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  Feb 2017 Sjr1000
Have you considered the way Jill felt for Jack
Every time Jack fell down; Jill took up the slack
Her tumble was actually caused by fears of being abandoned
Jack hit rock bottom long ago, Jill still hasn't landed
Illuminating these words of the wise
That expose such issues that we'd rather hide
Words like enabler, codependency, resentments and denial
All of which place our addictive tendencies on trial

The addict strives to fill the void of a disease ever pending
The therapist with all their degrees are far from comprehending
Powerlessness, a self-prophecy of what you can't control
Higher Power, an interpretation of the superstitions we hold

The religious may disagree but the only power is in our mind
Believing in something strong enough work on these same lines
If a higher power fails you, you only have yourself to blame
We feed these demons inside of us or we keep them on a chain
It's simple!
Traveler Tim
True story
My name was changed
To protect my ex- wife's identity
(Ya I'm joking!)
  Jan 2017 Sjr1000
Kelly Rose
Young love,
Bitten by the Rose’s thorn
Giving the lovers’ their first blush
Powerful imagery stirring memories
Of first love, of true love

There was a time when
He would have suffered
Her pain as his own
So connected were they
That even in dreams they were one

Sadly, Rose’s thorn
Left its poison behind
And betrayal cut
Deep and true
Its ravaged scars
Leaving an indelible stain
Upon their souls

Bonds torn asunder
Young love’s blush
Turned scarlet red

How I yearn to warn the lovers
Of the Rose’s devious ways
Slyly infusing their love
With betrayal’s bitter pain

For in that moment
When they thought
Love was won…
Well, I guess that’s why
First love’s wound
Colors forever one’s love

Kelly Rose
© January 27, 2017

This poem was inspired by an image - The Thorn by Charles West.  Here is a link to the portrait is you wish to view it.
  Jan 2017 Sjr1000
Ma Cherie
clouds of linen stretch her skies,
changing depths of blue,
lovely is this -
her Earthrise,
she's something,
from my view,

I look at her
my lovely Earth,
and I,
her soulmate - Moon,
if she shall perish,
so will I,
I hope tho not too soon,

I wonder what inhabits her,
of what's alive out there,
I wonder what she thinks of them,
or if no time to care,

she was designed just perfectly,
a gift in her to give,
sadly took for granted she,
in ignorance can't live,

I wonder if her people know,
the sacred of her planet,
or if destruction comes in flames,
to fight it or to fan it,

they must know
somewhere within,
she's beautiful but dying,
I hope this not the last Earthrise
I hear her gently sighing,
then a thunder roars within,
on knees -
she's crying,

Hear my voice my sacred people
I'm wounded, I cannot fight
will you hear my final call
before the last goodnight ?

Ma Cherie © 2017
Started writing this about the Earthrise photo and then just became that vantage point. It made me cry ;/ love you guys ❤
  Jan 2017 Sjr1000
In Particles of Mind
And Waves of Consciousness
The tissues of Thoughts are forged

By increasing matter and fact
We secrete the thoughts that lack
Our issues are always at war

No matter particle or wave
These dimensions contain
Emotion will always resist

Life is aware of every breath of air
And the magic of reality is this
Our energy will always exist
Traveler Tim

roses in the dust,
winter-love greys, shadows
of a lost world.


i was much smaller than i thought
and the sky
a rounded dome,

a cathedral of light
with stone arches

river-green pillars

and the blue-green
of dream....


waited, an
opal star
blown against
the tide.


all i could see was the
blues and greens
paper blushed,

clouds and watermarks,

watery daylight
like a glistening pool

as if the sky
was a stained window
and there was
no fire,
only a scattering
of light

only softness
of the heart,
only the magics

of its mirror mists.


like maple leaves
fallen in a
stream filled
with moonlight
in the rivery
nets of the soul.
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