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Kay Fischbach
24/M/Switzerland    Confused and Unhappy
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
24/F/NY    inner peace
Anne M
"We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken."--John Green
..    :)✨️
minnesota    Look for the helpers
22/F    Here to talk to myself through poetry. Thank you for joining my adventure :)
Ciel De Verre
18/Cisgender Female/England    Another teenager merely seduced by the nature of Poetry.
19/F/~ look behind you    "memento mori"
eleanor prince
Australia    may light ignite - where shadow sits alone - tell me what you sense - when etchings raw you read - and how my exploits …
40    I'm Indian, but my ancestors/forefathers were Mesopotamian , Middle Eastern /Arabian. I was born in Nigeria,( Western Africa) grew up in South Africa and currently …
New York    My name is Synne (you can pronounce it like "Sin" since it's difficult to otherwise explain). I was born in Tromsø, Norway-- but I now …
M/Constantly Roaming    I started writing in 2015. I love poems that carry powerful words, able to reach others. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you’ll enjoy my …
my head    she / they <3
Seranaea Jones
Polaris Miedema
32/F/Gouda(NL)    From the Netherlands. Born on 12-02-92. Grown a lot from my time on this earth. A passionate fighter, sensitive and in survival mode. Wanting to …
Ken Pepiton
76/M/Pine Valley CA    This is an artform from the future, LONGFORM, it becomes a novel on Proustian scope, to be read six ways, min, Latest, Popular or Alephbethical, …
19/F/INDIA    A chubby face with bold eyes, Sometime I'm mad sometime I'm nice. A simple being with less expectations, Believe in long life love then short …
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