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Packing my life into little boxes
Did I forget something?
I caress parts I can't take with me.
People, cats, bed are staying.

It's 2,000 miles away
What I wanted but also not.
They'll be there for a phone call,
but still far out of eye shot.

And I know that it's time.
I've done all I needed here.
Time to go, so why cry
When it's time to disappear?

The suitcases are full.
Soon to go out the door.
I'm left feeling hollow.
I've left my fears on the floor.
 Feb 2016 Sergio MP
phil roberts
She cries tears of mother's ruin
"Look at me!
It's been so hard
All of my life
And I've had to fight
For my own patch of light
Still, no-one ever looks at me"

He turns his eyes to the floor
Saying nothing
Feeling stupid
And his words burst like bubbles in his mouth
He is desperate to say something
Anything to make her happy
But he cannot turn disappointment
Back into youthful optimism
Or bitterness back to hope
As she sinks into smeary sobs
Wet and bleary loss
He takes her home

He undresses her and puts her to bed
Then he holds her as she cries
And he holds her as she sleeps
He hushes her when she stirs
And calms her when she starts and cries out
When the dreams become too real
And he shall never be more than this
Never more fulfilled
Caring for her is his only purpose
Making her happy is his holy grail
Willingly trapped within her pain
He is nothing else at all

                               By Phil Roberts
A different kind of valentine
 Feb 2016 Sergio MP
Dawn King
In September some years ago
I drove through Wyoming
Chasing the sun to California

I stopped over in Cheyenne
Breathing in her energies
The sign was 4 large crows

I had been there in oil painted
With one uniquely like me
While the messengers arose

And in the winter time letters
As awareness to the soul ID
Ascends to its peak

From one time traveler
To another I wrote,
“And one day we will meet in Cheyenne”
 Feb 2016 Sergio MP
Max Eastman
FLAME-Heart, take back your love. Swift, sure
And poignant as the dagger to the mark,
Your will is burning ever; it is pure.
Mine is vague water welling through the dark,
Holding all substances--except the spark.

Picture the pleasure of the meadow stream
When some clear striding naked-footed girl
Cuts swift and straightly as a gleam
Across its ***** ambling and aswirl
With mooning eddies and soft lips acurl;

Such was our meeting--fatefully so brief.
I have no purpose and no power to clutch.
Gleam onward, maiden, to your goal of grief;
And I more sadly flow, remembering much,
Yet doomed to take the form of all I touch.
 Feb 2016 Sergio MP
Sara Teasdale
If I must go to heaven’s end
Climbing the ages like a stair,
Be near me and forever bend
With the same eyes above me there;
Time will fly past us like leaves flying,
We shall not heed, for we shall be
Beyond living, beyond dying,
Knowing and known unchangeably.
"I Love You"
He said to her
She looked at him
with fear in her eyes
"Why does that scare you so much?"
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: February. 10, 2016 Wednesday 8:01 PM
 Feb 2016 Sergio MP
Star Gazer
 Feb 2016 Sergio MP
Star Gazer
"He could not dance",
That was what he was told,
And given a chance,
He might have nothing to behold.

It didn't stop him from trying,
Because upon the dance floor,
He felt as though he was flying,
A bird without wings yet could soar.

To afraid to look a fool, he took classes,
Where he was sat between other dancers,
Attention aroused by female asse....glasses,
He found his one true calling, the answer.

He went upon the floor in stride,
Holding every piece of him up high,
And with every inch of pride,
He let out an ensemble of moves without try.

So if they ever said he could never dance,
Best believe that if he was given a chance,
He could make tears roll down faces,
By the way his body move and paces.

So don't let people define what you can,
Or can't do.

before a golden
bowl she stands
crystal sceptre
in her hands
exquisite form
bone china face
possessed of
perfect poise
and grace
hair so fine
lustrous, rich
like cornsilk platinum
to bewitch
eyes of wisdom
seas untold
revealing naught
but deepest
encrusted sheath
shows hips that flare
diaphemous sleeves
lift with the air
oval jaw
cheekbones strong
her lips move
in elvish song
what does she know
that lights her eyes
but sadness fills her
as she sings
she can't possess
The one
mistress of
the wooded lands
before a bowl
she casts her spell



(C) 12/30/2015
all rights protected

as a child i was fascinated by
JRR Tolkien
especially with the elves

was one of my favorite characters
beautiful beyond compare
wisdom profound as oceans

i wanted to be like her
but in my humanity
could not

yet i
His Voice Or Mine

With his kiss upon your lips
As you close your eyes
Do you think about the life we had
Or the new life he provides

Do his hands caress your body
The ways that mine once did
Does his touch give you pleasure
Like only I could give

Do you see true love in his eyes
Like the love I had for you
Will your heart beat just as fast
As when I walked in the room

Does the memory of him fill your days
Is our memory lost in time
And as you sleep within your dreams
Do you hear his voice or mine

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
One of my favorite poems.
If you like, please share.
My friend cut his hair.
Many weeks ago.
His hair was long,
But now it's short,
Much shorter than before.

My friend cut his hair.
It's softer to the touch.
I pat his head,
A gentle tap,
He didn't like it much.

My friend cut his hair.
It used to hide his eyes.
I see them both,
Like pretty jewels,
No longer in disguise.

My friend cut his hair.
It makes him different now.
His eyes light up,
His smiles are warm,
As warm as he'll allow.
A friend of mine used to have long, shoulder-length wavy hair and he got a haircut just before the summer holidays. I saw his new, much-shorter haircut in person a few days ago, and the change was so great I couldn't help making a tribute to it. A transition like that can really change a person.
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