent
of my burning flesh
it will taint the inside of your nose
the back of your throat
for your own eternity

feel my shadow
an ash
follow you
for the rest of your
falling life
don't think
that you will forget me
Inspired from a photograph of a monk who set himself on fire during protests against the treatment of Buddhists in Vietnam(1963).
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i have lost count
of how often i told you
that i loved you
i have lost count
of how many times
you told me you wanted me

i have lost count
of how often
you came
i have lost count
of how many times you left

i have lost count
of how often i held your hands
and kissed the inside of your wrists
i have lost count
of how many times you held me
and how many stars
you counted in my eyes

i have lost count
of how often i cried for you
i have lost count
of how many times
i fell for you

i have lost count
of how many months
you have been gone for
thirty-nine or forty
my mind won't go back
and count that far

my pen
scratches the paper
dancing to the wind
if anything
but you being gone
really matters
pluie d'été May 2014
we think
it's easy
take a sip
of fire
and exhale
sweet smoke
that makes
our eyes sleepy

the cheap
makes our eyes
with tears
shake and tremble
when we've been laughing
all along

hold my hair up
while i throw
unthought through
hold me
while a stumble against you
catch me
when i fall

and let a stranger's
move across
the stockings
on my legs
with a wink
don't think
she doesn't see
or feel
when her eyes are closed
and she pretends
to be asleep
with her eyes open
and a naive
like the red lipstick
across her running
pluie d'été Apr 2014
How many times
Do I have to tell you?

His eyes black
Like the ocean
Turned into ink

And measured
The type of tone
That makes me want to run

You are mine

You are wrong

Pale blue
Like the rain
In spring

And low
It's an excellent thing
In a woman

I wish
That he wasn't wrong
But he is
And so are you

I love you too much
To be yours
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i'm not going to kiss you
he said

i see it in his eyes

and his shadow
falls over me
when he leans forward
my head captured in his hands
his lips
meeting mine
pluie d'été Mar 2014
I lie on the green grass
Against my skin

Golden sunlight
From the blue
Blue sky

Mixing with the sound
Of a bird
Of an insect
I hear the echo
Of your hello
Of your goodbye
In my head

I feel
The warmth
Of the sun
But if you forced my head
To the East
I would swear
That it had
Never existed
The way I can swear
That our love
Is an illision

Thoughts of sorrow
Of longing
Through the grayness
Of my subconscious
I'm tired
Of starting to go
pluie d'été Jan 2014
what is it
he said to me
eyes plagued
by pale happiness
against an impending storm
a storm I couldn't let him see

I smiled
and held silence in my palm
a finger pressed to my lips
and watched him sadly
the way he would try to save me
from thoughts
no one could answer

I wonder where the wind took him
if he can still see me
ink pressed into my fingers
staining tears on full pages
pluie d'été Jan 2014
what is it
he said to me
eyes plagued
by pale happiness
against an impending storm
a storm I couldn't let him see

I smiled
and held silence in my palm
a finger pressed to my lips
and watched him sadly
the way he would try to save me
from thoughts
no one could answer

I wonder where the wind took him
if he can still see me
ink pressed into my fingers
staining tears on full pages
pluie d'été Dec 2015
is only a dream

Time moves
So slowly

The mouse no longer
Runs up the clock
The mouse no longer leaps

Gazing across an expanse of white
(it's not the ceiling, my darling
it's the antarctic
upside down)

Breathing in time
with the wind

Why are your eyes hurting
If they are closed?
pluie d'été Mar 2014
there was a man
whose heart broke
as an echo of thunder
that fell across the sky

it was carried across the ocean
by a moving wind
racing to the warmth
of the sun
where she heard it
and fell in love with the sea
instead of the tears
he had wept
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