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JC Oct 2017
I still like me even when I'm a heartbroken mess.
I'd still choose me even if I miss you.
I come first.
JC Oct 2017
I don't have the time or energy to mourn lost loves.
You weren't for me.
- J.C.
JC Oct 2017
I went wrong in love when I thought loving you could heal all the lost love in me.

i needed to love me first - J.C.
JC Oct 2017
To love me is to not need a reminder on how I should be loved.

I showed you from the very beginning - J.C.
  Oct 2017 JC
I loved him

so much


e n o u g h
to make

S t a y
it was all I had, and it wasn't enough
JC Sep 2017
This heart I have
is my biggest strength,
though you see it
as my weakness.
Love is my superpower and feeling is the cape I wear proudly around my shoulders.
  Sep 2017 JC
Grace Spellman
i never did get to show you the poetry i wrote about you,
i never did get to kiss you as many times as i wanted,
and if i knew our last kiss was going to be our last
id go back and give you 100 more.

i found poetry within the knots of your hair,
and i found comfort within the warmth of your lips,
and if i wouldve known us doing this would have caused all this chaos
i would still do it all again
because youre worth it

-you were always worth it
written about a boy who broke my heart by the ocean.
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