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He stood on her doorstep, flowers in hand.
In coat of his father's, resembling a man.
Still queenless a king, now he stands like a slave.
Flowers in hand, resembling a grave.
I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself.
No matter how many times I wipe your tears away
Or tell you how beautiful you are.
You have to want to hear it and stop crying.

No matter how much I try make you smile
Or hug you close.

You have to want to smile and embrace me back.

No matter how much I wish I could save you.

The only person that can do that is you...
I just hope one day you actually decide to save yourself
(Reverse Poem)
(Forward and Backward)

Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them
I will delete words of hate
Choose your words and we can debate
Just message me and its okay
If you dont like what I say
Do not think your words can harm
I have been around way to long
No need to message and threaten me
I will not change to meet your needs
If you dont like just move on
These poems I write are mine alone
I have a right to feel this way
Though you may not like what I say
Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them

(Now Read It Backwards)

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Another poet challenged me to write a reverse poem that can be read both frontward and backword. This is my attempt and it is harder then you may think.
There's no reasonable explanation
To how this all went down
When the world woke up one morning
All made up as clowns

Not a single person in the world
Did this phenomenon not claim
With big red buttons on their chests
Spelling out new funny names

There was Patches and Petunia
Floppy and Cupcake
Winky and Bumper the Clown
Were just a few that they displayed

Everyone went about their business
Only now they all carpooled
You could see clowns piling out of cars everywhere
From businesses to stores to schools

Crime it did die down
Because all the guns that people have
Instead of shooting bullets
Shoot out brightly colored Big Bang Flags

Of course the circus lost its glamour
With an audience made up of clowns
It's hard to tell who's there enjoying
And who's entertaining all the crowds

People stopped taking each other seriously
Over anything they had to say
Pointing at each other and laughing
As they go about their day

Who knew a thing like this would happen
When the world went to bed last night
That the very next morning
They'd wake up clowns for life

Oh, I almost forgot the Politicians
Were the only ones to stay the same
It's already a simple known fact
*When your a clown you don't need to change
Would you mind if I took a break
From writing my short rhymes
Will you say you'll miss my words
That my poems touched your lives

Will I even be remembered
For one poem that was read
Have I touched someone deep inside
With something that was said

If I took a break for just awhile
And enjoyed a week or two
Would you say you understand
Go do what's best for you

A spring break could be just the thing
That I need to clear my mind
I must take a break and get away
To rejuvenate my life

Carl Joseph Roberts

Be back in a few weeks I promise,  just got a crap load of stuff to do.

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just a short break for work stuff. A full time job plus now I have 3 houses to rehab  and get ready.  I'm not sure exactly how long but I promise I will be back.  Hell maybe the pull to write will call me back sooner then I think.
 Apr 2014 Skye Applebome
no one
everyone thinks i'm doing okay
"your scars are gone!" they happily say
"yeah" i reply with a quiet smile
they were gone for a little while

little do you know, i'm actually worse
everything that happens to me just hurts
i fake a smile and put on a show
just so no one has to know

the demons inside me are attacking my mind
screaming fights going on and they're far from kind
the cuts i make are my only escape
releasing me from the words of hate

i know it looks like my scars are gone, but think
maybe i've just gotten better at hiding them

"What is left if you
don’t want to live inside the
skin that makes you sick?”
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