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Sofia Kioroglou Dec 2016
I remember laughter rippling around the streets
amber of eyes aglow, brimming with hope
children cutting a caper impishly in Aleppo
dad squinting at my fiddling around with his computer
Today, our shoulders are hunched with fear
kids no longer splashing in puddles
knee-deep in rubble and smeared with blood
hollering out war cries, looking for relatives
Some crucified, others beheaded
no hearse waiting to deliver our people to burial places
Rachel weeping for her children
rising out like a phoenix, splintering husks of shells around
Walking through the cemetery while a couple
are muttering into their swirling Chardonnay
two words collide, two paths diverge
the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Originally published in I Am Not A Silent Poet and the  Blue Nib
Sofia Kioroglou May 2016
My dad’s unwilting enthusiasm
does little to reduce my anxiety
actually quite augments it
as I try not to hit the pavement

I am only 7 but feel very responsible
not only for the things I do,
like cutting the roses from the garden
and having my mum get mad

but also for the things I cannot do
like grabbing the handlebars assuredly
and keeping the bike under me
trying to perform some kind of conjuring act

Lowering the seat does help, feet now firmly on the ground
with loose elbows and a light grip on the handlebars
I close my eyes and, lo and behold, now I am a ballerina
swirling around like in a satin-lined jewelry box

My reverie is soon interrupted by my dad’s gentle voice
I tell him I did the splits, even touched my toes
“Seems like you don’ t wanna ride,” he says
with eyes of blue, a hint of a smile

I can still hear his voice in my ears
“Don’t try to do things you don’t like
just because anyone can do them”
The poem was published in Silver Birch Press
May 2016 · 993
In the Myrtle Fields
Sofia Kioroglou May 2016

The poem is published in Halkyon Days Magazine
Apr 2016 · 771
Sofia Kioroglou Apr 2016
I know I am not much of a poet myself
I just love to describe what I see
what touches my heart, what leaps to mind.

When the words do not come out quite right
and the rhythm is a bit off-key
I don' t get my knickers in the twixt

Poetry is not about the best masterpiece
but about letting my words flow like a river
allowing the pen to scribble all over a blank page
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Sofia Kioroglou Mar 2016
The city of Gold
Where Jesus walked
O’ Holy city,
Holiest of all
The land where Lord
on the Mount of Olives
would stand to talk.
You appear so beautiful,
with beauty so singular
no master wordsmith
could capture in verbal form,
no painter could accurately paint
on canvas with oil colors so vivid
and glorious as its past.
© Sofia Kioroglou
Mar 2016 · 514
I fell in love with a frog
Sofia Kioroglou Mar 2016
I fell in love with a frog,
who was sitting alone on the banks of the Nile,
mooning over the premature decease of his beautiful wife.

He was sobbing his heart out,
his lips convulsed with woe, dripping emotion,
his chin atremble, the words buried in a raven black but deafening silence.

I instantly knew he was the find of my ultimate search for love.
A bathos unknown to those seeking earthly pleasures,
a poignancy knocking vulgarity off its temporal pedestal.

My dear love, dearest of all other loves,
my love for this frog, please become a wreath
a halo, a redemptive power to soothe all pain
Feb 2016 · 658
The eternal unbiased judge
Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
No shock, no engulfment...
Just the natural corollary to physical birth.
Death is standing on your porch screaming out
and beckoning you to come downstairs.

Unbudgeable and unbribeable.
The eternal, unbiased judge
is holding the Book of Life,
Your name no longer written in it.

The great leveller not paid for favors
is riding triumphantly his chariot
The dead, the great and small
now standing before the Throne.
Feb 2016 · 707
Be not deceived...
Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
Death never forgets.
Your sins will find you out
and come home to roost
So, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
Laistrygonians and Cyclops
Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
I go around in circles
around myself
having lost my destination
I am stuck in my mind's morass
so icky and gooey that
every time I try to find my way back home
Laistrygonians and Cyclops
will always pop up on my mind.
Feb 2016 · 773
Woe betide the unwary
Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
Woe betide the unwary
engulfed in worldly pleasures
Accustomed to seeking the material well-being
For if we had been blind
we would have had no sin.

Woe betide the complacent
basking in evanescent earthly delights
Thereby adorning ourselves with a millstone
instead of raiment white as snow
reflecting the effulgence of God's glory
Jan 2016 · 600
Wadi Qelt
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
In a deep and narrow gorge
the wadi winds its tortuous course
in a cliff face pocked with caves
monks ensconced in steep enclaves

Elijah was fed by ravens
praised the Lord, beheld the heavens
Down a steep and winding path
What good is being a polymath?

Wadi Qelt a holy place
I feel God's serene embrace
past are now my life's transgressions
I embrace my sins as lessons.
The wadi winds its deep and tortuous course for 35 kilometres between Jerusalem and Jericho — for most of the way providing a route for the Roman road on which Jesus set the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) .
Jan 2016 · 728
Sound no trumpet before you
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Sound no trumpet before you,
man's praise a hollow reward
what good is giving alms
like the hypocrites do in the streets?

Practice your piety in secret
The grandstand play holds no sway when you die
Be humble and you will be blessed
Be Simple and you will never perish
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
What a weighty name
I must live up to!
A martyr and a saint
a widow and a mother
back in Roman Times
just as dystopian as our era
when Faith, Hope and Love
are tortured and burned over an iron grating,
then thrown into a red-hot oven,
finally into a cauldron with boiling tar
before bending their necks beneath the sword.
A grievous torture indeed to watch
the suffering of your daughters.
How could anyone
so little and small
like me be worthy of that martyr’s crown?
The poem is published at
Jan 2016 · 608
Love bug
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Love is like the measles.
Once you catch it,
it starts spreading like wildfire.

First, the itch,
then the ugly zits
and finally the scars.

Those nasty pockmarks
reminding you that getting bitten by the love bug
can cause serious damage to the patient.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
The Pool of Siloam
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
As blind as a bat
I don't know where I am going.
Such stygian and gloomy darkness
I pray to see dissolved.
Two heavenly hands the torch
of eternal light will suddenly snap on.

The Alpha and the Omega
In the pool of Siloam, the mud out of my eyes
I am bidden to now wash
I was blind, but now I see

The Way, the Truth and the Light
I was lost, but now I am found.
I have found Eternal life.
I have found my Savior.

© Sofia Kioroglou
Jan 2016 · 3.6k
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Big and rowdy,
loud and lovely
it stands on my porch
sprawling with filiform tentacles
the thorn-armored canes
my bougainvillea uses as
claws to etch indelible memories
of unforgettable summers on my mind.
Jan 2016 · 593
Mary From Magdala
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
On the Western side of the Sea of Galilee
between Tiberias and Capernaum
the apostle of the apostles was born.

O holy myrrh-bearer, Mary from Magdala
the red egg in your hand Tiberius Caesar's debacle
would be of "Speak now or Forever rest in Peace"

* The poem is based on the Paschal eggs' tradition. During a dinner with the emperor Tiberius Caesar, Mary Magdalene was speaking about Christ's Resurrection. Caesar scoffed at her, saying that a man could rise from the dead no more than the egg in her hand could turn red. Immediately, the egg turned red. Because of this, icons of Mary Magdalene sometimes depict her holding a red egg. Also, this is believed to be an explanation for dyeing eggs red at Pascha.
Jan 2016 · 901
Beit Sahour
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
East of Bethlehem of Judea
pastors kept watch over their flock
peacefully tending their sheep
when dazzled by a light
tidings of joy
An angel
Would bring

Poetic form :Nonet (9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
Beit Sahour means the Village of the Shepherds
Jan 2016 · 473
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
These goosebumps I get all over
my body are somatic reactions
to the roller-coasting experience
of honest-to-goodness adventure
I indulge when I am hopelessly down.
Note from the Author

The poem is inspired by the somatic sensations triggered by hair-raising experiences which act as great impetus for personal growth.
Jan 2016 · 463
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
the Land of Fruits
the biblical Elim
a stopping place for travellers
The poem is inspired by my visit to Egypt and Mount Sinai last December. For pictures and more info visit
Jan 2016 · 672
Love will conquer all
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Love me and I will love you back.
Crash me and I will adore you
You grind me down like no other
But I do not waver.
Love will conquer all.
Jan 2016 · 517
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016

God-trodden Mount

of the Ten Commandments

The Holy Mountain of Moses

Jan 2016 · 1.7k
I have no regrets!
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
I have no regrets!

I have learnt from my mistakes

We live with the scars we choose

© Sofia Kioroglou
Jan 2016 · 553
Je ne regrette rien
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Je Ne regrette rien

Je l'ai appris de mes erreurs

Nous Vivons avec les cicatrices

que nous choisissons.

© Sofia Kioroglou
Sofia Kioroglou Dec 2015
so remarkably unimpressive
and yet so holy.
I long to visit you
Small and humble
but great and glorious.
Hic de Virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est
an inscription reads
as I get to a grotto.
A fourteen-point silver star
embedded into the marble
is now indelibly embedded into my memory
scorching its way into my heart
burning the moment into my brain.
Sofia Kioroglou Dec 2015
Christmas on Hydra.
Fingers interlocked
squeezing tightly
I and you
looking at
the shimmering sea
kissing each other as
passersby are surreptitiously
stealing a look at our eternal bliss
swathed in mufflers
with breaths misting up
the crisp winter air.
I and you
into each other forever
during this holiday season.

The poem is published by Silver Birch Press. To view it visit :­-poetry-and-prose-series/
Nov 2015 · 731
Treading water
Sofia Kioroglou Nov 2015
I am walking ahead and ahead
and still in the same place.
I am treading water
walking through a morass.
I think I am making progress
but I am stuck when I keep walking.

© Sofia Kioroglou
Sofia Kioroglou Nov 2015
You come with nothing and you go with nothing.
Nobody escapes the way of all flesh
and is dead in the tresspasses and sins
in which they have walked.

Don’t love the world or the things in this world
as the world is passing away along with its desires
but do the will of God and you will abide forever
as that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
This is a tribute to my dad who passed away some days ago! May he rest in peace!
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
The looking-glass self
Sofia Kioroglou Nov 2015
The looking-glass self

Your stabs hit me exactly where you hope they would
with such ferocity that gouges out all vanity and conceit.
A knife ****** through the illusions of my bloated ego,
An ugly distortion of an inner image through a plastic glass
which finally crumpled with me looking at the looking-glass self.
The poem deals with illusions and projections we all indulge in but hopefully other people's mordacity and severe criticism unveil the guise of a soul on high horses- a chastening and purifying experience

— The End —