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Apr 2022 · 652
not essentially healing
so okay poems Apr 2022
the falls of the walls
make me wanna crawl.

it makes me feel small
of the constant withdrawal.  

of all & all
i just want to mentally
Oct 2020 · 208
september weather
Aug 2020 · 52
rub the alcohol
Jun 2019 · 282
my heart is yellow
so okay poems Jun 2019
feelings are like bottles
we throw away.

drowning is something
we can do everyday.

falling is
an endless string of pain.
Apr 2019 · 478
hello carmen
so okay poems Apr 2019
grape juice is numbing
like anesthesia.

it can make you
forget like amnesia.

I am just living
in a world of
social media.
Nov 2018 · 265
tears run down
so okay poems Nov 2018
she washes
her pain
with cigarettes.

her wanting
to be happy
is only a fantasy.
Nov 2018 · 773
cherry eyes
so okay poems Nov 2018
every flower
has a shadow.

every flower
has a sin.
Nov 2018 · 351
so okay poems Nov 2018
he felt
like drowning
in a deep
blue sea.

he felt so
tired from
his world.

he just wanted
Oct 2018 · 1.7k
ocean surf
so okay poems Oct 2018
this pain is
killing me
in and out.

all I want to do
is sleep
with the clouds.
Oct 2018 · 1.0k
so okay poems Oct 2018
she always
felt less and

her hair
her makeup
her smile
made her shallow.
Oct 2018 · 294
banana split
so okay poems Oct 2018
she carries
her sorrow
like a sack
of rocks.

all she wanted
was love.

— The End —