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I get to use my Z key.
Quite a rare site to see.
A tap and a tick in the bottom left hand corner of my keyboard.
I like it.
This tapping and ticking.
Smile, dear
And let the world see
How strong and brave
You faced all the pains
You have gone through.
20W (:
A thought that pops out of my mind after having a successful open heart surgery :)
Forever be strong! ;)
Sent away from the familiar
To a place where the different are trapped
And those who are sane
Quickly fall prey to madness

“You can’t leave here”
“No you’re stuck”
“Oh you’ll be leaving soon”
No, you have to stay

The games they played
Took their toll
And soon I became
*A damaged soul
There once was a boy who had no friends.
He had no life, and whatever fun he had, had disappeared.
His sole lingered.......looking for joy, satisfaction.
Where did he go?
What did he do? That's for you to write...
*He flew
One of my friend wrote this, I answered it. I didn't mean for it to sound the way it does, but it fits.
Reading Harlon's
words about a sweet
bird's song of dreams
of a garden soon grown
is like listening to
the wise old gnome
singing his song about a
sad-eyed lady from the lowlands.

r ~ 5/19/14
When I look into the mirror,
i dont know what i should see
my reflection is unclear
should i see the younger me?

The days have come and gone
the years have flown by
now its time to say bye dad, by mom
you've given me the tools i need to fly

When i look into the mirror,
i see myself for who i am
a young man full of excitment and fear,
but dont worry sir, madame

This is not a farewell,
but a thank you
it's a new chapter for me to excel
without you two i wouldn't know what to do

I love You Mom
I Love You Dad
mom, thanks for being so calm
dad, thanks for teaching me to add

When i look into the mirror,
i know what i see
something i know won't disappear
the love you have for me...
So I'm graduating soon and this is my ode to my parents at a beat night my school is having. Its also my first poem in quite sometime, and the first one I actually really want to share
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