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 Feb 2015 Shyfa
Michael Humbert
I want to whisper songs into your skin
Until melodies drip down your back like honey
 Feb 2015 Shyfa
An unprecedented night with friends.
We were talking about the moon and the stars,
figuring out the constellations
that we were too young for,
and for some reason, love,
we were talking about you instead.

She declared that you've permanently lost
your dear lady, that I personally could not
do without. For some other reason, darling,
I was in awe of your beauty.
However, you were encompassed
in an aura of self-confidence,
and I couldn't believe you all along.

That smile never left your visage,
so I was left wondering how you do it,
making it seem like you've reached salvation easily.

This tear-stained paper I'm writing on
is my heart breaking into pieces for you.
You will always have my condolence,
my skinny love, and my worthwhile silence.

Never have I imagined being distraught this much,
for I am in a state of self-loathing,
despising how I didn't try harder to be
in your company.
To confront you,
and to endlessly love you.

But I'm sorry I never got the chance
to tell you how beautiful of a soul you are.

Maybe someday when you're truly jubilant,
with no fake smiles and no dry tears,
you'd read this poem and perhaps,
you may think of the girl who
let you borrow her pen
but left it with you on purpose
so she'd have a chance of talking to you again,
only to find out that you never gave it back.

Love, it's okay now because I have a wider scope of things,
and you may have been too occupied shedding tears for her
to pay some attention to my green ballpoint pen.
I forgive you.

And I hope you forgave me when I lied to you and smiled,
because in reality,
we are all sad souls with fleeting moments of happiness,
endeavoring to reach solitude,
with neither of us saying what we really mean.
And I guess nobody ever does.
 Oct 2014 Shyfa
Kyle Jacob
In my closet lie my secrets
Shackled in shame, as they huddle in the darkness
Fearful of being spilt out for the rest of the world to see
Yet silent and unwavering, as they force courage upon themselves
Hopeful that they may remain hidden in the cobwebs which hang inside
But knowing that one day they may somehow be released
Forced to leave their prison of safety, as the truth is revealed
As the skeletons spill from the darkness
And the secrets from my past come back to haunt me
I don't really know how to explain this, other than by just saying that everyone needs to be honest. But don't just be honest with yourself. Be honest with your friends, family, and everyone you care about. Hope you guys like this poem. If you do please follow, and click the like button. Thank you guys. :)
 Oct 2014 Shyfa
 Oct 2014 Shyfa
one day I was sitting in a park,
with wondering eyes,
a couple caught my sight,
they seemed so lost in each other,
that my empty heart,
began to fill with a mountain of anger,

for those two lovers,
melting like chocolate in the sight of each other,
they had what I had never ever felt,
or come close to experiencing,
the love I could see in their eyes,
the way they touched each other,
not only in desire,
but the care and love they felt for one another.
random poem
 Oct 2014 Shyfa
 Oct 2014 Shyfa
Perhaps the fact
that I chased a boy
who ripped me to shreds
says a lot more
about me
than it did him.
(this is an old poem i felt like sharing)
 Oct 2014 Shyfa
Alex Apples
I want to grow young with you
Watch superhero movies when
Our hairs turn silver blue

I want you to sing silly songs
Snort with laughter at my accents
When the days get long

I want to color in books with you
Read aloud our favorite tales
When the moon is full and new

I want to be your partner-in-crime
Canes tapping in synchronicity
When it's adventuring time

I want us to skydive, soar, be bold
so you and I will be growing young
long after our children have grown old
is over
and the sun
bullies me awake
as it rises.

I close my eyes,
turn my face
away from the window
and sleep through the afternoon
‘til I’m bored by my dreams.
All I want
from this insipid life
is someone to name a star after.

to elevate me
out of this space
and time,
bringing a smile to my face
and crushing this insatiable hunger.

to free me
from this madness
and put a constellation in my heart.

lend me your name,
to warm this cold December.
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