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Dec 2022 · 2.3k
DD (nsfw)
stone the bear Dec 2022
Put it in a box and tell it you’re mine
Chain it up tight and tell it it’s fine
Make it wait. Make it shake.
Make it quiver. Make it quake.

Keep it dark. Full of despair.
Make it gasp for every breath of air.

Tell it don’t you dare —
Move and it might just tear.

Maybe even share
for a faire

to dress it up, dress it down
Make it smile, make it frown

With metal spikes to keep it still
Easy to use, ready to fill.
Into the morning and through the night
It should know better than to put up a fight.

Feb 2021 · 493
Bloody & Drunk
stone the bear Feb 2021
she fought tooth and nail.
Deflecting blows her best,
he continued to wail.
Feb 2021 · 632
She Tended to Flames
stone the bear Feb 2021
from the deep depths of hell.
she didn't belong here;
she said she accidentally fell.

She attempted to leave
but that's the decision of fate.
she continued to wade in the fire
daydreaming of the big pearly white gate.
start of something
Feb 2021 · 398
Her life started awful
stone the bear Feb 2021
such a tragic little mess
no matter how hard it got
she continued to do her own very best.
start of a poem i haven't finished yet
Jan 2021 · 250
She Craved the Devil
stone the bear Jan 2021
she craved the type of passion
that could bring the devil to his knee.
but what on this ungodly earth,
could that even be?

She sits and she’d plea
forever getting closer,
but somehow. success would always flee.

Until she grew so slee-py,
She couldn’t stand or chance.
She fell asleep at his feet
Halfway through her lovely dance!

And as she lay dead
And peacefully asleep as could be.
The devil couldn’t help himself,
But go down to her on one knee.

He didn’t even know it
It wasn’t recognized.
He was so enamored
By the look within her fallen angels’ eyes.

With such a face full of expression.
So much calm, so much dream.
He accepted the love of this girl
And shared an ever ember between.
Dec 2020 · 198
The scars I wear
stone the bear Dec 2020
if the scars I wear
are proof of life.
why must they appear in thin air
by sleight of hand under the knife?

if the scars I wear
are proof of life.

I have lived.
I have lived.
I have lived through hell long enough to deserve to heal.
Dec 2020 · 151
Feel my Bed
stone the bear Dec 2020
settling on my comforter spread
i wish at night you lay your head
deep down

inside me
#longing #freeflow
Dec 2020 · 300
My love for you will...
stone the bear Dec 2020
My love for you will
never outgrow the currents
of my weathered heart.
Suggestions on title?
Aug 2020 · 122
Muses' Dues
stone the bear Aug 2020
a muse pay their dues
but just not how you think
they can't recover what they spent
with paper and dried ink....

[YOU! Please, finish the thought in the comments below]
Jun 2020 · 160
stone the bear Jun 2020
But what if what our mind ignores, is in fact,
exactly what our soul adores?
Then maybe we’d ask for an encore
instead of a 24/7 drug store.
Sep 2019 · 180
stone the bear Sep 2019
i want to write, but there's a block in the way. i want to write, but it's making white space - right away.
Aug 2019 · 192
Her Hysteric History
stone the bear Aug 2019
Sometimes I get mad
because of how sad
you make me
and my family.
I don’t know why
you want us to cry
and hate you
but I promise you
it’s true
you son of a gun
you’re the reason
I run away
and up
because you’re just
a grump
and you’ll never be more than
a lump
on my face
staring back at me
heres the truth
Im squeezing your head
and blowing your brains.
You’re the sick cells and bacteria.
You brought on this hysteria
and nonsense.
So here’s to you
and your cocky
Jan 2019 · 371
Happy new year, caterpillar
stone the bear Jan 2019
the unfamiliar caterpillar
woke to the day
but it was all new
nothing the same way.

why would he stay?
when his body was sore
he woke up on new years
and his fears no longer bore

with his shed of a past life
everything is strife.
but with wings,
every little thing
gleams and feels


right then left then right again.
there you are, my friend.
Happy new year.

-Jac + mac
Thank you, Jac.
Jul 2018 · 568
words cast spells over me
stone the bear Jul 2018
i can hear a neighbor moan in anguish about her hopelessness, and i too, get wet at the vibrations of those thoughts. i too savor in the salty sweetness of vulnerability and i too get off on the hurt as she hypes and pipes and rattles and shakes and quakes and breaks and slowly gathers herself together again as a puddle down the drain.
stone the bear Jul 2018
Why did
we exile
that child that
always smiled?

I implore you,
get riled!

Find your child,
when your imagination
ran wild and wasn't at all

you cannot be
as an adaptive,
creative child.
stone the bear Nov 2016
Frustration is only a sensation
Don't let it change what you think

If you do so,
then it only shows
where you're weak.

Your motivation
will shrink
when you feel
you're on the brink.

Regroup, get in sync.
Sensation comes
and goes
with a blink
of an eye

Hold your breath
and continue to try.

Why are you frustrated?
It's because of how you've
decided to classify.
What do you think
that signifies?

Identify then simplify.
Irrigate your irritation's

Instead of frustration,
look towards it with
Nov 2016 · 714
Bouquet's Applique
stone the bear Nov 2016
I was thinking about you today
the expression on my face?
a dead give a way.
Cheerful as a
wild bouquet.
Like an ice-cream sundae
in the middle of the workday.

When it’s a gust, in a rush
I could still feel you, making like a breeze.
the paralyzing, never-ending brain freeze.
the tinge down each of my small vertebrae
Because of YOU, i felt like the light of the day.
Ahh yes, the foreplay, always underway...

Thank you for being my sleeve’s sweet appliqué.
Nov 2016 · 481
mountain puddle
stone the bear Nov 2016
nature springs
springs my step
to take a breath
and understand.

He has planned.
This land,
your land, MY land.

Only requirement?
grains of sand.
Oct 2016 · 720
Masking Tape
stone the bear Oct 2016
They told her she was just a face.

So all the creases & blemishes

made her mind race.

They said she could fix it,

just press erase.

With a brush, make it up just right:

sweep it under the rug

or go under the knife,

it’s just a tug,

and less bags

to lug.

***? that’s not how to give yourself a hug.

Take it off. remove it from sight.

why are you afraid for your face

to see the light?
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
whisping wishes
stone the bear Oct 2016
kiss me like the wind,

because i know you won’t dwell.

but i will wait for the leaves to spin again

and fall under your spell.

**For we are Twinned.
Oct 2016 · 691
orange you, blu
stone the bear Oct 2016
My color is orange, like the rising sun.
impulsive and creative every day i've begun
it can be seen in every little thing i've done.
my love isn't gone,
its just like the dawn.
i can play the swan,
or i can play the spawn.
Either way,
life and love is always about fun
and a chance
no matter how bad it hurt.
i hope you still dance.
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
Ostrich to the Core
stone the bear Oct 2016
I think with my heart;
not my head
in my hand
or buried deep under the sand.

Because when everything comes from the core,
i don’t need to wonder any more.
Thinking is not a chore:
like folding laundry into a tidy drawer.
But that’s what draws our glass floor,
and causes us to continully snore.
But what we chose to ignore,
should be infact, exactly what we adore.
Then maybe we’d ask for an encore
instead of a 24/7 drug store.


To you, i may be a boar,
but we must bust down the door.
Stop fighting the war!
Live for evermore(
if we wish to soar).

But today our biggest sore
may be the us marine corp.
i hurt for their souls, scattered galore.

it is i who they fend for,
it is why their blood continues to pour.
But that doesn’t effect you,
because it happens on another shore.

Your questions? i have answer for,
but please don’t ask me the baseball score.
Those fact are not in my houses’ decor,
all forms of politics, i choose to ignore.


You can call me a dinosaur,
regardless, I am not a cannibalistic carnivore.


I know you may ridicule,
but i prefer to be the recluse,
only coming out, when looking for a spruce.

So, when i do explore,
you will not find me with the busy bodies,
you will find me with the mircoscopic spores.
After all, it's we they provide for.

After this adventure, i know they swore,
they could create me a commodore.
On our yaht, somewhere offshore.
There would be no more war.
just hugs, tugs, and kisses galore.

Before, I was a skeptic, *******.
i now believe holeheartedly in folklore.
My faith in prewar,
is now eternally restored.

Because mother against man always out scores,
that is why i look no more.
Nature is my only mentor.


now, i see myself as a matador.
i can be anything,
that is the underscore.
Sep 2016 · 351
stone the bear Sep 2016
gaslighing only works if you don't know the truth
Aug 2016 · 436
A string and the kite
stone the bear Aug 2016
such a beautiful sight.
whirling, twirling
against Autumn’s win’d.
twinkling twilight -
afternoon delight.
Jul 2016 · 575
Question to Modern Yoda
stone the bear Jul 2016
"what do you do when you know it won't last forever?"

"you do it anyways.
become a legend.
I have a lot of questions i ask myself. this collection helps me seek my own answers. all others' answers are appreciated and cherished :)
Jul 2016 · 411
Remindings of a stranger
stone the bear Jul 2016
As the soft drops of rain gently kiss your cheek. As the birds find the melody with every word you speak. As summer winds send chills throughout your body with every breath you take. You are so many things my dear but never a mistake. So cherish this day as the present it is. For just like this day you my dear are a gift.
thank you, prince; for this will always have a place with me
Jul 2016 · 599
behave, bee hive
stone the bear Jul 2016
if you
let it
          kindness will flood
             your world,

you can never

                     it will be.
                        let it

Jul 2016 · 1000
Shooting the {stardust}
stone the bear Jul 2016

Space to move,
time to grow.
Wheels placid
aside your


Fingers bolt
from you chin;
your body wobbles,
the chair starts
to spin.


You're frantically falling
who are you?

Do not fear.
listen, hear.
I am here, feel
i am near.

There you go,
Here you are.
Do you know,
you're from the

I can and I do
and I can't help,
but I see the
real You.

Do you see
just who
you are?

You are My once
upon a
Jun 2016 · 830
Imagine me, Gypsy Lady
stone the bear Jun 2016
i'll borrow
the gifts of
a pro.
and see
her seas
stir while
the seeds  
in her eyes
sow. I need to
know. Where am
I to go? Tell me stay
so I grow. I know the
road is slow. and long,
yet then a foe? the story
moves the soul along.
it gives the bird a
song. and that
tune, my

Jun 2016 · 352
stone the bear Jun 2016
they say you are the sum of your fears.

that's why
i insist to
to much.
Jun 2016 · 452
standing under you flying
stone the bear Jun 2016
death and dying

is there love still in the air?
does anybody anymore care?
forget? how dare,
our moral

a hundred years later,
we still won't repair
the tear stripped too
bare. ever too soon. i can
feel it you in my arms.
swooning you a tune.
our tune, our time.
infantile. without a rhyme.
what is the reason?
that you have been chosen
for leaving? why did God chose
you. over the fight...
I struggle
and always lose
as the ties come
untidily loose

i never had
time to share
one last cuddle.
so shy as you were
we never did speak
but those marble blue
brilliantly hued always
drew my heart weak

I think of you, my Jay
in the dead of night,
i think of you
with every butterfly
that flies in my sight.

what you might
with your might
you are might;
my might:
looking death
without fright.
i look at you.
my guardian cherub
born and true.

i await the next time
you come four your due.
Jun 2016 · 376
Stower's keeper
stone the bear Jun 2016
you are nothing
until you know...

Not until you
can see the sea
in every single
little thing.

Come, dock at his harbor
become alive through
his lighting tower
as the waves come and go/
feel the warmth within you grow.
leave the bark aside at the pier's tow
and go, see what your light has to show.

You are nothing
until you know.

You are a purebred
adventurer within your
skeleton to stow.
May 2016 · 393
stone the bear May 2016
gravity does not give way
to the ocean blue,
i imagine the clouds,
weighting as much as you
weighting = wading with weight, taking action
May 2016 · 480
stone the bear May 2016
What's your favorite part of firework show?
Definitely, the night sky's glow.

the finale is the best of all,
leaving us all
in utter


What's your favorite type firework?
Is it the weeping willow
falling like twinkling snow?

Then the light can cover your shoulders,
As it falls, fades, then eventually turns to go


Do you prefer the firework
that leaves you with only a lingering smirk?

What's your favorite type firework?
Do you appreciate the stars as they burst?
Do you like the ones that make you curse, first?

Popping, screeching,
while outreaching.
Leaching right in front of your eyes.
Smithereens smothering,
singing sorrowfully, it longs and

Ashes to ashes,
how do you
to dust
while you light
the night sky?

((((( ))))))
May 2016 · 359
breathe, conflict, flow
stone the bear May 2016
conflict is where i thrive, it makes me feel rather alive:
when I strive, I feel myself revive.
I take pride in my drive so i can one day do so in my archive.
stone the bear May 2016
I will not eat taco bell
I'd really rather go straight to hell.

Thats how you feel, it isn't fun.
Especially when you had to run.
That **** signed you up for the
porcelain marathon.
never have i ever eaten taco bell
May 2016 · 454
On your knees, please
stone the bear May 2016
i prefer to be on my knee,
my most powerful position
in order to please.

servitude, it is our bestest deed
it brings power to be really of need.
May 2016 · 568
How Far Can You Go
stone the bear May 2016
How far is too far?
  sometimes it's more than a mile,
     even though its starts feeling
         good after a while.

How far is too far?
  Sometimes it's just an inch,
   Any thought of movement
     could cause a little twitch.

How far is too far?
  I will never really know,
    because within uncharted
      territories is where I
          long to go.
stone the bear May 2016
They tell you about
boundaries, lines, grids
All of that,
except the gray area's
truthfully a fib
its what you see
its what you believe
but only after staring deeply,
can it really be perceived.

Eyes water, begin to gleam
Anything is possible, even your wildest dreams.

If you give it a chance,
you begin to trance;
that is when your whole world may change.

what once was night and day,
transform into a thousand different shades of gray.
May 2016 · 334
I.D. Kay?
stone the bear May 2016
I don't know,
I don't care,
about the reasons
why they stare.

They see our flare,
more than a spark.
Doesn't everyone like playing with fire
within the cover of the dark?

This may seem stark,
but I don't care
I'll give my *****
to the shooting star.
We'll be a world afar,
while you sit in your car,
go on, give me a glare,
because I am, my devious self
and i don't really care.
Apr 2016 · 661
in decisive peep hole.
stone the bear Apr 2016
They stumble
   Not b/c they do not
Sea the path;
  They recognize/s?e theirs
      Amongst the metal web of [commuters'].

They pace
     Not because
they do not
They understand their choice-
    salter the way
        by which
     All others must go.

But her;
     She operates without falter,
     For she advocates for only Him and his alter.
     Not clouded by the trouble to the day:
    She soul-ly allowed to feel His undying'

  In matters dealing with her heart,
  she could never skip a beat.
  It is exactly that,
that continually brings her to Your feet.


So when the sun takes a break,
and begs the moon to shine;

remember the metal path to our hearts,
are all mended and intertwine.

The cold iron leads
to a common destination.
A common goal
we were sent here,
to achieve....

So won't you, PLEASE?
Meet me, at the
Iron Gates of {Union Station}.
stone the bear Apr 2016
We've sat and we've thought
and we got
everything we've ever sought.

But it wasn't worth a dime
of our precious time.

We raced then we spaced
For what?
there is no time, only fate,
and for that, there is no
going rate.
stone the bear Apr 2016
{ ^* - v_ }

I feel sick,
I am ill.
as I sulk
under the window sill.

My mind's been on a merry go round
jammed on expert speed.
but I am only a damsel;
a daisy in dire need.

I searched for you behind every
house, car.

book, bush and tree.

But nothing's there.
just plain,


I feel sick,
I am ill.
The rain pounds
on the window sill.

The night's been awfully cloudy,
a smoke screen to my light.
I don't know whether to scream in agony,
or stand and start a fight.

i wished upon my star.
Although, you, i could not see.
There's something greater in my path
its shadow had temporarily obscured me.

I feel swell,
I am, really.
As the rain still falls
down my ***'s well.

The moon has come to play,

bearing the catch of the day.

All its foggy mess,




as i ***** up

my old ash tray,

my eyes prepare to sleep.

but my mind relentlessly

wishes you, for my soul you will keep.

it's my id,
it is ME.
I belong to the shooting star.
A sacred skeleton key
hidden from afar.
Apr 2016 · 373
stone the bear Apr 2016
we *******.
we conceive.
what is our conception?
is it what we perceive?
what do we believe?
does it really matter?
is it really so?

i hear all the chatter
i think its time to g.

/y do people chatter?
because talk is always cheap
what does it really matter?
my heart is mine to keep.
*off the cuff by blue
stone the bear Apr 2016
orange is my favorite color,
but it doesn't please my eyes,
but its pulp tastes rather sweet.

orange is my favorite color,
to my mind's eyes,
because it could never truly be identified.

only categorized.
Apr 2016 · 2.4k
Ostrich to the Core
stone the bear Apr 2016
I think with my heart;
not my head
in my hand
or buried deep under the sand.

Because when everything comes from the core,
i don’t need to wonder any more.
Thinking is not a chore:
like folding laundry into a tidy drawer.
But that’s what draws our glass floor,
and causes us to continully snore.
But what we chose to ignore,
should be infact, exactly what we adore.
Then maybe we’d ask for an encore
instead of a 24/7 drug store.


To you, i may be a boar,
but we must bust down the door.
Stop fighting the war!
Live for evermore(
if we wish to soar).


But today our biggest sore
may be the us marine corp.
i hurt for their souls, scattered galore.

it is i who they fend for,
it is why their blood continues to pour.
But that doesn’t effect you,
because it happens on another shore.

Your questions? i have answer for,
but please don’t ask me the baseball score.
Those fact are not in my houses’ decor,
all forms of politics, i choose to ignore.


You can call me a dinosaur,
regardless, I am not a cannibalistic carnivore.


I know you may ridicule,
but i prefer to be the recluse,
only coming out, when looking for a spruce.

So, when i do explore,
you will not find me with the busy bodies,
you will find me with the mircoscopic spores.
After all, it's we they provide for.

After this adventure, i know they swore,
they could create me a commodore.
On our yaht, somewhere offshore.
There would be no more war.
just hugs, tugs, and kisses galore.

Before, I was a skeptic, *******.
i now believe holeheartedly in folklore.
My faith in prewar,
is now eternally restored.

Because mother against man always out scores,
that is why i look no more.
Nature is my only mentor.


now, i see myself as a matador.
i can be anything,
that is the underscore.
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
stone the bear Apr 2016
where is home?
is it where you used to grow?
But how do you reap if you do not sow?
You must scatter everything to and fro.
I ask again, where is your home?
it might be on the greener side,
but it feels like concrete.
how do you grow?
when quick sand surrounds your feet?
You relax, listen to the story nature has to tell.
we are all of the same kind,
down to every microscopic, functioning cell....


then just allow it to move you.
Life is the ebb,
you must choose to be flo.
stone the bear Apr 2016

This launched,
a devious
something the whole
world needs to

Society makes its mark,
their wish came true.
&elieve; me when i say
they thought nothing of me
or you.

they only drew you near.
You be-
to them,
you we-
re dear.
But then one day, you realized, you were no longer their peer.
Leaving their reputation:

You told them your worries
you said them LOUD and clear,
they didn’t give a ****;
instead they riddled you with fear.

they really shouldn't care.
but you had to leave your mark, when
living in their massed produced ware
forced you to spend your days in the dark.

it is true
within everything they do.
they do not really care.
society serves to exploit me
while exploiting you, too.
So this is where we stand,
among all the **** in the land.
and we still wonder why another man’s grass
is far more grand.

we must eradicate
everything we were told to ever know
do you know the devil
may live within your own
very home?

So many sit and wait
with their message in a bottle,
but what we need to do
is go heavy on the throttle.

Build yourself a sanctuary,
somewhere in merry's land
become Mr. Manson,
or maybe you prefer,
Scarlett Johansson.
my reaction to bowling for Columbine," orchestrated by Michael Moore
stone the bear Apr 2016
You know,
I had a billion dimes.
Come here and take a look
I've been lucky more than a few times,
I've kept them right here,
in this book!

But if I had
a million dollars,
I'd spend it all on you,
See I've brought you all the wild flowers,
just to prove that it was true!

If I had
a million dollars,
of all the places I could see,
I'd travel to the ancient towers,
and keep you right
beside me.

When I had
a million dollars,
I wished to never die.
i invest in secret powers,
to prove its possible to fly.


I don't need a million dollars,
to keep you safe under my wing.
Although I cannot promise you,
the bitter wind won't sting.

Your smile is worth thousands, darling.
Much akin to fine art.
There's nothing better in this world,
Than to see the glitter of your golden heart.
stone the bear Apr 2016
Organizing the desk
on solid wood
if only i

Sorting the papers,
a perpetual mess,
my mind
to confess.

Shredding the confidentials
security measures,
they could never
my secret treasures.

Boxing the pictures
with pain
the moon moves
along with the tide.

Time is always changing,
looking from
I know the life
I must choose,
But you?
will undoubtably
see it,
a life full of sin.
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