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Some of us are lucky enough.
To know love
To know the feeling of seeing that person
And having our heart drop or getting butterflies in our stomach
But even if we find this love
Some of us aren't lucky enough to have it.
To call it our own
Because this person that makes our hearts drop and gives butterflies
Is inlove with someone else.
Who makes his/her heart stop.
So we settle for another who makes his/her smile.
There once was a boy who once had a girl.
Her heart was his toy, he was her whole world.
She wanted him, he never wanted her.
And it was only a pure one sided romance.

She deeply fell inlove while he ran far away.
He never cared but she begged him to please stay.
She said to him I love you, but he didn't answer it tored her apart
And leaving her with nothing but a broken heart.

But thank you for the friendship. Thank you for the smile.
Thank you for the love even if it was for a while.
True my heart was broken and yes I did cry.
But the pain is all over now because I have learned to say goodbye.
I woke up with a start. I remember every detail of it.
It happened as if it's real. I remember feeling the chills in my bones,
the feeling of being loved.

But then again, I know it's not real. The barrier between
us keeps on growing bigger and thicker. This love I feel, no matter how
intensely powerful, would never be able to save us from the whirlpool of judgement and neglect.

Why do we have to feel this right love at the wrong time?
Why do we have to deal with the consequences of this terrible fate?
Why can't we just live our lives and show to the world how much we love each other?

Waking up is very hard for me especially when I know that I have to
deal with the cruel world again. The ony thing i'm holding on  is the
sweet smile on your lips. It takes away the pain I feel.

The sad thing is, the society claims your smile as its own.
And sadly, i'm not part of the world you're living in. I'm just a simple
girl mesmerized by your smile, a simple girl who fell in love.

Destiny does play it smart. Now, we share the love. Never did it cross my mind that you'll fall in love with me. Now, I can feel that i'm loved. This is no longer a fantasy.

Now, we are one. In the middle of the rain, I waited for you. I waited for you to come. Then, you came. In the middle of the rain, we have defied the odds.
I don't love you.But maybe I love the way you laugh when I say I hate you in a funny way.
I'm not gonna fall for you, but mayb I'll fall for the sacrifices you've given.

No I'm not gonna fall inlove with you, but maybe I may have fallen inlove with the way your face makes when you're concerned.
Oh I swear to God that I don't love you but I'd be lying if I say I didn't need you.

I'd wake up every morning and wish that you were infront of me making me laugh.
I'd walk you home while we're holding hands and just being happy.
But maybe I don't love you.

They say if you love someone else you'd let them be happy.
Even if you're not the reason.
You deserve to be happy. But please,
Not infront of me.

And if I had known that things would end up this way,
I might have, stayed a little longer.
Talked a little longer.
And hugged you a little tighter.
But maybe I do love you.
I just couldn't love you right.
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
Flirting with the devil
That lives within
Exciting and dangerous
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
I Say "Hi"
A Beautiful Stranger
She Keeps Walking
We Pass By
I'm Just Looking
Corner Of My eye
Foxy Little Lady
She Is Sly
Lips Stay Sealed
They're My Alibi
Felt Your Eye
Gave A Reply
You Said "Hi"
Not Being Shy
I'm With Her
That's Your Guy
Our Little Secret
Eyes Don't Lie
My Beautiful Stranger
Walk On: Bye.
A farewell never said but felt by the heart
A one way ticket to a world forever apart
To tell you the truth,
I'm the girl version of you

The way you speak your words
and how a smile masks your sad world

I feel the sadness in your eyes,
how they're connecting with mine

Our heart's damaged,
trust's the blame

We give and give
but never take

We want to surpass the pain
and feel the love again

We want to be happy,
away from em' tears

We want everything
to be fair
and us
to be happy
We feel each other's pain.
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