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Damian Murphy Jun 2016
There are many people clearly
Who dislike Michael O Leary
And his company Ryanair
Who offer flights abroad, low fare.
I have to say I am a fan,
I have great respect for the man
For how he built the company
And boosted our economy.
When with Ryanair I have flown
Very few problems have I known.
What I pay for is what I get;
The have never let me down yet!
And they are always improving
With passenger numbers proving
Many like to fly Ryanair
Despite all the bad press out there.
Let's give credit where it is due,
To Ryanair and Michael too.
Ryanair is undoubtedly
A great Irish success story.
Alicia  Dec 2015
Alicia Dec 2015
it's soaring through flaming green hills
your heart races with the curiosity of discovery
it's dancing on a secluded mountaintop
with the drunken energy of a motorino zipping.
it's the endless time spent laughing
lips tingling with wine and philosophy
furiously awaiting l'autobus
and saying basta to the pasta.
the hazelnut aroma of hot cappuccini,
and suddenly you have the bravery
to get lost alle tre in Trestevere.
it's watching sunrays part mountains and Corinthian columns
and sparkling on salty waters
and you inch toward the edges of cliffs
just to catch a glimpse.
it's the comfort of friends and Nutella
when Ryanair lands and Rome becomes Home
and life, and death, and carbs follow you.
it's the homeless and the hungry
sleeping in the strong arms of St. Peter
and disappointment and shame
consumes you.
it's sobbing when you are alone,
foreign, and strange
and sobbing when it's time to say
it's when you fall, your stupid heel caught between cobblestones
that you realize you're in love.
motorino - scooter/vespa
l'autobus - bus
basta - enough
alle tre - 3:00 a.m.
Trestevere - nightlife neighborhood of clubs, bars, and restaurants
St. Peter - St. Peter's Basilica/The Vatican
arrivederci - goodbye
Molly  Mar 2018
Molly Mar 2018
Your standard suburban background,
row after row of identical
pebble-dashed houses.
Names made up by the council.
Applewood. River Valley. Manor.

Control-V town, with cheap rent,
public housing, the occasional
café desperate to gentrify
and the same shopping centre
as everywhere else in Europe.

You argue like a gang member –
everyone here does. Except
when you’re at home
and back in your immigrant tongue.
The white noise is honey to me.

Watching planes fly from the airport –
magic in this urban wasteland.
You buy me chips with extra vinegar.
Love pours out from my throat,
slick and rainbowed like an oil spill.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Ryanair owner Michael O’Leary
is a prominent backer of the remain.
   Blarney Blarney Blarney.
    Irishmen and Irish women want what
    is worse for the English and this year
  being the 100 anniversary of the Rising,
we are particularly venomous towards you.

Beware of of the rogues with the brogues.


"Burn everything British except their coal”

                                                  Eamon De Valera.
Simon Piesse Jun 2022
Dear Don Alberto
Flamboyant Octogenarian
To a pair of weather-beaten families on the Camino
And to Backpacker Bridget from Granada via Barnsley
And to all who seek shelter from the Galician downpours
You sound
Like an Angel
As you hold aloft your otherworldly radio
And play for us Tina Turner’s
Simply the Best
On happy repeat.

Dear Don Alberto
With your doggy entourage
To a bunch of Ryanair Refugees on the Camino
And to uber cool Bridget naturalised Granadina don’t mention Barnsley
And to all who seek sanctuary from the Galician heatwaves  
You taste
Like a rustic slice of empanada
Rich deep and
Eternally replenishing itself.

You weren’t ever on our map
Don Alberto, were you?
The ID cards you offer up for inspection
Make us laugh at the farce of our controls and borders.

And so
To us make-shift pilgrims on the Camino
You show us how to journey properly
Dancing the salsa
On every roundabout.

Simon Piesse
This by our recent experience of doing a pilgrimage with 4 children.  First in hopefully a series. Feedback welcome!
John Bartholomew Sep 2019
I look, we all do, how much are you worth?
No really, how much?
That car, finance?
That house, inherited?
That holiday, a friends villa?
That flight, Ryanair?
I'll carry on judging until I am corrected
And it is what it is as I rightly suspected
Your as rich as me, it's just a smoke screen and a false front
No wonder they say what they say as you really are a ####
I'm happy with what I've got and not living like the encore
As I can get on with this life and live with being poor

Ryan O'Leary Mar 2020
All flights into Ireland to
be banned due to the risk
of overseas passengers
bringing the Coronavirus.

         Shane Ross
Minister for transport


It is essential that Aer Lingus
& Ryanair, which bring 10.8m
overseas visitors a year to this
island are protected.

       Leo Varadkar
   Irish Prime Minister.
Made redundant
knocked out of the game
because a virus whose name
is on the tip of my tongue
fired its bullets from the
viral gun
and killed the economy,

not really
but wounded and now
missing in action

I went missing in Acton once
but that's another tale.

Hope is on hold
a bit like Ryanair and

you know things will resume
but you want your money now.
ps Ryanair, I'm a fan, got any freebies?

— The End —