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Aug 2021 · 344
soo doo nimim Aug 2021
I think the world has had its fill

And soon humanity must pay its bill
Jun 2020 · 101
soo doo nimim Jun 2020
We are living in a time when we are all so significant and insignificant and yet all some choose to do, is sit and watch.
Jun 2020 · 141
soo doo nimim Jun 2020
Slowly the world is shifting back to normal
So am I, going back to being empty and dull
Because of this, the pain will come in double
Jun 2020 · 131
soo doo nimim Jun 2020
I had a bad week
So at the end, I let out a ****** shriek
And drank all the feelings away
I had a bad week and at the end, all I could help but think
Was the all stupid ways we cope with life’s never ever creek
Jun 2020 · 63
soo doo nimim Jun 2020
Sadness fills me like water in a cup
As my family tree is made into a stump

— The End —