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As I sit here and stare into nothingness,
I feel your warmth beside me,
Even if you're not here,
Even if you might not exist,
I feel your presence and it calms me down.
Your chest against mine,
my hands around your waist,
my lips on your lips,
and my heart intertwined with yours.
I may never have the pleasure to meet you,
I may never deserve to greet you,
but in my mind I can create my own faith,
and my faith lays with you, my princess in distress.
I want to help you mend,
give you time to heal,
and make you smile from the moment you wake till you fall sound asleep.
You're my everything, but I might always get nothing.
You're my dream, but dreams don't always come true.
You may not wait for me, I can't expect you too either
It might be too late, it might be my faulth.
Have you ever had that feeling of being inadequate?
Feeling like nothing is ever going to change? Same old, same old.
You want things to change, but they never do.
It makes you sicker and sicker for each passing minute.
That's exactly how I feel, and how do you keep you hopes up, your mood or anything for that matter?
Of course there is a lot to be grateful for, but when you are feeling so down, so hopeless, so alone and like such a failure... it's hard to appreciate anything at all.

It's all my faulth, because there is so much more I can do.
I just feel like I don't have the energy,  guts or confidence to try, and feeling like that only backfires on me.

How do I get the strength to be who I am, do what I want and live as I lust, in a world that tells us who we should be, how we should look, how we should think and tells us how we should live?
People who are able to do that, are one of the courageous people in the world.

We're lucky enough to be able to live as good as we do, and then we make stress for ourselves on things that don't really matter.
You have to do this or that to look pretty and stay young as long as possible.
We create needs that weren't even there to begin with.
We make them life essentials, when they're really far from it.

It's a ****** up world that kills the freespirited mind and makes us all live in cages.
Cages where everything is already decided, and if you don't measure up, then you fail as a humanbeing.
The truth is you fail more following the norm. You fail more not following you heart.
You fail more not seeing the world as it is, and doing what you can to make a difference.
You fail yourself being a coward. You fail your life. You fail the world.
You fail.

If you really feel like a failure, reflect upon how you are living your life and analyze if you are living for you, or for those who want to hold you captive...
The minute you stop just blindly following the crowd, is the minute you stop failing and start succeeding.
Emma  Nov 2019
Emma Nov 2019
Maybe it's okay we not been
Maybe it's okay we not
Maybe i was press too tightly
maybe i was blind, not yours
maybe we some kind of different
maybe i should stop to dream
maybe i should find my place now
maybe, maybe, maybe
maybe all was just a fantasy
maybe i should open eyes
maybe you was not enough for me
maybe was am I
maybe i should staying quiet
maybe i should stop
maybe i should stop so hard to trying
maybe i should stop to ask regard
maybe all it was my dreaming
maybe i was not in yours
maybe we some kind of different
maybe it's all my efforts
why i try so hard to move a stone
maybe i should to give in
maybe i should say good bye forever
maybe i should stop to search
maybe never was in your eyes
maybe your eyes someone else's
maybe all it's just imaginary
maybe i was blind
maybe i, for you was funny
maybe i was funny guy
maybe i was jest for using
maybe i was just a fool
maybe all my feels and dreaming
maybe it's just all my faulth
maybe it's again my intuition
maybe it is blind
maybe i should stop to thinking
maybe i should stop to wait
maybe i should stop to beeing your some kind of toy
maybe i will strike all dreamings
maybe i will strike all words
which i whispered to my pillow
when i want to hold your mores
when i need you most
maybe all is just illusions
maybe i should to be real
maybe i will to be waiking, from that funny dreams
maybe it is time to leaving, maybe it is time to move, maybe it is time when my heart is healing,
maybe this is will deserve,
maybe i will stop to waiting fooly,
for your silly love

— The End —