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’Tis little I—could care for Pearls—
Who own the ample sea—
Or Brooches—when the Emperor—
With Rubies—pelteth me—

Or Gold—who am the Prince of Mines—
Or Diamonds—when have I
A Diadem to fit a Dom—
Continual upon me—
Infamous one  May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Not trying to argue
Or fight with stubborn
Set in their ways
Causing frustration in the way
Avoid them and pray
No time for rude and crude
Not alike working to better my situation
Not looking for a hand out
Willing to lend a helping hand
Writing helps with sanity
Venting hoping to relate
Babu kandula May 2014
A glimpse of you makes me happy
A Simple gesture can heal me
A smile can hijack my heart
A silence can break my heart
Your words are encouraging
Your scent can make me search for you
Your feel can make me think of you
Tying myself to your shoe laces
And became part of your journey all the time
i co uld be somet hing or no thing ether way this i s ev ery th in g
Emily L Palmer Aug 2011
They warned me
it was a death trap.
They told me
it would be my demise.
That Little *******.
That beautiful,
yet powerful,
sleek, silver Spyder.

It was so ****.
The rev of the engine.
The way it purred
as we sped along. 
If only we were more
than just a glare along the highway.
The sun bouncing brilliantly
off the hood.
We would have won
so many races.
We were so fast. 
Cruising down 466.

We would have been great,
the two of us:
‘The Little *******
and James Dean.’
A poem about my all time favorite actor, James Dean, and his car that killed him, that he had named Little *******.
Diana Nov 2021
Who is someone you have let down in your life?

469. If you could go to any age in your life for a week, what age would you choose? Why?

468. Have you ever regretted meeting someone in your life? Why?

467. Who is a person in your life that you are no longer in contact with, but if you were to think about them enough you would tear up?
->Ben, Itzhel

466. What is a memory you wish you could relive again with one another?

465. Where is a place (restaurant/arcade) you want to try or visit?
->rage room

464. What is the longest time you have chewed gum for?

463. What is the weirdest gum flavor you have ever tried?

462. If you could say anything to someone you no longer talk to anymore, what would it be and why?

461. What is one of the most painful words you have heard your parent day to you?
->maybe you really are sick in the head and need a therapist, you're killing your mother, you've completely changed and I miss the girl you were weren't a burden

460. When you go on vacation, what do you look forward to most? Do you prefer cold or hot weather? Do you like to plan or wing it day by day?

459. What age do you think you would want to live until? What's the perfect age range for you?

458. What do you need to have happened to feel like you have lived a fulfilled life? family, work, travel, love, etc.?

457. What’s a fun memory from Valentine’s Day when you were in elementary school?

456. What’s the coolest or most memorable Mother’s or Father’s Day arts and crafts that you did in elementary school?

455. Have you even grown your own vegetables or fruits? If so, what was it?

454. When was the last time you went to the movies? What movie?

453. Recall the first time you tried pop rocks.

452. As a kid, what was your favorite jolly rancher flavor?

451. Who is someone that you think about from time to time wondering how they are doing since you just drifted away from one another?

450. What is a relationship (romantic, friend) that ended that you're glad ended but still hurts to think about at times?

449. What is a door that closed in your life that you were devastated by at the time but now realize was actually a blessing?

448. Would you say that you lie often?

447. What was the last lie you told? To who? Why?

446. What is your choice of sauce if you order chicken nuggets?

445. How do you like to be supported when you are sad?

444. Face one another, close your eyes, and open your eyes once you’re ready. Once both of you are staring at one another, stare for as long as you can. Then at the end describe what the experience was like.

443. What song reminds you of the other? If there isn’t one, give a song recommendation.

442. Give a compliment to the other that focuses on something you think they do not hear often?  

441. What is a time in your life you would not want to go back to?

440. What is a time in your life that you would go back to?

439. Who is a friend that you miss the way things used to be with them? What changed the dynamic?

438. If you want to get married, what is your ideal age? Why?

437. If given the option, would you be a sugar baby?

436. Who do you think is most likely to live in another country? Would you? Why or why not?

435. What color do you think of when you imagine the other person? Is there a smell, a shape?

434. Who is someone you wish you knew under different circumstances? Why?

433. Overrated, underrated, just right: chocolate chip cookies, bacon, French kisses, forehead kisses, chalk?

432. What is the most intimate thing another person has done to you?

431. What is the most intimate thing another person has said to you?

430. What is the most intimate thing you’ve done to another human?

429. What is the most intimate thing you’ve said to another human?

428. If you’ve been kissed, explain your best kiss and what made it so?

427. Describe a memory that felt like a movie scene?
->my first and second kiss

426. Is there someone in your life you wish you could take their trauma/pain away from? If so who and why (if you feel comfortable naming)?

425. Who is someone who you consider to be precious that isn’t young? Why?

424. Who is your closest friend form the opposite ***? What is it about that that made them get this title?

423. What is the worst pain you have ever felt that wasn’t physical?

422. If you could speak any language in the world, what would it be and why?

421. Who is someone who you think has experienced the greatest amount of pain but hides it "well"? What is a misconception you have of them?

420. What is one of the biggest misconceptions you have of yourself in relation to how you think others view you?

419. Do you think you’re good person? What makes a person “good”? Why it why not?

418. Would you like to be proudest of your accomplishments or your character

417. If you could confront someone who did you ***** in your past and ask *** who would it be and why?

416. What’s the pain in me you’d most like to heal?

415. Have you ever been too scared to admit your growing feelings towards someone? What stopped you?

414. How would you describe falling in love with someone to an 80yo vs a 7yo?

413. What do you tend to think of as you wake up and lay in your bed in the morning?

412. What’s a kink of yours?

411. How has this week went week because of (you) something you said or did?

410. What do you want me to tell you that you feel you can’t say to yourself?

409. What is a movie or book ending that stayed with you?

408. How would you describe the feeling of sunlight and moonlight on your skin?

407. Do you like the sun or moon more?

406. How do you know you’re alive and not just by your ****** functions?

405. What color do you think of when you imagine a unicorn, bird, heart, fear, lollipop?
-> white and light purple, blue, red, black, red

404. What was your last memory from your childhood that you were reminded of recently?

403. Would you be a top or bottom?

402. What kind of shampoo do you use?

401.  How often do you shower?

400. Does assurance work?
-> depends. Sometimes it’s needed to help boost, other times its like a drug you need another hit
-> a behavior or action never happens once

399. What are your unique values that you bring to relationships?
-> thoughtful, kind, wonderful lover, goes out of your way to those you live, loyal, good conversationalist (feed the relationship with your mind)
->Knowing your value won’t change when challenged by the other’s external achievement and you won’t need to be reassured

398. Have you met a person that has challenged your mind intellectually? How many?

397. When was the last time you went to bed hoping that you’d not wake up?

396. Do you ever wonder how you came to be attracted to a physical look? What makes someone attractive to you physically? Is it conditioning? What if our desires were purely constructed for us?

395. When was the last time you felt proud of yourself? What was the context?

394. Who has made you cry the most painful tears in your life?

393. What is something someone struggled with around you and you didn’t know how to help?

392. What are you struggling with?

391. What is something that always makes you angry when you think about it?

390. When was the last time you cried? What was it about? We’re you alone? Did you want someone?

389. What is your favorite and why: earth, fire, water, wind?

388. What is your favorite vegetable?

387. What is your favorite fruit?

386. Do you have someone you would call in the middle of the night for emotional support?

385. When was a time you said I love you and regretted it the most? When was a time you said it and didn’t mean it the most?

384. How many times have you peed in a pool?

383.  How do clams reproduce?

382. What color of you think of when you think of the ocean? Blue, green, or both?
Graff1980  Jul 2020
Untitled 466
Graff1980 Jul 2020
I lost Jupiter
in a crumpled notebook,
as my pale white
queen of the night
passed me by
and got on with her life,

and my sweet potato,
fellow fairy poet
has long since
Don’t I know it.

I’ve parted ways
with many friends
who will not
message me again,
and I miss each of them.

As they go,
so do I
from these sites
as tiny bits
of my poetics
are divested
then invested
in friends that
discard the heart
I handed them.

I wonder
if they remember me
or if I was just
a passing word fancy,
indulged and forgotten
in less than a breath.
McKenna M  Jun 2012
My Friend.
McKenna M Jun 2012
1 year, 3 months, 10 days until the end.
What keeps you glued together strong my friend?
Who keeps you company in the night?
When all you feel is the wind's bite.

Who keeps you going when it gets rough?
Who helps you up when it gets tough?
Is there someone you depend on?
Has everyone not willing, gone?

Why is it that you do not cry?
Have you never had a loved one die?
It's the toughest thing imaginable.
Well, I think you're incredible.

You're so modest, you're so nice.
Even if you beat me up once or twice.
466 days until the end.
Will you keep me strong, my friend?
Graff1980  Apr 2020
Untitled 466
Graff1980 Apr 2020
I am a twenty-first century
futuristic entity,
silly space oddity
that has been cruising down
this cosmic avenue.

It used to be me traveling
but one thing led to another
and I found me a true lover
under the milky way
that made me want to
change my spaceman ways.

We shared trippy passions,
stripped stars of their hydrogen gasses
as floating bodies whizzed passed us.

We were like nuclear fire
as we consumed and recycled
undulating waves of desire.
The perfect big bang
doing our thang
and we were expansive.

Dangerously in love,
she played me like ping pong
then like all the other
spiraling galaxies
moved on.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2020
What is going on with this site?
Something just doesn't feel right
The views and notifications seem to have gone on a diet
Most works are now left hanging in the one shines on them a light
This is damaging and demotivating even to the ******* loyalists of this site
Whatever be the should at the earliest be sorted out.. 'Coz frankly this treatment of poets just ain't right
Vic  Nov 2020
Note 466:
Vic Nov 2020
I'd stay with you forever
An eternity seems nice
I'd take your tired mondays
Or any tired day, to be honest
I'd listen to you talk for ages
Even when I won't understand
I'd like to stay with you a bit
Just a while would be okay
I'd like to be with you sometime
Because the world is cuel and vile
I'd like to call you mine
It would make the world less ugly
A poem every day

— The End —