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ShadowMan24h Jan 2015
When I was born
I was dropped on hell's porch
Though no one quite new it yet
I was Satan's new pet
Even though I was doomed from the start
I acted as though I still contained a heart
My soul has been gone from the beginning it's true
My being born should only be booed
No one can love me for I am nothing
Nothing but a shell that has long been rotting
ShadowMan24h Jan 2015
Never in my wildest dreams
Will I ever be happy it seems
For I have gone through hell
And have never heard heaven's bell
No one can ever truly love me
For I hold a demon that no one sees
Everyone will eventually leave
From me, themselves they will cleave
For I cannot imagine a world filled with happiness
For I am the one who can never truly rest
Until I am buried six feet in the cold ground
Will I ever be able to actually rest, safe and sound
ShadowMan24h Jan 2015
I promise
That you'll be okay
I promise
That you'll make it through today
I promise
I'll be here forever
I promise
I'll let you go never
I promise
That I will stay by your side
I promise
I'll be with you through this tough ride
I promise
That I will always love you
I promise
Because it's all I can do
Voices, voices all around
don't you also hear the sounds
the voices yelling, screaming at me
"why don't you just end it, just leave"
they stay all day and keep me up at night
they say "try again till you get it right"
so I take out the bottle of pills from my drawer
and hope ill be in pain nevermore
but than at the end they're still around
"your so weak you would leave your friends crying on the ground"
I try and run I try and hide
no matter where I go they live inside
so I made a decision to end it all
because I've hit rock bottom no where left to fall.
ShadowMan24h Jan 2015
If you have never met me
Trust me you don't want to
And even those who have met me
Still do not know me
Because all that I am deep down inside
Is a fiery demon
Waiting to open his eyes
To hell I have been
And still have yet to return
This demon rests inside me
His mind overtaking my own
And when people say that they are strong
Strong enough to see the real me
I merely scoff and unleash my demon
And sure enough they all flee
Is it my strength
Or is it my weakness
This demon I hold
Deep inside of me
ShadowMan24h Jan 2015
When you can't sleep
Well you can't dream
When you can't dream
Well what's life mean
-Hollywood Undead
  Jan 2015 ShadowMan24h
Austin B
You continue to exemplify everything beautiful in this world
The heavens above exalting a thousand trumpets
Symphonies hailing from the mountains,
Her intoxicating smile glistening, biting my lip in allusion.

Your eyes unimaginably delicate,
Thinking of you, a piano chorus dwindling on repeat.
Your bashful beauty,
Alway makes rainy days come to a hault.
So much wrong in this world,
Pressure, decisions and guilt,
And I am just here admiring you.

Everytime I look at you,
My lump heart skips a beat.
Clenching my sweaty hands,
I have seen you a million times before
But you mesmerize my love struck mind.
Every inch of you, impeccable and unchangeable.
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