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 Apr 2016 shit face
I was born with wounds in my head
they tell me I’ll be better and they give me pills
but oh, nothing takes you out of
me for you are stitched into my soul
like disease.
Sometimes I want to hide in my
mother’s womb and build
a fortress of all the tears we’ve cried
you and I
so there's a bed
and there’s our bodies intertwined
like homes that swallow the skies
and dance under the pouring rain
and during hurricanes
there’s a body and there’s another
there’s a pill and there’s the other
and there’s my dry mouth begging for
a drizzle, from your soul, boy.

**** medications.
She whispers into the wind
Hoping her voice glides further
Over uncharted waters
To other lost sons and daughters

Ropes of perfection tighten
Her bound soul lacks energy,
Or desire, to meet any definition
Imprisoned by expectation

She wants to rebel gloriously
Dance at the vent of the volcano
Feel the Earth's nurturing heat
Flirt with thorns on stems
And kiss untouched water

Visions of serenity she sees
hoping to be reality
While these ropes cut into her skin
She whispers into the wind
 Apr 2016 shit face
as i sit and wonder what could possibly be done
i arrive at a realization that my heart is that of a roaring tide
deeper than you deserve to have
but asking for nothing more than the sunshine
that rolls off in drops from your tongue

there is nothing i want more than your crystalline warmth beside me while i cry
and when i laugh i yearn for my sound to echo in the caverns of your mind
yet i can do nothing but watch you watch me
as my heart's decrepit hope
sinks further into the cavity of my chest
and i feel the resounding pain that is the absence of your love on a rainy day

the torture of her beauty can never truly leave my lips
but every one of her smiles causes me pain that you will never know
if i were to try, would it matter?
would i merely become an afterthought? a party joke?
a half-drunk pun told through champagne smiles and friendly glances
could i ever be more to you than what i am now?
a gloriously insignificant extra in your otherwise fulfilled life
so i continue to shake like the tide
without you
~i have a lot of feelings today~
Now, now
Don't let her down
She can easily subside into a frown
And get lost in the deepest corners of depression
You give me the impression
That you won't ever stall
To make her happy
And I hardly see that nowadays
So you truly have a gem in progress
Just keep it going
Because I want to see this temple be completed
The middle toe every year is supposed to grow more vibrant
Not die off
Like the rest
Even though things have you put to the test
Don't let it win
You can hold that grin
And stare life into the eyes
And shatter its lies
Trust me, you'll thank me later when you walk down that aisle
A living embodiment of the work you put in
Has made its oath to you
But that will be someday
In the future
Don't know the exact day
But it will surely come your way
You just have to make the work sparkle
It never happens overnight
But as long as your heart is right
You'll be just fine.

— The End —