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I want my Grandmother,
to be at my college graduation.
I want my Grandmother,
to write me letters while I'm away.
And if you won't let her,
Take me back to when I was a child.
Sitting in the sun on Grandmas lap.
Catching fire flies while she sat,
around a campfire with my Grandfather.
Telling stories of how they first met.
I want my grandmother.
Dear Cancer,
I want my grandmother.
(I) promised you I'd stop chasing thi(n)gs -
chasing ***** with ***
and chasing boys who'd n(e)ver satisfy.
I guess I kept chasing to see if you'd care,
how far you'd stretch, to se(e)
if you'd come back after you'd left.

It's my sixth shot tonight
and I can't be your friend.
I'm not sure how to (d)eal with missing you so much
that my brain's too foggy to make my morning tea.
Sometimes I stand in the kitchen and I cook breakfast for two
but I throw it all away because I don't know
what the hell I'm supposed to do in this God-forsaken house
without (y)ou.
So I keep kissing boys and
I keep writing with *** in my veins
instead of blood.
It's my eight sh(o)t tonight,
and I don't know how many boys I'll kiss before I forget the way
you said my name.
I don't want yo(u) anymore.
i will let myself
[my soul]
sink into your ocean.
do stay a little while longer.

At least
wait until our coffee has gone cold,
and our tongues weak.
I have no more reason
To commit self treason

No more need for suicide
No need to split my skin so Very wide

I am broken
My insides breaking
My heart is tearing

You said you needed me
But I guess I wasn't who I ought to be.

You turned your back
Severed our friendship in one single hack

I loved you
You were my sister

You were my friend
But I forgot that I don't mean jack in the very end

I hope you are happy
And I'll wish you along
Because we both know I am too far gone

I'll stay here and wait
I'll wait till I fall
And all that is left is a memory
A memory on which you may never call

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
I don't even want to know why.

Just leave so I can burn myself
So I can destroy myself
So I can recreate myself

Then I'll wear a fake smile
Around you awhile
Your new friends I'll beguile
Thinking through the ****** trial
That feeling when you had a strand of hope only to watch it literally get stomped out in your face while you know that there was absolutely nothing you could do to prevent it. That feeling of being powerless about the one thing you care for.
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